would ya preffer a breeding game or a herd type game (xixicoco477)

Hi there lurker here,i recently finished a programing course, and for my final project i made a game, One project that i really enjoyed making, and now i got a itch to make a game, and since i’ve been part of this community for a while i would like to contribute to the content. So for that i got a question for the comunity, would you rather play a vr game about breeding and selling foals( would be vr) or would you prefer a game about leading a herd to survive.
The breeding game would place you in charge of a whole breeding operation where you would buy stallions and mares to create foals to sell and buy better fluffys to sell and so on, there would be alot of OSHA violations with this.
The herd game would be similar with pikmin, meaning you would command a whole herd tackling hunger, happiness and dangers (anything above a leaf)
Both of these games would be made in unity and both would be 3D.
please give me your opinions and ideas, i simply want to give back to the comunity

PS: sorry english isn’t my first languange, and i can’t write for shit

  • Herd Game
  • Breeding Game
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Buddy I’ve got higher hopes of you making a real, honest to God fluffy than I do of you making a fluffy game.

Do you know how many people blow through here like a lingering fart saying they’re making a game? A lot


:smiley: :+1:

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if you’re doing a breeding game, you could include a game mode that lets you send the useless fluffies to the shadow realm


there would be alot of ways to dispose of them (catapult them to your neighbour’s garden)


I’m just gonna chime in here and say breeding game. I like playing with genetics.

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big horn?

as of right now i only know of 1 that is even making headway and even then its been slow going and its bare bones.

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Herd game sounds pretty fun, I’d check it out once it’s in a semi playable state.

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Out of the choices Breeding but I’d love a Teardown crossed with Hitman like Exterminator game where you can just run in and merc everything but you get better rewards by playing it subtle and doing side objectives/challenge objectives

you want an exterminator game?

Hell yes I would. Especially if it emphasizes subtle tactics like Hitman with lots of optional objectives

Can opt to capture fluffies not kill them, can even go “pacifist” if you’re good enough/invest in the right gear. Can sell off good colors/alicorns and even have objectives to catch a certain number or a specific fluffy

Can wander around the level and seal off exits, set up traps, create choke points and even interact with NPCs and interrogate captured fluffies for information/side objectives

I mean I don’t expect you to make the game I’m mostly just spitballing something that sounds rad

To be honest, I’d go whichever is more likely to be completed and a breeding game sounds a lot less complex and hence easier to make than a Pikmin-like one.

With the breeding game, it depends on what level you take; it could range from a genetics simulator like the early phases of Spore to a Football Manager style management game.

With a genetics simulator, most of the work is in the mechanics for breeding and is just building Punnett squares of varying complexity for each inheritable trait.
Alternately, you can focus on the raising aspect with differing levels of discipline/treats where the quality of the toys/environment/food has an effect on the temperament and physical condition of the fluffy, which affects saleability.

You could even have a bratiness meter which you have to balance against temperament; the higher the meter, the more likely it will trigger unwanted traits like Smarty Syndrome.

for the breeding game i was planning on keeping the genetics simple like the colors; if it as horns and wings and such, maybe in the future i would add subspecies (bowl aqua etc), adding smarty syndrom and bitch mare syndrom where always a plan of mine, they would reduce the value, so for that reason there would be alot of ways to take care of them (catapult them to karens backyard)

look i might add it as a way to make money, i might expand it but it will probably be a bit bare bones

Like we would say in Brazil: “Breeding é foda.”

So yeah, a breeding game would be interesting.

é so fudido

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