Spoilers for the Vulcanus saga of NobodyatAlls stories.
“So he was the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs?”
“I don’t think he killed all of them, I think some of them went to a pocket dimension. It’s odd.”
“And what did you say his name was?”
“And that’s spelled-”
“Yes, v-u-l-c-a-n-u-s.”
“And no one brought up the fact that half of his name is anus?”
“To be fair, I think it’s pronounced ‘Vulc-AH-nus.’”
“Still. And he came up with that name himself? Vulcanus the Incinerator?”
“I believe so.”
“What a goofy name. Even beyond the ‘anus’ part. I personally would have gone with something like ‘The Eternal Flame’.”
“Well, I’m not about to find him and tell him his name is dumb. I might be able to unwrite him from time, but I don’t know if it would have an effect on that stone he had.”
“That’s another thing. Why does it seem like so many timelines and realities have magic stones in them? There were those stones in that glove, those balls with the stars in them, that one plumber has collected his fair share of stones, your green haired friend said he got a freaking DRAGON out of a stone, and now 1989 has stones?”
“I think they had stones before.”
“Oh yeah, the bits of that sphere of destruction thing, right? Still, do you think that there’s a pattern? Maybe every universe has some kind of collection of ‘stones’. Would make sense. Maybe they’re all the same stones?”
“Heh, you may be on to something my friend.”
Cal and I have been taking a break from solving massive problems. We quite literally have all the time we need, those problems will still be there for us to solve. I would say ‘later’, but it won’t be later from their point of view.
Right now we’re helping a kid find his lost fluffy.
“And you said he was around here last you saw him?”
“Yes, me and Periwinkle were playing over here, I looked away for a second, and he wandered off!”
“Don’t worry kid, we got this.”
“Yes, we have handled many things. This will be a walk in the park.”
“They have some crazy adventures in 1989.”
“How so?”
“Well, they merge for one.”
“Yeah, they put these bracelets on and fist bump, then they fuse into one being.”
“Yeah, there’s some pretty crazy mergers too. Apparently you and I merged, and we aged a guy into dust.”
“Wow, that’s pretty cool.”
“Yeah but they don’t do it too often because time powers are dangerous enough as it is without being amplified by an Omega Class. At least that’s what you said.”
“Any other interesting mergers?”
“Well, you merged with Pierre one time, and I merged with Marley once.”
“No kidding! How’d that go?”
“Apparently that Marley can turn human, but it still sounded wild.”
“Man, that’s all so weird.”
“Yeah. Do you think if we merged we would be able to use time powers AND control the nanobots? I dunno if my neural implant would mess with a merger.”
“Maybe we should ask CQK 1989 next time we see him. I hope I’m getting the number right. Honestly those numbers don’t mean much beyond making it less confusing to talk about.”
The kid is eyeing us.
“Are you guys on drugs?”
“Not at the moment, no. We’re superheroes kid.”
“Oh. Well, I think we might be getting close to where Periwinkle is. I’ve been seeing his fluff on the ground. He sheds like crazy in the summer.”
“Any other interesting stories regarding Cal 1989? Or just that universe in general?”
“There’s a fantasy world over there, Magicca, I think.”
“Oh, that sounds pretty cool.”
“Yeah, but I don’t know much about it. I had to leave in a hurry and I keep forgetting to bring it up. But from what I heard, it’s like DnD in real life. You’d probably love it, Doc.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun.”
“The trail keeps going this way, to a little stream over here. You don’t think he fell in, do you?”
“Don’t worry kid, I’m sure he’s fine. Probably just wanted to chill by the water.”
“Apparently Cal 1989 has an alternate personality too. Like, a dark side.”
“Is that right?”
“Yeah, they talk to each other in his head, I think he came into being when Cal had a brush with vampires. I think, I can’t remember entirely. That was another story I had to cut short.”
“Yeah, I know. Crazy.”
“Sometimes I feel like I have a dark side. I feel like we saw it that one time.”
“You mean in that place I can’t remember?”
“Well, I’d say you’ve got your dark side in check. And hey, maybe we can talk to 1989 about it next time we see him, see if he can’t help you harness it.”
“Maybe. Wait, I see someone.”
blub blub
“W-wawa bad fo fwuffies! W-w-wawa bad fo Pewiwinkwe!”
“Yeah, keep kickin shitrat! I love watching you struggle! Down you go again!”
“Nuuuuu blub blub blub”
“Wait, shush, I hear someone coming.”
“Apparently he has a sentient sword too.”
“I don’t know if I see the advantage of having a sword that talks to you. Then again communication is not my strong suit.”
