What's a fluffy? And more importantly, what is Not a fluffy?

*Genetically engineered biotoy
*horse-like in some manner(even if it’s simply one feature such as hooves,mane,muzzle)
*Lack of intelligence and naivety to some degree( learning/intellectual growth is fine)
*Fluff-Speak(they should have an odd cadence to speech)
*Easily excitable(to an annoying degree in some examples)
*Awkward and fragile(Easily hurt,but not necessarily to a cartoonish degree)
*Affectionate and overly reliant on love, physical contact, and attention
*Loves Spaghetti(or pasta in general)

This was the baseline I gathered about fluffies from reading comics, stories, and the posts of veterans and those who have been here far longer than I. But as I went on to take in more of the medium on this site, I have since decided that there isn’t a definitive list that decides what a fluffy is or isn’t. Every single person has their own take on the little guys, with a mix of the above, some missing, some there, and with their own additions and details.

In truth, I simply think that there are so many people who enjoy the hobby that making a broad definition isn’t truly possible. But for offshoots, like anthros, new subtypes,ect, I say it’s a case by case basis, with the artist’s intent being taken into consideration combined with whether or not it feels like a fluffy. :heart:

…unless they’re hot of course…


You’ve inadvertently brought up something that a lot of people seem to complain about.
I’ve had people coming to me and complaining that Horny Comments are making up most of their feed, lately.
While there’s a time and a place for horny comments and horny art, it’s starting to get a little bit Beyond the Realm of Decorum.

I won’t single anyone out, but I would ask that we all reign in the horny comments, please.


100% agree
I have noticed an influx in thirsty comments lately(in self reflection I am not entirely innocent in this either).


I stil consider fluffies as broken bio toys whose programming and development were never finished.
More akin to very dumb replicants if anything.
With all the other variants kitsune, bread, micro, being all off shoots of the same gene splicing.

What i wonder the most is, what exactly makes an anthro fluffy. a fluffy.
Anthro fluffies at best, are rather ill defined.
Beyond fluffspeak and a possible backstory not much separates them from normal anthro.


Upon checking for myself it seems it WAS Owl who originally brought up the question directly in an Guodzilla’s comments. At least, that was when it was publicly first addressed albeit in a non-attacking manner, to my knowledge, but it still singles out one artist. I don’t have an issue with the topic being brought up for comment, but doing it on a specific post instead of in the open like this does really seem to single out that artist, even if it wasn’t the intention.

I shall now be leaving the anthro group, lmao.

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There are a few things I had not touched on earlier that I will do so now.

Without directly responding to a specific person, I know enough people who consider fluffies to be “animals marketed as a biotoys”, which is something I consider when making my official definition. Fluffies have been depicted as coming out directly from the lab, or having a natural birth, and some people have fluffies have very animalistic behaviour, while others do have them be very programmed. It varies between different people.

I am one of those people who never liked the preprogrammed headcanon, nor do I like to restrict my fluffy depictions to having them be preprogrammed. Its something I mentioned in the Fluffy intelligence topic, and I am raising it here because depicting fluffies as if they’re scripted or have specific responses limits their potential for character and identity development. Of course, some would argue “that’s the point”, but I would argue that it limits innovation for the genre.

One artist who I’ve always expressed a love for is Waggytail, and Waggytail has on many occasions depicted fluffies having a general sense of curiosity, like in this case of fluffy Rainbow Dash being interested in lightning. If the fluffy was pre-programmed as in, following a script or a specific programming) the dash fluffy should arguably be more afraid of the lightning, or depict some other scripted response. Curiosity is not something that can be preprogrammed. It’s a very sentient and sapient trait, and its something that many people have depicted fluffies as doing. Its similar to how Squeakyfriend’s Crazystein has been depicted as having an interest in conducting experiments. Even if you treat these depiction of fluffies as 'weirdbox", it would in my book still count as a valid depiction of fluffies as they still have “hooves”, “fluffspeak” and maintain their genetic-engineered origin.


I don’t agree with this. First, I will go by a definition of pathetic as provided by wikitionary, which states the following:

  1. Arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion; exciting pathos.
    the child’s pathetic pleas for forgiveness stirred the young man’s heart.
  2. Arousing scorn or contempt, often due to miserable inadequacy.
    you can’t even run two miles? That’s pathetic.
    you’re almost 26 years old and you still can’t hold a real job? That’s pathetic.

