Hold on, now you’ve made me curious.
Gonna check it out, if only to laugh a bit.
Also no, I’d rather DELET myself than have sexual intercourse with a child.
Hold on, now you’ve made me curious.
Gonna check it out, if only to laugh a bit.
Also no, I’d rather DELET myself than have sexual intercourse with a child.
led here by Cliccy Wiccy Senpai guilty as charged
i feel like ive lost my sense of humor and my imagination. we’ve been in such dire straits for so long that i’ve forgotten what fun feels like. i’m trying to learn to be silly again, to not take the world and my place in it so seriously. learn to laugh at life’s misfortunes because holy fuck im so numb i cant even cry anymore. maybe i should watch more South Park or something
i had to lurk for quite a while before i felt brave enough to contribute, and even then it was only on reddit. i need to stop guarding my self-esteem so preciously, give myself permission to be cringe bc being cringe is fun as hell from what i remember
The longer i’m active in any given community, the more nervous i get. until i finally disappear completely. I like the anonimity of using a different username, even if it’s be super easy to find me (im fine with fc ppl finding my other art, it’s having other ppl find my fluffy art that i wanted to avoid)
And when i posted that first big lore dump of my fluffified ocs i was hit with so much excitement and encouragement im pretty sure i had real actual tears in my eyes (fc users=golden retriever, fc content=scary werewolf that wants your blood) and i need to remind myself of that every time i get scared of talking to someone. i screenshotted every single one of those comments. Core Memory Acquired Babey
i thought, maybe this community could be what i need right now. and it has been, and i hope with all my cringetastic little heart that it can continue to be. Happy Little Accidents
It’s a cocktail of things that come together at once, for me, I think.
Gore and vent art, like breakingfluff said above, have always helped me avoid self harm if I’m particularly headfucked on any given day. I’ve done a lot of it here and there over the years but haven’t rally posted much of it online because I never really found a space where it felt like a good fit to do so and I didn’t want a dedicated dumping ground of all my negativity with no uptick.
Granted, I’ve got a few mental health issues (which are well managed and I’m a stable dude irl) and I’m usually drawn to darker fiction and particularly dark comedy, anyway. The more irreverent and absurd side of fluffies, even in terms of some particularly heinous shit, is funny to me.
These creatures are the very embodiment of pathetic yet earnest, dumb but determined, believing in the best even to their detriment. Hubris of mankind, consumerism, industrial horror, the absolute horrors that eugenical experimentation can unleash, cruelty and neglect of the things we have responsibility for, power dynamics-- Fluffies can be and are a vehicle for all of those subjects, and they’re good cope for frustration with those things, personal or otherwise.
The exchange of these ideas is good and so is plain old creativity. To that end, this is one of the healthiest fandoms, functionally, that I’ve been party to. Every fandom has its turds making waves (usually over social politics) and projected virtuousness and/or shallow edgelording on the opposite end. There’s always bullshit going down about ‘that isn’t canon’, ‘you can’t draw this or that, I don’t agree with it’, etc. It’s par for the course.
This community has its share of troubles, but the unique thing here is that this is one of very few fandoms that probably exists where most new ideas are treated equally and fairly. Everyone’s headcanon is allowed. People get excited over and adopt and credit ideas from others. Written and drawn works inspire more written and drawn works. There’s no sense of competition, or profiteering, or virtue tilting that feel disingenuous (at least not from anyone here who really matters). You don’t have to be particularly talented to have your work be enjoyed here.
You can come to this space and feel instantly welcomed, if you’re here to actually contribute. Most people here are chill as fuck, and having grown up on 4chan but also being a queer bastard irl that’s seen plenty from left and right lean spaces, everything that gets thrown around here like jokes is exactly that-- there’s no real malice in it. You can feel the fucking difference. There’s just no infantalisation, and I think people here actually feel more accepted within the space because of that. It’s honest.
Nobody here is actually romanticising any of this shit.
Fluffies at their baseline are just a dumb, poor creature that is incapable of much beyond shitting all over itself and dying without making a spot of difference to the world. They don’t have to be anything more than that. Just slapstick non-sequitur shock and dark funny.
The fact that people put such depth into them despite that and get actual catharsis from it is amazing.
To be fair it’s 2022 “pedophile” has lost all meaning and is unfortunately a generic insult for people you don’t like. It’s really fucking sad that things have gotten this bad
Okay so…
Originally I found out about Fluffies from Ifunny, i saw a meme of EgorAlexeev’s animation… Uh this one if i remember correctly and i was just so shocked by it i had to know what this little horse thing was and why was it eating a baby.
I ended up really liking Fluffies, i have no love for that MLP shit, but fluffies to me were just that, small bio-created pets, the idea was so interesting to me that i fell in love with em. Although i do write quite a bit of Abuse and the like, i do actually like these things, i don’t know why they are just cute i guess.
I hate them solely for the fact of Smartys, not Smarty-Friends mind you, those fucked up ones, the kinds that eat and enf babies, the kind that try and take over land and shit, the kind that send their herd to do other dirty work, I also hate the Bitch-Mares and Bestes’ Babbehs quite a lot as well, all for the same reason.
Mindset wise was pretty much - “Hey these little things are cool! It would be cool to have one as a real pet haha! WHY IS THAT ONE FUCKING A BABY” Yeah not the greatest introduction to the community, but i do get to share the fucked up shit with my friends who don’t like the Fluffy stuff, always gets a reaction outta them to, lol
All in all i just think most fluffies are cute and i like the idea of them, pretty simple. Also sucks i got into the community so late, would have loved to talk to @anon85059559 more as she was a massive inspiration on my stories, only ever got to say goodbye lol
People from other websites who want to paint all of us with the same brush could learn a lot from this conversation.
