Would you like something to drink? - Lothmar


As a woman tidied the kitchen she paused hearing a soft rap at the door. “My goodness, who could that be?” She adds hanging up the duster and strutting to the front door. “Coming.” She adds hearing a second rap as she approaches.

As she opened the door she looked side to side until she heard a squeak from below. Below was a fluffy with babies on its back, hold on though. This isn’t a mare, how strange…

The Dark purple with blue accents and black spots looked up and said. “Nice wady pwease hewp Bwuise. Special fwiend got taken on metaw munsta paff. Can nu make miwkies. ‘Ou hab miwkies fo’ babbies, pwease?” The bulky earthy added with at least a perceived attempt at manners.

“My what darling little creatures and such a polite father. I can certainly prepare something for your foals.” She added with a smile turning her profile. “Please come in, I can prepare you something to eat while I figure out how to help you long term.” She added gesturing across the way to the kitchen.

“Fank 'ou nice wady. 'ou heaw that babbehs, soon nu mowe tummie owies." Bruise added looking back slightly over his shoulder and heard a slight series of peeps from his multi colored progeny.

The lady paused closing the door after peering down the street at a smear on the street and a truck that had pulled over down the way with an irritated looking man on his cell phone. She hummed as she walked into the kitchen and set to work preparing a bottle. It wasn’t for foals but she had some left over formula from when she watched her niece for her sister so hopefully it would do until she could get some proper formula or give them to someone that can provide for them. She set a pot of water on the stove in the meantime.

She took a leftover heel and odd slice of bread from a bag so they could start on a new loaf and set them on a plate and spread some peanut butter making the Stallion a quick sandwich to tide them over. Bruise was setting his foals on a mat near the heating vent in a fluff pile in preparation as sat upright as he was served.

“Thank ‘ou fo’ samich nummies.” He said tucking into the sandwich masking his gums thanks to the peanut butter and close to stale bread. She caught the look on his face and realized she should offer her guest something.

“Would you like something to drink?” She said as she opened the fridge. “We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. pepper –” Bruise would have been happy with water so the fact that she was listing options had him even more confused when he heard one and he simply blurted out.

“Spiders it is, then.” The lady added pulling out a large pitcher of tiny spiders. In her offhand was a jug of milk she was going to mix with the formula.

“Nu that wasn’t what Bwuise—”

But she was already pouring him a brimming water dish of spiders.
The dish hit the floor and he tried his best not to scream outright and began to breath rapidly for a moment. His babies needed milkies so they could grow up big and strong… But spiders were scary and sometimes hurt fluffies with pinchy bites that hurt, crippled or even worse. The contents of the bowl writhed and a few scurried out and over to the nice lady and up her leg to return to the pitcher. Only then did Bruise notice, she was standing over him… Observing his every move. . .

Did her Ginger Red hair always have the smiling face across it?

“Huuu…” Bruise added with a gulp and he leaned in towards the bowl.

An hour later, the babies were fed, the last being burped and tickled slightly before placing them back in their fluff pile. Bruise wasn’t looking nearly as good, his face and body no longer resembling their chiseled muscular appearance. Eye lids and face swollen over from spider bites to the point he couldn’t see and wheezed.

“Honestly I just don’t see the appeal of spiders, but people keep asking for them so I keep it stocked.” The lady replied holding a hand to her mouth to stifle a slight chortle before going back to cleaning the dishes she had just used.

“Not su bad. Bwuise hab wowse. Wawa next time pwease.” Bruise added with a wheeze.

“. . . We’ll see.”


OH Dear god why are there so many Spiders!?


[Sarcasm] Because fuck you that’s why! [/Sarcasm]

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@anon39365243 Ask FluffyStalker.


me = :slight_smile:
When I get a like on a meme story from several months ago.