“I think having a talking sword would be cool, but do you think there’s talking guns?”
“That post apocalypse version of myself had a gun with a dog brain in it. It would bark when it sensed enemies.”
“Heh, that’s kinda cool. Weird though.”
“Yeah, he got it out of some place that he said looked like it had, ahem, ‘been tag-teamed by giant fuckbots.’ I didn’t ask him to elaborate.”
“That’s amazing.”
“Are you two assholes done talking?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. What are you doing here?”
“What? Oh, I was just helping this fluffy out of the stream. Isn’t that right little guy?”
“Nu! Munstah mistah am wying! Munstah huwt fwu-”
He covers Periwinkles mouth.
“Hahahahaha, you know these shitr-fluffies, always saying the darnedest things!”
“Alright I’ve had about enough of this guy.”
“Fluffy little cu-”
The man freezes in place. I stride over, and gently take Periwinkle from his hands.
“W-what the heck just happened to him?”
“Oh the doctor here just stopped his personal timeline for a second, he’s fine.”
“And resume.”
“-nt. Wait where’d he go?”
“I don’t know how the laws work here, whether what you were doing was illegal, but it was certainly immoral.”
“Ain’t nothing immoral about whatever you thought I was gonna do. Ferals are ferals, and they’re a nuisance.”
“So are you, but we aren’t allowed to waterboard you in the street.”
“You knew he wasn’t a feral. He’s much too clean to be feral. Not to mention the collar.”
“I, uh, I thought he was a runaway.”
“You can admit that you were abusing him. I’ll have more respect for you if you do.”
“Alright, fine. I was abusing the little shithead. I was gonna take him home too, but I decided to have a little fun before then.”
“Alright kid, you can go home. Next time, please keep an eye on Periwinkle, and explain to him why not to wander off.”
“Thanks, misters! You okay Periwinkle?”
“Pewiwinkwe am otay. Gwad tu be wif daddeh again.”
“Alright, kids gone. What do you think we should do with this guy?”
“What do you mean ‘do with me’? I didn’t break any laws. What, are you gonna kill me? I’d love to see you tr-”
The man freezes again.
“He makes a good point, Jack. We can’t kill him, but we can’t just let him get away with this. And I don’t think we can just beat the shit out of him either.”
“Hang on, I have an idea. Follow my lead. Make yourself incomprehensible.”
“Make yourself incomprehensible! Hard to understand!”
“Doc, you’re acting pretty incomprehensible right now.”
“Do you know Arthur Clarke’s 3 laws?”
“No? The name sounds familiar though. Is he a sci-fi writer?”
“Correct. Of his three laws, the third one is the one most relevant to us. Perhaps the other two shall come up later.”
“Alright, what’s the third law?”
I would like to remind you, reader, that the man we are talking about is currently frozen mid sentence still.
“The third law states that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
“So I’m gonna make him think I’m a wizard?”
“Not quite. We’re going to make him think we’re Gods. Gods of justice.”
“That seems sacrilegious.”
“It’s only sacrilegious if we believe it, or if we do it for our personal gain. We’re doing it to make sure no one else gets hurt.”
“Fair point. Alright, let me get ready.”
Cal’s helmet morphs into a ghastly visage of a bearded old man.
“Monty Python God, eh? Not too shabby.”
“I’m not done, doc.”
From his shoulders sprout two additional pairs of arms.
“Ooo, Hindu inspiration! I like it.”
“What are you going to do to ‘make yourself incomprehensible’, doc?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
Time resumes for the fool before us.
A gear halo appears above my head, and the space around me warps and bends as time is altered by my very presence. Should be good enough to trick this guy into thinking I’m a god.
“Human. You stand before the Gods of Justice and Retribution.”
“W-what the fuck? Wh-where’d those two freaks go?”
Damn, that was loud. Cal must have used a voice amplifier.
“You stand accused of abusing an innocent creature.”
“How do you plead, human?”
“I-I-I guess I plead guilty. I did it, b-b-but there isn’t anything wrong with that!”
Damn, he’s really into this.
“L-look, I’m sorry! J-just don’t hurt me!”
“You beg for mercy, not unlike the many creatures you have cruelly tortured in your past.”
As I say this, a window into time shows up, showing this guy torturing more fluffies.
“Your past looks an awful lot like what your future is set to be.”
The window shifts to show the man, older, doing the same thing as before.
“Your future is not set in stone, however.”
“And the Gods are giving you a chance to do the right thing.”
