Would this be intresting?

Hi long-time reader and currently finished a chapter of a fluff mart employee.
but here is the twist, it’s in Europe so all the rules are different and being European myself I’m able to make up or introduce things like “the EU in a deadlock over giving fluffies rights” a different perspective from another part of the world

also, I have retail experience in pet stores, so the business side of it as well as the daily struggles i think I can manage

would this be interesting to you all?


Of course.
Fluffies in Europe is one of my favorites concepts.

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Sure why not ?

Europe is oddly under represented in fluffy lore
Kitsune fluffies are a sub species from the UK , and currently only exist as imports to the USA.
I wanted Europe to be more involved.

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I am curious. As Hungarian, I got only guesses…

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by euro i mean Ireland the Europe part being the frustrations of EU politicians unable to agree.

Ireland in real life has an issue of puppy farms, that would be something i added to the lore.

MOST importantly, this sound weird but i never read these, have Microsoft word read them to me so the formatting my be a bit off


As far as I am concerned Europe is the land mass.

The only thing politicians can agree on is making everything more stupid and annoying.

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that’s mainland Europe

and your totally right

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Of course!