WHAT'S YOUR HEADCANON? ep6 10,000 special (by eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

This’ll be my first contribution to the site, so hello all!

  1. I think sometime around 2013/2014 I came across fluffy abuse posts on iFunny. It was super bizarre to me, and as someone who is very sensitive to blood/gore, I was surprised it didn’t bother me very much, and I’ve been lurking ever since :sweat_smile: (although I’ve never been able to find the first fluffy post I ever saw, and I’ve looked high and low)

  2. I’m still at Square One, but I’ve considered writing text posts. I have almost zero art skill, so don’t expect anything like that anytime soon.

  3. There’s a much broader variety in types of fluffies from when I first started reading the posts (which I’m a-okay with!) as well as how to abuse them. Also I’m glad to see that all the boxes have more or less gotten along. I remember when being a hugboxer was basically a big neon sign saying “punch here”

  4. I’d like to see the community grow and continue to put out quality content.

  5. Some of the most popular posts and references may come from artists who are no longer involved with the community, but have no fear; their work is saved in numerous archives, and new contributors are pushing out quality stuff as well.

Once again, hello all, and let’s have some fun!


Welcome to the site! if you want some advice try looking in the other replies on this post and make sure to look at the other episodes of WYH to help build your own headcanon! (the WTH team)

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By all means post your stories.
This place is far more open and accepting of any sort of fluffy content then the booru ever was.

  1. I found the old booru from an abuse picture while surfing through collective in IFunny one day and decided to take a looksie of what the old booru was. I stalked the old booru from time to time, but never really had interest on it since it was so damn toxic. Once the booru was shut down, the link to FC came up and decided to stalk it not really giving much thought into participating; however, the toxicity of the old booru didn’t follow suit and decided what the hell.

  2. I guess I gave the answers for this question in 1, but just came here to enjoy the fluffies.

  3. Not necessarily change, but more the lack there of. It was before the FC crash, but some people trying to dictate how someone else should write fluffies. Some may be used to being creatively restricted/closed minded but trying to tell how someone else should write their fluffy stories based on your idea of fluffies defeats the purpose of fluffies, the FC, and what effectively killed the old booru (in my opinion). To everyone that wants to dictate how someone should write fluffies based on your fluffy philosophy: Don’t. If you don’t like how someone writes fluffies, block them/ignore their content like an adult. Don’t harass them to ‘change their ways.’

  4. Eh. I have no planned future for the Community, but I do plan on making more stories if I can find the time.

  5. To our new members: Hi! Welcome to our nice little slice of fluffy hell. We have a little of everything to scratch that specific fluffy itch. If you find yourself kind of burnt out on fluffies, it is ok to take a break. Take care of yourself first and foremost, we will still be here (unless we shit ourselves into oblivion). Always save your work even when finished. And have fun.

I know three is going to catch a lot of flak, but some forget that there is no concrete headcannon/lore and is ALL fiction so everything is up for interpretation/revision.

  1. Fucking 4chan. Trawling for something to get my mind off the bullshit that is COVID in the States and Canada.

  2. The revulsion turned to interest when I thought about how open-source the idea was, like Towergirls without the fight between the supposed creator and the guy making the first game. The concept of the world was also interesting, mixing the cruelty, laziness, and wasted potential of humanity with concepts that a world slowly comes to revolve around like Pokemon or Megaman: Battle Network, but without the Fridge Horror being hidden. That and any story or canon you want to write fits. Plus, a big enough community but starved enough of content that what you produce will be consumed by at least a few people

  3. Seems writing is getting more common. More to read, what is written gets less attention. Also seems the sexy anthro interest is fading, which is unfortunate.

  4. I’m not likely to be able to steer a change. Though if people snagged my grounded ideas or overly complicated explanations, that would be cool.

  5. Reinterpret the works and worlds of others. Explain the unexplained, explore the gaps. Write something new, not just another story of a wealthy or justified oddball living by themselves torturing some random street animals. If entitlement is what you are leaning on, explore it.