If she doesn’t have proper nourishment she can’t have foals or fight off any stallions who want her. Cheaper than getting her fixed.
Yeah @NekuChan she has gone through enough and how happy she realize its actual food than poopie she was about to eat.
I vote for hugbox and have her recover.
And its sad seeing her current condition ( nice work on the malnurish designs )
The human like face gets me. Wow.
Great work.
That is something. Well done.
You know, I would give her a hugbox ending.
Grotesque. Love it.
Looks like the start was fucked up enough.
She looks like a fluffy version of a prostitute who was mentioned in one of my stories. “Wun Wub, Wun Heawt” Part 8, specifically, if you want to see what I’m talking about.
She looks like she’d be too weak to even chew so it just goes down and she chokes.
Her system being able to handle it would be a legitimate concern.
Sadbox for her. One happy meal and a warm bed before passing isn’t hugbox, but is still kind and her life was still terrible. Especially if the person was her old owner finding her again.
Go into abuse from there and I won’t care. Or industrial: the owner simply goes an exterminator or calls animal control. They don’t care, they’re just being paid for the job.
3/4 the owners fault plus that sort of behaviour only happens in feral herds
usually domesticated ones or fluffy mill feed mare for better enfie-mare specially for Smart’s syndrome this is a must.
had to quit my job
Oh, dear…I hope things get better soon.
Yeah without eating anything and malnourish, the cheek have no fat in it making it look human kinda scary
Once she eats her fill, pet her head and give her some loving scratchies, which she’s probably never felt before. While she is weeping from pure bliss, end it quickly with a long, thin knife or a hard neck snap. She’ll be better off that way. (HUGBOX!)
Honestly you should just kill it out of mercy. Even if she heals physically she’ll have all sorts of psychological issues.
Hugbox ending please, only on the runts, the cripples, the poopie foals, derp eyes and alicorns.
The rest an abuse ending
The suffering must continue. All fluffies must suffer horrible fates until there are no more on the face of the earth. Destroy them all. Painfully.
You’re not wrong. Hugbox is well intentioned but is as much a out the reader’s feelings as anything else. Your suggestion? That’s very likely the most humane thing.
One decent meal, she goes to sleep warm, clean, and doesn’t wake up to more pain and misery.