Where babbehs go? (Artist: Carpdime) (Fb id: 21231)


Don’t draw grown fluffies much. Having a go.

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Drains and floor grating really do be pit traps for foals, council drainage workers must have a nightmare dealing with blocked pipes in fluff world.


This stuff with the loving, suffering, cute little fluffies too dumb to live in the real world? Ahh. Golden age. I don’t think I even knew what a hellgremlin was…


oh man I remember this one

There were at least one other feral street drain related work from memory. One with wind blowing really hard. This also ties in with the feral street scene diorama piece: Feral Fluffies in an Alleway (artist: Carpdime)

Foals falling into drains is such a low hanging fruit for feral works. Might be related to a primal fear of being a kid and worried about getting lost down a drain.

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