I doubt they will, but the information is all right there.
We are not the monsters we’re made out to be.
There’s so many stories here. All who find their way here have one, that there’s people who’d reduce so many individuals to nothing more than an offensive label is pitiful.
I remember my experience very vividly.
I was on r/sadcringe, looking at bronies being cringe. Was around early May, maybe late April of 2021.
A reddit comment caught my eye.
“This place is becoming more and more fucked up by the day, it’s not even sad anymore. It’s just genuinely awful.”
Then. The reply. The reply is what sent me down a rabbit hole.
“Well at least we aren’t as fucked up as r/fluffycommunity Dawg”
I thought it was just like… A furry subreddit. So, I clicked it.
First image I see?
A mare with her guts ripped out, organs still attached, draped into boiling water, as her newborn foals boil alive in a bowl next to her. Hooks all throughout her body, forcing her mouth into a smile.
I stared at the image. Horrified.
I instantly bailed.
The next week.
Scrolling through reddit again, I thought about that image.
“I wonder if that picture was supposed to be there? Surely the mods just missed it. And I opened it at bad timing.”
I go back to the sub.
First image I see?
A stallion on a dissection table, stomach ripped open, still alive, shitting everywhere, pissing into his own open wound, the works.
I quickly scroll past it.
Another abuse image.
And another.
Eventually I started to assume this was an mlp oc torture sub.
Then. A ray of light.
A hug box image.
A mare sleeping with a basket of foals. Happy. Calm. Colorful.
It was like I had seen the light.
Another hug box image.
And another.
I grew to appreciate the hug box side, to give me a break from the abuse. But the abuse side I learned to find interst in, to satisfy morbid curiosity.
And here I am now.
You’re my kind of people
Partly because I was depressed at the time. I had lost my job back in 2019 and I just needed some laughter, saw a video about this and thought this might help get my mind off it and now? I keep getting ideas to put to drawing or writing but right now I have a block. I HAVE the ourline for a new story but the initial framing needs to come organically so now I’m stuck.
You are a very, very sweet person, like a lot of the community is. We love your art, lore and stories. Hell, even the porn!
Honestly I think it would be a real treat to see your other artwork.
Oh I also have like… 23 stories on the back burners at the moment, a few stories i haven’t completed yet, so at this moment, y’all gonna have my fat ass round these parts for a while
I fully agree with @Star-The-Alicorn your art is fucking baller, the ocs are boss as hell, and honestly you have done a lot for me, intended and unintended, also i sweat to god if you just ghost the community one day ima cry fr fr
Shouting into the void and sorry for being a wordy cunt but to add a thought about why Fluffies is kind of the thing I chose to decompress with:
Recently I drew a thing about a microfluff in a fishbowl/terrarium being treated as an decorative and aesthetic ornament. In the comments, somebody directly identified the underlying theme therein-- it’s like when people put goldfish and betas in bowls with zero fucks given about the fish’s actual needs.
The neglect, the suffering, the indifference, and the normalisation of it is the core theme there. It’s just hyperbolic.
The reason I am probably thinking about that scenario and theme is because my neighbour recently fucked off and abandoned their cat, who I’ve taken in, had spayed. She’s very well cared for now. I fucking hate that she was mistreated and then left behind.
You goddamn idiot fucktard bitch
Don’t tell me that’s what someone told you.
You are a good person.
That poor cat deserved better and you provided.
I grew up with MLP during the 80’s. Wasn’t my thing much but they were around. Then arrived Friendship is magic (which I still haven’t seen btw) and didn’t bother much with it either. Was shown fluffle puff and heard the term fluffy. Tucked it away somewhere in the back of my mind for years until a certain swede mentioned them on youtube. The mentioning triggered a memory. I had heard that term before.
I began snooping around, found some art and stories on reddit but still to this day refuse to join. Heard about the booru. Discovered it was no longer a thing. Sulked until I found the link to the new FC. Browsed as much as I could for a day or two and then I decided - I shall join this community. Never looked back. Best decision I’ve made. It’s like a safe haven to indulge in the little shitrats/horsepigs/chimeras with others who gets it.
Can’t truly put my finger on what it is that is so compelling but I think it might be, at least to me, that they reflect so much of mankind and despite our best efforts at trying to deal with other humans it’s a neverending shitshow… so why not make it literal, figuratively speaking, with fluffies? They are naïve, sweet, loving and caring but can also be massive assholes, narcissistis, creeps and overall a massive pain in the arse. They are living all around you and you have to encounter them on an almost daily basis unless you actively avoid them by staying home.
I honestly never understood all the whining screeching and reee about fluffies.
In my opinion it’s nothing more then Happy Tree Friends, but with little talking rat horsies
which was the initial appeal for me.
And it still is.
But also the extreme juxtaposition the wild swings in content from hugbox, that will make your teeth rot to extreme abuse, and anything in between.
And off course all the loonies in the community.
The booru was a cesspit, and mostly lurked there when i first encountered fluffies in 2018.
FC on the other hand is anything but.
Ah, you fucking legend you.
I love cats and would do the same,
I’d upvote you a thousand times if i could.
I also love betta fish and had them for years.
And they were spoiled like fuck.
1 30 liter tank for 1 betta. The idea that they are fine in an itty bitty bowl is bullshit.
But i wont go down that uh fish bowl.
People ( probably the same people that screech about horrible fluffies) are way too easy about pets.
And see them just as a commodity, a thing to get rid off when it gets inconvenient.
Where I come from pets are family,
spoiled rotten( or at least care for very well )
and part of your family till the day they die , and may that die be far off in the future.