Would you like a fluffy in your life?

I know the fluffy lore is that they are not ready, but ideal fluffy would be a toy, right? Why would you like one if you could? How it would be in your idea?
I imagine them be like hamsters or such, having their small cage and free when older, being a toy companion to be with.


I would use their poop as marijuana fertilizer.
I would use smarties to piss off my enemies.
I would teach them to play games.
I would most like a few varieties of fluffies. Wolfram sparks are whiners, I love them. Definitely carpdime because they look so piglet like. Fluffuses and Dragonixa are cute too. In fact, maybe OtherCoraline, they have such funny faces, i love they naive nature … There is a lot to choose from when it comes to races.


I would still prefer a dog , the thought of having what amounts to a Young child dose not sound appealing to me


I would hate taking care of a fluffy, but I would love it if fluffies were real because I’m demented and enjoy cute aggression I guess.


I would probably want two fluffies,but no more than that. I imagine they’d be similar to dogs in waiting for you to come home from work,wanting to sit in your lap,be petted all the time,etc. I also imagine they would be much more work!
But it would be nice to have a pet that can talk to me,and help me eat all the spaghetti I cook.


Only if they fix the shitting issue tbh


God no, I like animals precisely because they’re not like people and they sure as hell don’t talk but still have a bit of a personality. Fluffies are also transparently fake in my opinion, they see you once and love you with all your heart there is no work or getting to know phase taking the most interesting part out of a relationship. And let’s not get into the moral conundrum of creating and owning a semi sapient slave race as pets




I think they would be the perfect therapy animal. Soft, loves cuddles, thrives on attention and can talk. They would be wonderful in nursing homes. They would keep the residents company and be able to alert a nurse if something was wrong.


Oh my god, agreed about the poop!

If I had a fluffy I’d grow my own food. I used to have chickens and the grass that sprouted where they pooped was always hugely tall and mega green. I’d use the fluffy poo and grow tomatoes and peppers and always have ingredients for salsa!

I feel like I’d want a fluffy that I could dote on and pour love into, but I worry that my real-life cat-owning style betrays the fact that I might raise a spoiled little shitrat if I owned a fluffy. My cat is so spoiled he practically has a tantrum when we give even an iota of attention to the dog, and I didn’t mean for him to be like that. So I think it’d be irresponsible for me to own a fluffy even if though I’d want to!


Fuck no. If I wanted a whiny, helpless critter that shits all over the place, I’d have a baby, at least they’d be able to take care of themselves as they grow up.

Otherwise, give me a pet that can’t bitch and moan in English.


I would absolutely get one but only if they don’t shit tsunamis of poop.


Someone to talk to and give perspective from my cynical views. Cage. Beat it sometimes when small so that the little trauma holds together lessons and errant/bad behaviors are corrected.

Edit: Otherwise, no.


I would get at least one to see what it would be like.
Off course the one i’d get would be a kitsune fluffy.


I agree with most of the others here, as much as id love one its their bowel issues is what makes me not want one. And realistically, I already have issues with noisy animals in particular (the noises and sounds drive me crazy because ive been living near them for so long) so id imagine the talking and babbling would make me quickly annoyed. I enjoy them from a distance lmao


I’m already taking care of every other animal that comes to my yard. Including the mentally ill cat that shits on the floor plus a matriarch who dropped her brood after coming inside, the raccoons that growl at me, and a neighborhood kid I pay to do busy work in the summer that he half-asses.

It’d be inevitable.

At least they’d be fun to mess with. Get a douchebag and shout at each other. Get one with a messed up brain and be amused by the moon logic nonsense rambling. Gaslight them into acting out scenarios. I think I wrote stories with those ideas.


B-but this work right…

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Yeah, I think I’d like to have one or a few


I’d love one tbh, especially of they looked like bad roomies or mcgonagalls


Assuming that the world viewed fluffies as complex biotoys and not animals:

Sure! If it was a good fluffy it would be pretty cool. It could chill with my cats and maybe keep them warm (they are old).

If I felt neutral about it there wouldn’t be much point in having one, it would just feel like a chore taking care of a toy that didn’t interest me. If it didn’t like my cats or if it couldn’t evolve out of the “toys for little girls” mode I wouldn’t have much empathy for it and I would psychologically abuse it for my own entertainment. It would either learn to become a good fluffy or it would just exist to eat crumbs off the floor.

If it was a hellgremlin or a bitch mare I’d throw physical abuse into the mix and make them do humiliating chores like cleaning the toilet with their tongues. Maybe turn them into litterpals.

If I felt a fluffy was a living creature then I’d take the bad ones to a shelter.