When you try to Groom a PufFluff at home by Mikahorsie


It’s a miracle he wasn’t accidentally castrated


Is that a plug in its butt or a way to hold it down during grooming?

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Yep… The guy used a Pencil (Eraser Up) since he doesn’t have a Cork that small. Professional Groomers doesn’t need to secure the PufFluffs since they dope them with a Sketti Treats That’s laced with Anesthesia… Owners however realize that PufFluffs , like Fluffies are Helpless when you tricked them into lying down on their backs.

This guy forgot to Tire out the micro so it struggled a bit


Each year 100 PuFluffs lose their no-no sticks to scissors…


What would you do if you shave 2 bald for the sake of mating and theyre either both male or both female? Also are they helpless vs typical micros?

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I think I’d accidentally have my hand slip and stomp on its face until I couldn’t feel bones crunch anymore.

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Wouldn’t like, a shaver make things easier?


I honestly thought the fluffy was having an anal prolapse at first.

So true a tired fluffy is an easy fluffy to work on

Theyre too stupid to do any good with them, so no real loss there

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“Hold still you little shit!”