Wild type patterns pt5 (uooboo)


I demand to see the follow-up, in which her foals are obliterated in front of her one by one, as she’s helpless to save them.


Unfortunately she’s too valuable as a breeder to traumatize. Doesn’t mean the foals will have a happy ending though…


Aw c’mon… just a little trauma? :pinching_hand:


Nuh uh, abusers who don’t eat their hugbox don’t get dessert


There could be a chance the feral foals might eat the domestic ones? Like tadpoles… hmmm could thst work for wild pattern behaviors especially foals?

Also was it the mare or stud that was the wild pattern one?


The stud! The mare is a spotted domestic fluffy, which in my headcanon is a domestic-only trait :slight_smile:


And what do we do with ugly, un-sellable toys with shitty colors?

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Thanks and sorry for the silly question. Also would wild foals eat their siblings like some other animals in the wild like Frogs/tadpoles, hyena, etc? Basically the ones with the wild instincts eat their more somestic siblings?

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See that’s a good question, I’m wondering if it would get to that point.
Fluffies seem to be an altricial species, which means they’re born not physically developed, unlike tadpoles and even hyena cubs (apperently born with their eyes open! I had no idea lol)
So I think by the time a feral foal can actually eat another one, they wouldn’t due to other reasons. They could hypothetically still beat any domestic foals to death while still small though.


So fine for foal nuggets, snake food, litterpals, enfiepals, fishing lures, and worst come to the worst, grind 'em up and feed them back to the breeders


A question if you will: With the last pic (or one of the others), you said a feral mother would eat their foal without a 2nd thought if it was shown to be weak. But what would a feral mother do with the stander chirpy foal? Crying and peeping a lot, etc., while inside of a home of a human?


Chungus (and others), whatever you do to those chirpies, I’ll unleash on you tenfold! Let them go, NOW!

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True, but this might be an odd follow-up… the wold ones might have instincts to gather food and store it. What im trying to explain is, i agree theyd probably stomp or cripple domestic siblings or gore them with horns, etc bit would this food gathering instincts be akin to that of weasels or stoats where they store an excess of hunted prey into a den to eat at a later date?
So imagine an owner cleaning a safe room and underneath a toy slide or foal playhouse there’s a stash of dead foals that were either stomped, gored or bitten by their more wild sibling(s)?

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Train the foals to hunt down and kill smarty’s, the anti-smarty squad.

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Also what did the person expect from a fluffys that evolved to live safely in the wild, FUCKING sparkling rainbow colored foals?!

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The “dumb-human” tag exists for a reason, even if it’s not used every time it should be.

Please just give them a happy ending … i seen enough colored ones always giving poopeh babys a hard time as is and at least she love them

Sounds about the sensible thing to do

The Hugbox crowd should take in some well maintained brown foals if you’re looking for a happy ending for the babbehs and your wallet.

Or maybe keep a couple and test if there’s a recessive gene