Wolfram sure was the GOAT (MImix)

first attempt yipee
Also can we uploads mp4 files here?? or just gifs??


Looking good.
Just gifs

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Thanks, I think for shading, Wolfram used an airbrush feature but I think mine needs to be a tad darker.
Still testing the waters on this matter

Not a bad imitation of Wolfram’s artstyle.

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Pretty good.

Shading doesn’t look entirely right to me and I’m not entirely sure what would help. Need to view other Wolfram stuff

We need fluffies to gasp more!

Very cool. A small gripe I think the poop could be darker to stand out, it looks a bit like clay. I think you captured the style great though.

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I’d say try to mimic a style you like and try to work your style into it. Always a good idea to try different ones for at least to see how they come off.

Regardless, looks good mate.

“not pooping in the litterbox, thats a paddlin”
“their ferals, we are in the middle of a parking lot, what litter box?”
“do they not have brown fluffies in the wild?”

Rules exist for a reason, either find a litterbox or use a poopie as a portable litterbox.
im not asking for much.