Whispering alleyways [by FluffyStalker]

The whispering alleyways are often those that aren’t inhabited by fluffies or frequented by humans during long periods of time, these alleyways usually have an eerie and ominous feel that humans avoid, this isn’t the case of fluffies as they lack the natural defenses of a brain, also known as instinct

These alleyways can affect whole herds or just isolated individuals, the whispering usually starts after 3 or 5 days of being inhabited by a fluffy or herd, these whispers escalate from faint indistinguishable whispers to disturbing and constant whispering in the fluffy’s ear.

When affecting a whole herd it will turn them against each other resulting on the herd massacring itself, the survivor is “rewarded” with forbidden knowledge such as blood rituals, [REDACTED], common information for humans that is perceived as something unimaginable for a fluffy like the operation of simple mechanical systems, and more rarely[EXPUNGED].

If the survivor is a foal or a derped fluffy that is unable to receive the “reward” it will become dormant until another herd or fluffy inhabits the alleyway.

Once a “reward” is given the alleyway will return to a normal state and can be inhabited by fluffies without inconveniences, it is believed among fluffies that these places have “sketties”


Your on a roll!

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I felt like we needed some fluffy folklore, so much time out there so they might believe in something, or seen something.


Couldn’t agree more.:smiling_imp:

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I thought I was smart with making some of my fluffies believe in a heaven and stuff, giving them a concept of a believe system, meanwhile this dude out here making up a whole wiccan/demonic folklore. Incredible


The seal of the blood ritual isn’t mine tho, it’s real stuff from goëtia solomon’s lesser key

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Seals can be easy to draw. I can make you some if you want to expand on that lore of yours!


What if it’s a herd of Derped fluffies?


Maybe it would look into its forbidden knowledge to see how TF they survived that long