Wild type patterns pt5 (uooboo)

So a question then. If you took a wild type patten male and female and bred them in captivity, then isolated the foals to socialize them to humans over multiple generations would the wild type patterns vanish?

If not I could see a profitable industry in “captive born, captive bred” wild type foals, much like with snakes and particular morphs.

And potentially problems like there are with the “spider” morph in Ball Pythons.

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Oh man I love your fluffies. They look like sad hamster cats and I just want to do great and terrible things to them


I love how well thought out this is. Including how the variant avoids the “better in every way” trap. It’s better in one way for people and entering else is a problem is a problem for people.


I wanna see how these vermins deal with abuse and suffering. Do they squeal and beg or try to stay quiet and suck up the pain

These foals are either grind into food or just tossed out like trash. Either way, she oughta pop out something worthwhile or else.

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Shit factory by default, ironically hilarious.

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You think there is one ?

Depends on headcanon

Likely yes, and very fast. I imagine, if it’s a big healthy baby, a feral mummah would first attempt to figure out what the baby wants, but after realizing that that’s just how she acts she would likely kill it.


Well a lot of reptile morphs were achieved by line breeding right? Essentially inbreeding. I’m not sure how well that would work

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It depends. If it’s alright with you, once i have Sensitive chapter 2 out, I’ve an idea for something involving Wild Type patterned fluffies. I just don’t want to step on your toes because I absolutely love what you’ve come up with.


I don’t own the idea:) feel free to go wild with whatever you have planned


If fluffies were real, I’d buy a nice brown one over rainbow vomit any day.


I second this. I roll my eyes everytime I see those “better in every way” fluffies. This idea is actually unique and interesting.


Honesty those unsellable colors could be worth something … i mean im am referencing sketti land trappers gremlin ( kinda forgot lil guys colors ) brown and green colored fluffys could be useful for helping out farmers from planting to harvesting and heck they could even help track and trap feral herds honestly plus if i remember brown color fluffs from a comic series i read and watched on youtube thanks gayroommate they have produce very rare colors heck, if rained to help deal.with the feral population given how quiet they are … most hunters and trapper could get the drop on a smarty herd


She’s so wholesome :blush:

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this is where i go on a wild tangent about how they are poopies and therfore deserve only the worst of everything… however this is uooboos headcannon and givin they are ferals

They could actually be rather competant, and their mummah isnt rejecting them so :shrug: she could have a cool little bunch of toughies sitting there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hard for a smarty to call them poopies while their beating his skull into paste!


This stuff is cool and I’d love to see more. Not asking to write into it thought I’d share a word I found! Ativism. Could be a neat idea or two.

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I do say while recognizing that I have been guilty of it a time or two :wink:

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Unintentional pun

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