What's a fluffy? And more importantly, what is Not a fluffy?

I’m cooking up just such a fluffy antagonist, that will hopefully still be recognizible as a fluffy.

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It is precisely in this aspect that the confusion of many regarding anthros enters, as they say above, what identifies a fluffy more than anything is their way of interacting with the world, a world that is not made for them, so Seeing an anthro in VERY human situations directly makes us relate it to the furry. An anthro going to school in a uniform and everything? Divorced? Living situations that are too human? It is clear that a fluffy is not an animal even if it looks like it, then, an anthro is not a human either even if it tries to look like one … Unless it directly becomes furry.

I think that the key here is not to make anthros live situations of this type, since we must remember that they are bio-toys, trying to adapt an anthro too much to the human world, in things that it should not directly understand, makes it get out of that label.

It’s like what many have commented about trans fluffies: Why try to reflect something so deep and complex even for us in a little living toy shaped like a horse and a tiny brain?

It is just my opinion based on what I have seen, no offense, since before entering here I had no preconceptions about fluffys, I am only offering my point of view.


More importantly, are Yukkuri Fluffies? :grinning:

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In my opinion, yukkuri are absolutely Not fluffies, though they seem to share a similar root.

I’d say that pre-programmed is an issue. Maybe real Hasbio fluffies straight from the lab, but there’s too much content that this look at and ask, “who the hell would program THAT?!”

There has to be a point where it falls off, IMO. Like a VHS copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. Otherwise successful ferals couldn’t be. Or the murdering rapist hellgremlins like Crimson go up in smoke.

I’d also say that the genetic mishmash they have is probably more important. It allows for variation in a number of things but also why something might be exceptional from the perspective of writing or art. I got snippy with one person who was criticizing Swiftbitches’ fluffies for not being “enough like a fluffy.” Hell, my own fluffies look like freaking muppets. Bad Roomie’s little monsters are adorable but an outsider would never think they were supposed to be the same species as what Carpdime draws.


I think it helps make the topic more approachable to be honest. Writers like @Stwumpo and @BFM101 use fluffies to write about humans and human situations. Start Trek did a good number of stories about real world issues but used the sci-fi aspect of the show to take a few steps back and make it less immediately defensive for people… So people might think about it instead of having a knee jerk reaction.


Well, the core story of the “Fluff YuNiverse” centers on a Yukkuri Tribe trying to survive in a world where they are horribly outnumbered by Fluffies. It’s kind of like how a zombie movie isn’t really about the zombies.


I’m dumb, so I can’t see what the underlying issue is.

Like, it’d be very easy to tell what is an anthro fluffy to me.

My definition of an antrho would be any piece of pre-existing fluffy media, altered to be humanoid in appearance. It should be that simple. Precedence is a legal term, so, logically it can be applied here.

What isn’t anthro fluffy content?

I don’t know where the hard cutoff point is between anthro fluffy and explicitly furry is, but it probably is found between enf and yiff.


I’ve seen what you create. There are plenty of fluffy stories in what you’re doing. Keep on keeping on.

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All anthro fluffies are shit, the only thing that makes them a “fluffy” is that they’re basically retarded.


That is true, but I wanted to comment on it because it is something that I notice a lot when someone proposes to draw or write a story of that type, there are many who manage to adapt it well and the viewers enjoy it, including myself, but for many others it feels as if fluffys got out of context on those topics, I can’t blame them, even if I like what they’re trying to capture.


Honestly, there doesn’t seem to be a very substantial line between an anthro fluffy and your garden variety furry. The only possible distinctions between AF’s and plain furries would be that they a) have a fluffspeak impediment and behavior corresponding with that of average fluffies and b) is recognized as a fluffy in their universe. Otherwise, there’s just no anatomical difference.


EX: That’s a fluffy anthro in an extreme outlier case. It’s still valid fluffy content.

And as a qualifier of what makes a fluffy, the hivecanon origin story of them being bio engineered creations of Hasbio doesn’t hold much merit, considering that it is barely relevant to most fluffy works. You could say that a fluffy in a work originated from a spiteful god or what have you, and even if it’s not made apparent in the work itself, that’d make it less of a fluffy.


My definition: a work is “fluffy” if it is primarily centered on a headcanon in which a) a major corporation b) genetically engineered one or more c) furry quadrupeds to give them some form of d) human speech. If all 4 are covered, I would be comfortable saying that is a work is firmly fluffy-related.

Things like legal statuses, intelligence levels, spin-off “breeds,” primate-based hybrids, environmental threats, usability of horns/wings, propensity to random death, and religious implications can be built on that basis. as can (IMO, at least) things like spin-off stories that focus on non-fluffy characters that intersect said fluffy universe directly. (ie “Day Off” spin off stories for existing characters, board/engineering/town hall meetings, attempts at “spin off” products.)

tl:dr - if it’s clearly set in a universe where genetically engineered housepets can talk, I think it’s fluffy.


Fluffy VS Anthro fluffy = The same thing that makes a furry not a feral. Human like proportions. A fluffy standing on it’s hind legs is still build like midget feral fuck.

What makes a fluffy in general = Pet sized, generally low child intelligence, usually a speech impediment, origins generally from bio-engineering, fluffy and short legged, generally good spirited and innocent, generally live in herds or with humans.
You CAN break these and it still be a fluffy from meeting the other things EX: Hell gremlins, Sea fluffies, etc. So long as it fits in the general box it’s fluffy enough for me. I fucking hate subbreeds and long legged fluffies but they’re fluffy ENOUGH for me to not be pissy they’re here.

Anthros and ye olde Satyr fluffies? I always felt were quite a bit too furry but even then it’s a tag I can block. If someone’s anthro is a big fuzzy retarded horse-mutang I think it’s fluffy enough, I guess.


If the question is where the dividing line is between furries and anthro-fluffs, I was actually under the assumption that such a divide didn’t exist? Aren’t anthros just fluffy furries?

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Soo, @Virgil, I may as well step on this landmine myself since most of my stories involve at least one of these things to some degree.

Are ‘subspecies’ fluffies? Are fluffalos, cannibals, hunting friends, mutants, new-you fluffies and other such things fluffies?

What about puffy griffins, jellenhiemers or other creatures made from the same tech that fluffies were born off of? Are they ‘fluffy enough’, so to speak?

A lot of my writing features some or all of these things because I like to explore the ramifications of the existence of fluffies and the world they live in as well as fluffies themselves.

If I write a story about a puffy griffin, am I gonna get yeeted off of the site? Are my works on Infiltration and The Bestest Day of the Week something that shouldn’t be here because the cannibals are ‘not fluffy enough’? Is Gerard not a fluffy because he has a human consciousness and cybernetics, even though the rest of him is a fluffy?

And I’m not gonna lie, I’m kind of wondering if the result of this is just gonna be me being told to write baseline fluffies or fuck off…


I seriously doubt anybody will be told to “fuck off” right now.