Who's Poopie Now chapter 5 (by broken-seams)

All that effort for a shit colored fluffy…
If you removed it and the bestest from the equation the mummah would still pick a new bestest. Maybe no poopie since those seem to be more color dependent.

The key here is ‘removal’ and not ‘re-education’.
You wouldn’t try to teach quantum physics to a certified retard. Don’t try similar things with a certified shitrat.

…unless you are just trying to lure her into doing something you can take “legal” action against with the powerful legal code of “told you so”. Still, I hope this whole equality nonsense is just a farce to enact “just” abuse on them all equally as we all know those ferals won’t change lol.
Bonus points for sequel baiting by having the babbehs survive and display the same attitudes regardless of what they’ve been taught lmao.


When she disregard her owner what he JUST SAID as she tells the pink one is her bestesh would have smack her right there or even stomp the pink as a sample.

Then if she still hurt the poor brown one, one leg a day if she hurt or neglect it.


Thats another way especially the pink one, that bitch wont stop until she turns it into her bestesh babbeh.

Have the foals in another room in an autofeeder.

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The goal isn’t to correct her behavior. She was a feral and got knocked up before learning to be a good mummah. I imagine the chances of her ever learning to treat her foals well is slim to none. Telling her to be a good mummah is more of an empty warning.


“Good mummahs don’t have a bestest babbeh”

I’m not sure how that isn’t subjecting the mummah to psychological abuse.

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No9999999 sprints at a speed of 300000 miles per second to type 12 paragraphs on why someone should be punished for not washing their handslinkara-coming-for-you


Explain your ridiculous logic.


It’s just fair to try and reason with a fluffy, due to them having essentially a childlike mind. Not all fluffies are created equal, just like animals and humans. One of my cats would sooner cuddle and sleep with a fluffy than harm them, whereas another one of them would play with foals as if they were balls to knock around. But still, you have a point, it’s usually agreed upon that it’s too late to correct those who display this kind of behaviour. Doesn’t mean one shouldn’t try to save a life before snuffing it out. If mere words don’t suffice, showing her that the consequences of her hurting one of her brood would be dire (showing her sorry sticks and kitchenware passing them as torture tools, not like a fluffy can generally tell the difference between a potato peeler and a knife) might just do the trick.

This already tells me, alongside your username that discussing morality would be quite pointless, so I’ll just point out that someone who loves animals wouldn’t snuff out a life if they can help it. If the mare truly is unsalvageable, I wouldn’t go into abuser mode. Just a quick, painless death. It brings me little pleasure to directly harm animals, even when I do it to protect my own ones (e.g. hitting a large dog with a stick to chase him off because he was attacking my own out of the blue). Justice abuse is enjoyable at times, but not when it’s blatant that the fluffy was brought in hopes they misbeahve so you are justified in punishing them.

I partially agree. It’s fine in my head if a mare likes a color more, as long as she loves and cares for all her brood. It’s more of a “swatting your brown baby because the pink one needs to be fed first”, that’s no good and needs to be corrected.

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Oh no the flufferino


Would’ve just thrown out the whole fluffy after she immediately said it was poopie after promising to take care of all of them.


Hahaha that gif.

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End her.

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I think it’s holding a fluffy (or any parent) to a ridiculous standard to expect them to love their children not just adequately, but equally. Adequately is perhaps a bare minimum, but equally just isn’t possible; emotions are not subject to logic or math.


Make a chapter 6 please!!!

Dude never let slide bad behavior. Otherwise she think, it’s not a problem.