when the heatwave hits remember to water your fluffies (by guritchu)

It’s an older piece but while working on stuff, I noticed it wasn’t uploaded here, so here I am fixing this mistake. Enjoy.


Its right there idiot. Just num your leg off if you really want wawas


probabIy too short sighted to chew the twine.


or too weak-jawed, it should try mewing


One of us should make a comic of a bunch of fluffies looksmaxxing :laughing: like maybe they try to chew that gum those “alpha” dudes are selling irl thats meant to work your jaw muscles and get a sharper jawline. Its really tough to chew, like straight up barely is even gum. So imagine how many teeth the fluffies would rip out trying to use it.

There’s also bone smashing, basically smashing one’s face with a hammer in hopes that the slight fractures in the cheek and jawbones will cause bone growth and change the shape of the face. Now that one is definitely one a fluffy would do lol… I still can’t believe that real life people are doing it, it seems like something we’d come up with for this community :man_facepalming:

Oh, and then theres that “jelqing” thing… I won’t be drawing any of that myself, but with what that… practice… has been doing to dudes, itd be funny to see a fluffy try it :rofl:

But like why couldn’t people have stuck with mewing ;-;


Lazy bastard hasn’t even tried drinking his own piss.



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sorry man but no
water is bad for fluffies even you should know that

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Ya see fluffy, that would require me to get up from my nice comfortable lawn chair, leave the shade of my umbrella, and my nice glass of ice water, to come scoot that bowl in your reach.

Do you understand how selfish that is? Your punishment is another hour without water.

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Wawa bad for fluffies. Doesnt he know that?

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He’s dangerously close to that dangerous water! Water is bad for fluffies! Give it a smack on that sunburned muzzle to remind it of this fact.


im so glad i moved out of the suburbs and into this shithole ghetto. no one has backyards out here so you don’t have to look at hungry and dehydrated dogs all day. i don’t know why so many people think it’s Fine ™ to shove a dog out in the hot yard with nothing but ugly grass and dirt. it’s not even malicious, i can’t count the times i tried to explain to some idiot in baby terms that living things like to eat and drink sometimes & got a very blank stare back.

and don’t get me started on the number of people that were CONVINCED that betta fish were plants and only needed that little cup of cold water to survive… didn’t even last a month working at that pet store before i threw a temper tantrum and quit

hey, that might make a funny seafluff story… some eight year old buys a seafluff for a dollar and tries to keep it in the cup lol… takes it back to the store: “mister, why isn’t my fluffy moving? what do you mean, what have i been feeding it? it’s a plant, it eats water”

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