Wigfluffies (by recreationalsadist)

Josef Mongola looked from the remote in his hand to the brown earthie pillowfluffy staring at him from under the industrial press he’d placed it under.

“This isn’t a science experiment, I just want to see if I can completely flatten you.”

“Nuu! Nu gibe cwushy-huwties! Nu wan gu fowebeh-sweepies!”

Josef rolled his eyes.

“And why exactly should I do that, shitrat?”

“Wiww teww yu secwet!”

“What secret?”

“Biggest. most im-pow-tant secwet! Yu want secwet! Den yu nu huwt fwuffy!”

“And what secret is that?”

“Yu pwomise nu huwt if teww?”

“Fine, whatever.”

The fluffy clears his throat, then speaks.

“It am da secwet ob…DA WIG FWUFFIES!”

Josef was about to press the button to start the press, but then he did a double-take.

“Wigfluffies? What are wigfluffies?”

The fluffy laughed manically.


Josef pressed the start button and the industrial press instantly crushed the fluffy to death.

Then Josef proceeded to break into laughter, because that was an actually funny joke.


Author’s Note: Josef Mongola belongs to @BFM101


I was about to say… Using Josef like that… but it was a good joke…

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Josef would never admit a Fluffy made a good joke

Especially if it really was good

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Well why do you think he killed it before hand? Had to make sure there were no witnesses

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Josef was always going to kill it

The reasoning comes afterwards