Willy the Dickicorn (ambitiousleather8309)


Always love to see a cock-horned fluffy.

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This will haunt my dreams. Thank you :grinning:

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Oh look something good for kicking.

Hadn’t seen a nice dickicorn drawing in a while. Prompted me to do a dive into my saved fluffy pics for more cock-headed fluffy content.

Given that a large portion of my file storage is dedicated to @Carniviousduck and his work, it’s no surprise to me that I found one of these that CD drew at one point.

I also found an old piece by 12monkehs of the same thing.

Of course, this drawing of the now-named Dickicorn fluffy was just a one-off variant of 12monkehs’s more frequently drawn fluffy derivative, known as the Poopiecorn.

Thank you @AmbitiousLeather8309 for drawing your stuff. It’s quality content like yours that helps to carry on the rich tradition of pygmy horse-goat fetishism that were all a part of.