Where's baby? - Part 3 (Final) Original story "Where's baby?" written by Virgil (skettiswipuh) --- translated by Larur --- Adaptation and Art: Inshi

English version, Part 3

Versión en español, Parte 3

The english text version of this story can be found Here

First part ENG/ESP Here

Second part ENG/ESP Here



Well, at least the best color survived.




:cry: :cry: :cry:


Poor fluffies. :frowning:

Oh well. Since they’re all cooked anyway… :plate_with_cutlery: :cut_of_meat: :meat_on_bone: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


appealing art and a coherent story with a fully realized ending… the holy grail of fluff


The moral of the story is sometimes you have to drink piss to climb to the top.


Holly Molly that was good, have read the story and this Comic Captures their Despair.

Whe she shits in the back she makes such a rage face, it looks more like sches gona kill a Bitch.


Ok, dump that moron before immediately. Like, the day before.


Awesome final comic on this story :+1:

Feel bad for Baby and her foals, looks like Caramel is smarter she manage to survive the ordeal, hope she will have a bright future and of her own family as well.

There goes $800 all dried up!

I would say part human error and stupidity killed them, those employees should have told security, but any office worker time is an essence.:man_facepalming:

And tragically Baby accidentally killed her two babbehs broken neck and sunlight exposure.

Usually rage like that would end up a left over print in that box :scream::ghost:

At least Death had some company now :sweat_smile:


That sometimes shitty things can keep you alive?


Excellent story, excellent comic! I blame no character in this scenario. (Except maybe the broskis in the parking lot, but, eh) The only part that makes sad is the broken relationship. Maybe plenty of other underlying issues, or maybe just a temporary separation for cooling off? That’s the tragic part for me. Fuckin fluffies, man…


Something about Baby telling the humans she’s not a shitrat pisses me right off.

One of her foals is dead, she’s fucking dying in the backseat of a frying car, her living foals are being cooked alive in the heat, and she feels the most important thing to do at the moment is INSIST that she’s not a ‘sit-wat’ but a ‘gud babbeh’.

I was happy to see her and her foal die simply because of that. Gawd @Virgil , your fluffspeak is on point. Not just your choice of words but how you had Baby react is so 100% fluffy. She focused on entirely the WRONG thing, but her idiot brain felt that correcting someone was the most important thing at the moment (in a literal life or death situation).

Her and Sunshine suffering was so satisfying. :smiling_imp:


I mean, if that happened to me involving one of my beloved pets I’d probably manifest my despair and pure unbridled rage by clubbing him over the head. Repeatedly. I mean come on, I am that kind of person who drives to work with their eyes closed due to how bad i DON’T do mornings. But come on, the whole day goes by with you not even thinking about home or anything else? Like your other half and pets? Dude’s a prick. The two jerks passing by are too, sure.


Lol :laughing:

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Well, I kinda have to admit that if two asshats are literally watching you die and insulting you at the same time, and the only thing you could do (begging) did not work, there is not much else one can tell them. Tl;dr, “how dares a fluffy not accept a human’s gratuitous insults” is kinda… nitpicking for a reason to dislike her.



They kept Carmel and set a memorial vase for Baby. I think there was some mourning, but it doesn’t look like their relationship was shattered to the core. I wouldn’t hold on to the ashes of my dead pet if I felt my ex murdered them.

And anyone willing to break off a healthy relationship due to a broken toy (albeit an expensive one in this headcannon) is a person you are better of without.


Don’t be a jerk. Those kids were in the right. What were they supposed to do? Break the window to save a fluff? Go to every building in the complex, contact the secretaries (on multiple floors in some buildings) to spread the news that a toy is locked in the backseat of a car? Call the cops? I’m sure the police would LOVE responding to a call about an idiot shitrat locked in the backseat. Then they get in trouble for getting back late. No good deed goes unpunished indeed.

Baby’s fluffy mind makes her an absolute cretin and moron in all situations, so yes I can hate her for “how dares a fluffy not accept a human’s gratuitous insults”. Literally screaming “HEWP” to no one in particular would be a better response than ARGUING WITH THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO COULD SAVE YOU


Oh excuse me if I’d rather pay someone back for a broken window than literally watch a pet die from dehydration (one of the worst ways to go). And if said pet (because if one calls a living, breathing thing a mere toy they are either intellectually dishonest or worse) sees that their only hope is NOT going to save them because they clearly are demoting them to something not worth helping, what good is yelling for help at someone who’s going all “long live the king” on you?

Besides, I abide by “Whoever saves a life saves the world entire”. You can’t save the world by yourself, but you can save a life, however insignificant it may seem.