Where do we go~ when we dream? [Flufftobuh D4 - Courage] - Lothmar

It had been a long day and it was time to tuck good fluffies into bed. The colt Coo’d in comfort and nuzzled its mothers hand one last time for comfort as she brushed some of the colts mane from its eyes. With a wonder and admiration only a child can have surely mother would answer a question.

“Mummah… Whewe do we go, when we sweepies?”

Mother blinked. The question was innocent enough that she felt it at least deserved an answer. “Well you, stay right here sweetie.” She said stalling for time to think and hoping she could derail the question by indirectly answering it.

“Siwwy mumma, Jewemiah mean… When we cwose ouw see-pwaces an’ hab dweamies.” It blinked attempting to ward of sleepiness and give his mother the attention she deserved.

The pause was long and her tone far more serious. “Im not sure where we go Jeremiah…” as she said this her eyes began to focus on Jeremiahs as if to check if someone was home through a window.

Her thoughts catch up to her and begin to force their way out, as her voice begins to crack ever so slightly as she nervously breaths in sporadic whisps. “There will be a night when there are no more dreams… Where you g-gasp for air…” She says with a sniffle finding it hard to breath herself.

The foals hooves begin to curl at the blanket as they slowly edge up towards the snout as if preparing to shield itself. “Otay’ mummy jewemiah think thats enough.” His eyes shift nervously side to side but are inevitably drawn back to hers as she continues.

“Oh but the air wont come.” she says as her eyelids immediately shoot fully open and then looks down even more intently at the colt. Her hand grasping for her throat as if hoping to dislodge something making it difficult to breath.

Her expression changes to an almost manically excited smile over the course of saying. “You choke and grab hold of anything near you.” Her offhand shifting to grasp her own cardigan as the hand on her throat begins to shift over the the foals own blanket causing him to scrunch his hind legs inward.

“Tightly so tight, cause you know.” Her hands cross over her lap and her expression is serious again. " This is the point."

“Otay’ Jewemiah weady fo’ nigh nigh nao…” The colt pleads with tears edging their eyes like crescent moons.

Tone and volume increase a notch. “This is the point where the rollercoaster goes over that hill!~and you’re afraid aren’t you…” Her focus intensifies as her tone lowers towards the end.

“Bewy.” Jeremiah retorts quickly doing his best to hold back the scaredy wawa.

Slowly and with a smile she says. “Well, pray that this night is not your night. Son.” She adds with one last pat of the head as she gets up and heads over to the doorway.

As she reaches it though she turns around door knob in hand. “Oh but Jeremiah, dont ever forget.” She adds pausing for emphasis and making sure he is looking and listening. “That hill is just on the horizon. And one day you will have to walk that mighty hill.”

“Mummah am we goin’ to Bwyces biwthday pawty tomowwow?” The foal added with mildly deflated enthusiasm then they may have, his subconscious likely seeking to shield his mind from fear with distraction.

“Of course sweetheart, sleep tight my little angel.” She adds closing the door, the streetlights nearby providing enough light that the colt did not complain during the dark times as it turned to its side and nestled into the blanket and pillow. A single ‘Huuu’ was released as if a long held breath was finally exhaled and the forming tears were swallowed by his thirsty face fluff.

In the morning this would be forgotten…

If he made it to the next morning.

Inspired by. -Sleep tight - by MeatCanyon. SLEEP TIGHT - YouTube


Damn this is scary as shit sos the youtube ver :scream:


Watch his teletubbies video.

That one isn’t even trying to be funny.