Where's baby? - Part 3 (Final) Original story "Where's baby?" written by Virgil (skettiswipuh) --- translated by Larur --- Adaptation and Art: Inshi

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or are so new that you don’t know what this fandom/site is about. This comic is clearly labeled sadbox, so to come in and complain that it ends poorly for the fluffy is very strange.


When have I said I did not expect it or complained about her fate? I simply commented on your statement. Then you called me a jerk and argued your point. Just because we disagree it’s no reason to get upset.


Already read it on Reddit (lol), I’m glad to see an epilogue panel that shows what happened after the original story ends.


I said “don’t be a jerk” and that was in response to you calling some rando in a sadbox story ‘asshats’.

It was meant as a sarcastic, devil’s advocate “don’t bully these fictional humans who did the right thing by ignoring a dying fluffy’s pleas for help”. But it looks like it came off as me being serious and just being rude. Sorry about that. It’s late here, I should go to sleep before I type anything else that could be misconstrued.


It’s all good, I believe you. I’m sorry if I too came off as rash, believe you me when I say it was aimed at the idea from a “literature-sque” standpoint, not to put you personally on the spotlight. I apologize if I was too hasty in assuming your words’ meaning.

Edit: should we simply DELET the convo so as not to muck the comments?


I guess we all have empathy issues?


Oh but of course white knight. :frowning:

Just say Brown your favourite colour already.


Brown knighting


This guy does not like brown, do what you must, twitter.


Pets are parasites that we keep around to feel better about ourselves. Unpopular opinion, I know.

I would do something irl if I saw an animal trapped in a hot car, but this is flufflydom. Completely different, especially since it’s fictional.


I’m glad Baby died. I hated her color and felt she was spoiled. I know I don’t know much about her life, I just hate her color so much. She resulted to best babbeh, gud babbeh at the end. Many her brain was just too fried at that point? Still…

So the woman was so dumb to put the fluffies in the car while the guy was still getting ready. Should have left them by the door inside. Getting mad because someone won’t answer you while at work, nope. Lady chill.

Good story. Glad Caramel lived. She good, pretty color and smart


He didn’t know the fluffies were in there. Lady put the fluffies in there while he was inside the home getting ready. He probably never even heard her ask him to take them to daycare.

Sadly this happens in real life. Autopilot human/adult, sleeping kid.


Fluffies are not pets. They are toys. Even in fluffy friendly places, fluffies are not recognized as living things or as an animal. Will not be treated with the same care as a pet. Most humans don’t like them. Some things change to each head cannon.


It’s an opinion and as such you are entitled to it. I personally love pets because I find my own relationship with them not as a “parasitical” one, but as a mutually beneficial one. Mostly because they aren’t only mooching off me, but they provide a lot of unconditional love and care, in their own small way. When a cat goes out of their way to bring you the spoils of the hunt (disgustingly adorable behaviour) instead of simply snacking on it, when they seek you out to snuggle near you despite having other cats or blankets they could use. That’s my take on pets at least.


See, there’s two main reasons I deeply dislike that trope, that fluffies are not seen as living organisms (or worse as soap or whatnot). Mainly, because it’s simply illogical. A living organism is called as such due to having at least one cell with organs working together in order to carry out the various processes of life. Having organs, fluffies would qualify. And the definition of an animal is a living organism that feeds on organic matter, etc. Again, fluffies would qualify. Secondly, from a literary standpoint it is simply unnecessary. A writer doesn’t need to provide a reason for abuse work to exist. The simple fact that a human commits violence against other beings because they have something wrong with them is enough. Lastly, it’s highly unlikely any shadowy organization would bother paying off basycally every government to NOT recognize them as such.

Tl;dr, the “fluffies are biotoys so laws don’t apply to them and so abusers/animal cruelty is unpunished /frowned upon or people don’t feel bad about them” feels to me like a lazy and unnecessary greenlight.

Just my two cents, I may be entirely wrong about it.


That’s what I’m saying. If you make a request of someone very first thing in the morning, you’d better get a solid confirmation from them. Not just a “hhhrrrmmrrrmm” as they’re just waking up! Lady is just as much at fault!


I agree that that trope is completely ridiculous and would never actually fly if fluffies really existed in our world, but that also kind of why I like it. It just adds to the ott callousness of the world fluffies live in. I think a large part of the appeal is the harsh contrast between what fluffies were designed for (heavy concentration of cuteness and affection) and the fictional people’s treatment of them. They were intended to be the most advanced stuffy toy for (presumably) rich little kids, but ended up becoming cheap and prevalent to the point of being considered vermin by many. That idea, to the point that not even the law offers any protection, helps to make their feeble minds and lack of survival abilities seem even more pathetic. And people like that. For some reason. Heh.


‘niu bone daddeh’ :joy: :joy: :joy: love it!


lol, terror


Literally yes.

People do that for pets and kids all the time, there’s legal protections for people who do it.

Which is why in the summer you never leave any indication a child or pet might be in the car. A baby doll in the backseat or a closed pet carrier means you have to pay for a window someone broke in your car. The fine they’ll get for simply leaving without calling the cops and explaining the situation is less than the replacement glass will be.

Yadda yadda biotoys, there’s no way some states don’t have legal protections on the state or local level for them. Plus, again, if someone can reasonably say they suspected something alive inside they can bust your window.