Who made these poopies? (carniviousduck)


Caught brown assed.


“Sure it isnt… and this diaper isnt yours either”

Make bad poopies like a babbeh, get treated like one.


A grey alicorn with a chequered mane eyes the scene.

“Sheh-wock say dese am yuw poopies an Sheh-wock can pwove it. Dese poopies hab sweetcown in dem, an Fwuffy am onwy wun who num Sweetcown wast nite. An if Sheh-wock git cwosa, dewe am smeww of gah-wic, Fwuffy askies fow gah-wic on skettis wast bwite-time. An if we wook eben cwosa at da poopies…”

“Sherlock, his ass is literally dripping shit. It’s obviously him, get your nose out of the poop.”

“Nu distwact Sheh-wock wen duin sowvies daddeh.”


Plot twist: Some top-level abuser broke into the dude’s house, took a shit, and is waiting in the bushes to see the punishment


I like Sherlock, he still gets a small biscuit treat for being thorough in this investigation and respects his daddeh.


Damn he got more on himself than he did on the floor.

You put that shit back where it came from or I will.

God I can see it now, ‘That’s Not My Poopies!’, the great new game-show in which fluffies have to identify which turd is theirs by sight, smell, and even taste if necessary.
The losers get to eat shit (literally). The winners get punished, because they made bad-poopies on the set.


By Abuser standards, that would be top-level, indeed. In a fluffy reality, we would be shitty people, after all :grinning:

At least horses don’t shit each other, or drink piss while the other is urinating.
Cows do. I suspect fluffies to.

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If the fluffies are suffering from poop madness, or are forced to by others. They are fairly fastidious about the matter, when sane, which is why any litterbox “mistakes” by an adult of that ilk should be treated as a form of rebellion.
Of course, forcing others to consume ones excreta is morally worse, & enough fluffs seem blithely unconcerned by atrocities such as designated poopie arselickers, or even litterpals, to make one think this is “normal” to the creatures.

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I like to think they used bunny dna on fluffies cause they wanted them to make odorless pellets.
So fluffy poop is the same as caecotrophs, fermented and meant for consumption. Exept they can’t bend and eat straight from their ass.
And they are also made to be able to eat kibble and any kind of food human eat without getting ill.
And they need to be able to taste like humans do so Hasbio can sell branded spaghetti that they like more than other brands.
And they need to dislike poop so they don’t eat dog/cat poop.

Because executives and marketing guys need to ruin everything

Fluff excrement is commonly portrayed as vile, though the little fatties do not have the ability to clean themselves.
Their makers saw fit to make a mouth the closest thing to a fluffy hand, which also has a host of unsavory implications.

Caecotrophs are smelly and wet fermented poop that rabbits eat straight from their ass.
After the food passes twice is that it becomes odorless pellets.

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