Of course, one could point out that I have a hugboxer bias (and yes I am a hugboxer) but I do know that many hugboxers, as well as myself, have demonstrated a genuine love and interest in fluffies. I am relating this to people like Gowdie, Coalheart, Waggytail and Marcusmaximus, who have all depicted fluffies as being loveable and unique in varying degrees, despite their handicaps. This thus contradicts the idea of scorn and contempt, which is why I disagree with a general idea of fluffies as “pathethic”.

Secondly, and related to the first definition, it is true that I have a big sympathy and empathy for fluffies in general. And one could argue that fluffies by nature of being loveable despite their deficience makes them “pathetic”, as in exciting pathos. But it is not the only measure by which I have an interest in various fluffy characters. To me, @Muffin Tumbly is not pathetic because, and despite his inadequacies, he had worked hard to inspire hope in pillowfluffs, showing how they can be happy and mobile without the need for legs. Squeakyfriend’s Crazystein is not pathetic because he is an actual scientist, even if he is working within his limitations as a fluffy character. And @Carpdime’s Avocado interested me, not because he was pathetic, but because he displayed genuine empathy and love, as well as the occasional self-awareness.

The point I am making here is that, even if fluffies demonstrates deficient mental faculties or lacking certain traits, it should not mean that they “all” have to be seen as “pathetic”.


This is just a copy paste but I honestly don’t wanna get into this. Everyone has their opinions and head canons and that doesn’t make anyone right or wrong about fluffies because it is a community thing, not a creation of one creator who we must follow the word of strictly.

*Take a fox for example, just because you make it talk or give it more humanoid characteristics doesn’t stop it from being a fox. I feel like this whole ordeal is ridiculous.

What do I consider to be a fluffy? A man made creature made by mixing multiple animal DNA with human DNA with the attempt to make a small talking horse with intelligence that was released to the public in its early stages where it was pretty much an averagely dim witted small fluffy pony creature. How people interpret that into a visual representation should not matter.

As an anthro fox is still a fox even if you give it pink fur and wings as long as it resembles the source creature. An anthro fluff is still a fluff as long as it still resembles the source creature.*

Anyway, I do what I want and no one gonna stop me


I’ve noticed some (in some cases STRONG) comments against anthro-fluffs, and although I may not understand/agree with those opinions, neither will I engage. I may not agree with their opinions, but I will defend to the death their right to state them.


In the end no matter what ya’ll decide on people are going to be upset about it. I just ask that when you do decide you make the rule about it clear so nobody ends up getting into trouble for something being muddy.

If I had my way, I’d let anthros and subbreeds stay. I may hate them, I may not think they’re super fluffy, but they fit into the spirit of the fluffy COMMUNITY rather than the BREED. They’ve been here for years, banning them now would be an insult to us older artists.

Maybe cracking down on things that have NOTHING to do with fluffies main characteristics at most (like the dogs that people claimed were fluffies from the booru days)


Hellgrimlins should be the exception not the rule , like a dog that bites


Well. If that be the case. I’ll weigh in with an opinion or two then.

To me, a fluffy is a bioengineered chimerical creature made to vaguely resemble a character from the tv show, My Little Pony, although the resemblance to any specific character has long since fallen by the wayside.
They were initially made in a lab, escaped containment and became a common sight in the world. Their presence has also resulted in a massive change, for better or worse to society and the world around them.

Baseline Fluffies are;

  1. Small, generally between the size of a cat and a small-medium dog (The latter being my own preference)
  2. Speak with a very distinctive accent (L/R=W and occasionally V=B + TH=D “Wook Obew Dewe!”)
  3. Are generally not smart (But can grow, learn or be gifted more intelligence over time.)
  4. Come in many different colors and four ‘breeds’ (Earthy, Unicorn, Pegasus and Alicorn.)
  5. Are trying their best to live in a world that is not made for them and is more often than not, actively stacked against them. (Why I write neutralbox, the hurt makes the hugs feel more important.)

Anthros are;

  1. Generally about the size of a typical human, maybe more or less down to individual height.
  2. Always bipedal and with human like hands.
  3. Often much more intelligent than baseline fluffies and lack any noticeable accent present in their cousins.
  4. Often depicted in a semi-sexual manner or in positions that would be otherwise occupied by a human character. (Holding down a job, living in and maintaining a condo, paying taxes, revolting against the sitting government, ect.)

None of these rules for me are absolutely set in stone however. Personally, I believe that Babydoll Fluffies are still close enough to the baseline to be considered a Sub-Breed rather than Anthro, even though they check at least one of the Anthro requirements.

When I write, I write about things I find interesting within the lore and scope of the community. I write fluffy stuff because its fun, and because I like exploring the lore and expanding on cool ideas I’ve seen and enjoyed. I enjoy the idea of offshoots, sub breeds and Anthros as much as I enjoy baseline fluffies.

I just hope that things don’t eventually turn into a case where the only thing is the baseline and that any deviance or addition to that base is met with the ‘It’s not even really baseline, why are you even here’ argument.

Get enough of that bull-honky in my D&D groups, thank you very much…

Oh Jesus, rant over, gonna go lie down now… :disappointed_relieved:


Than what makes a fluffy any different from any general talking animal, if we do not have restrictions we are back to everything is a fluffy,the problem may lie in that you don’t want to write about fluffys but your own special animal you want to wrap in fluffy window dressing to post hear


Thank you very much. We may not agree, but your respect means a great deal.
I will state that I respect your talent as well.


That is the root of the problem right now there are rules everyone knows there are rules to what is considered a fluffy but no one knows what the rules are so every decision a mod makes looks arbitrary

Oh boy, got a mini I thought I read the start of a witch hunt here.


I understand enough about the history of this fandom that I think that’s the absolute last thing we should want.

I was gonna say the only anthrofluff i’ve ever really liked was the psychic one overwhelmed with the agony of the species, i forget who did that one but it was pretty cool. Wish i could remember who did it.


Not that someone like me has much of a say but…

It has got out of hand in some ways. Fox fluffies, bread fluffies, garden fluffies. In the case of Anthro, while I like furry stuff as much as the next guy, they strike me as horse furs with low intelligence, not fluffies.

IMHO, the requirements should require them to walk on all fours, have pony like stature and characteristics (hooves/tail), speak in some semblance of fluffspeak (at least some of the time), and most importantly, have colorful fluff. The backstory seems to be pretty much agreed upon.

While I admire some of the creatively, I honestly think the line between “fluffy pony” and “creative liberty” is a pretty defined one.

That said, ultimately like what you like and don’t be a dick.


In this case I disagree with you. Even many of the folks you mention use fluffies perceived pathetic-ness, though I think they use it as a means of subverting expectations.

Most of us would, and usually do, assume fluffies in Tumbly’s situation would be miserable. 99% of the time they would be right to assume that. Working against that assumption, against the inherent trait of being pathetic, is what makes those disabled fluffies inspiring/rewarding to read about.


I get where you’re coming from, and I do agree with you in regards of some of those folks. Muffin, Marcusmaximus, Coalheart and Waggytail all did depict fluffies as “exciting pathos” hence the term “pathetic” but in the more positive meaning of inciting “sympathy and empathy” out of the reader. And I do agree that there is some reward to reading stories about working against assumptions and the supposed inherent trait of being “pathetic”.

Perhaps a much better example then would be @Pinkyfluffy. I do really mean it when I say that I don’t see his fluffies as being “pathetic”. Pinkyfluffy has often depicted fluffy versions of various well-known properties, and while on can see it as cute and even weirdbox, that doesn’t mean its pathetic. When I look at his work on depicting fluffies in his native Italy, or his rather controversial picture of a fluffy parent saving a foal from a “foal to sketti” machine, I don’t see a fluffy being pathetic. It could be argue that Pinkyfluffy did the latter pic as a response to the general depiction of fluffies being pathetic in most canons, but due to how unique Pinkyfluffy’s own fluffies and depictions are, I wouldn’t consider his particular canon as revolving around that approach. And there are one or two others who have their own unique take on non-pathetic fluffies, but many have been chased out in the past because they dislike the approach, or are too “beholden” to expectation. Again, its the reason why I don’t believe in keeping a trait of “patheticness” as necessity.

In my mind there are a few core characteristics to a fluffy

  1. They were originally created by Hasbio through genetic engineering and look vaguely horse-like
  2. They can speak but have a lisp
  3. They are around the size of a small dog or a large cat
  4. They were released into the wild before they were completed which means they have some defects
  5. They were designed with certain preprogrammed responses
  6. They have at best the intelligence of a toddler
  7. Surviving can be a struggle for them ( Part of this is because they are small creatures at the whims of nature and men, part is because they are incomplete creations.)

Anthros have always struck me as their own separate thing. I’m having a hard time articulating it but to me it seems that while they still have some characteristics of the creature they’ve lost too many of the core characteristics.

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