“We can sense goodness in your heart, human. It is covered with a crust of evil, but that evil can be washed away.”
“Y-you really think so?”
“Go now, human. We are extending mercy and compassion to you, so that you make extend mercy and compassion to others in the future.”
“O-Okay! Thank you! T-Thank you so much!”
“And with that, we must be off.”
I open a gateway to the infinite corridor.
“Y-yessir! Thank you so much!”
“Holy shit, that was amazing!”
“Amazing job, Cal!”
“Heh, thanks! How’d you do the halo thing, or the weird ripply thing, or showing what his past and future looked like?”
I just shrug my shoulders.
“Oh. Do you think he’s actually going to change?”
“Let us take a look.”
A gate opens, showing the same man with a family of his own, fluffies of his own, and he looks genuinely happy. There’s also a statue of… oh. Oh there’s a statue of Cal as the God of Retributon.
“Whoops. Uh, should we fix that?”
“Well… Maybe some good will come out of it?”
“Maybe. Do you think any Gods will get mad at us for that?”
“If they do, I can fix it. But I don’t believe they will.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“If I were a God, I would be too busy to worry about if two goofballs were pretending to be Gods. And like I said, we did it for a good reason.”
“Fair enough.”
Cal and I are currently sitting at a restaurant in a Japanese town. The sky is an odd shade of yellow, not a sickly color, but definitely not the color you would expect the sky to be.
Odd restaurant too, no menus. The chef just came over, looked at our palms, and told us our food would be ready shortly.
The food was delicious, even if it did make me cry my eyes out and made Cal vomit his intestines up.
“You two are welcome to sit and relax as your food settles.”
“Thank you, my good man.”
Cal is currently picking at his teeth with a toothpick made of nanobots.
“Cal, I have a question for you.”
“Go for it, Doc.”
“So, we know that the afterlife exists. At the very least, we know it exists in timeline 1989.”
“Yeah. They’ve got a few demons and angels on their team there. Pretty cool.”
“Yes. My question is: do you think there are any sins that warrant an eternal punishment? Infinite damnation?”
“Jeez doc, what kinda question is that?”
“Do you have an answer?”
“I, uh, I guess, err, huh… I guess I don’t know. I kinda just assumed Hell would be like, I dunno, prison? You go there until you truly repent for your sins and then you get to move on. Of course, some people never repent, you know? I an infinite punishment would require a pretty big crime.”
“I believe the only crime worth infinite punishment would be one infinite in scope.”
“What are you getting at, doc?”
“Cal, do you think I am bound for hell?”
“What?! Of course not!”
“I destroyed an entire reality, Cal. That’s a crime infinite in scope, isn’t it?”
“You’re atoning for it. You atone for it every day.”
“Maybe. But maybe a crime like that is past atonement.”
“Even if that’s the case, which I don’t think it is, the only thing you can do is your best, right?”
“I suppose.”
“Doc, I think it would help you out if you like, talked to someone about this.”
“Maybe. But who is there to talk to?”
“I dunno, but I’m sure we’ll think of someone.”
“…Thank you, Cal.”
“No problem doc.”
Just as we were preparing to leave, a teenager that I had seen before walks in, magnificent pompadour front and center.
“Hey, I know you guys! Well, not YOU guys but I know versions of you guys, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole multiverse thing.”
I still have dreams about what happened. Nightmares, really. Surrounded by an infinite number of people, all of them cracking apart and shattering, because of me.
In these dreams I hear myself.
“I won’t let what happened be in vain. All the people who no longer exist due to my ineptitude, I owe it to them to bring about Heaven. Even if it means that I will no longer exist, I will stop at nothing until I have achieved it. This is The Way that I have chosen, and it only leads to victory.”
Have I strayed from my path?
“You have. Remember what Cal said?”
“All the suffering that took place here never happened, so I guess in a way you increased the amount of happiness in the multiverse, right? Maybe we’re a little closer to achieving heaven now, or something?”
But is it my place to do that? Is it my place to decide the fate of all sentient life in the cosmos? What right do I have to destroy worlds, simply because their outcomes are sad?
“We might end up bringing about a little bit of destruction, but that destruction will be repaid ten thousand fold. Every sad moment, every unhappy outcome, every act of evil, erased.”
But what about the happy moments? What about the victories that arise due to those acts of evil? What about the moments where people have their loved ones by their side, to help them with their sad moments?
“Necessary sacrifices. A painter must sometimes start from scratch in order to create a masterpiece. A blank canvas, no remnants of the previous piece.”
I don’t know if I can.
“This happens with or without you.”
…Who are you?
…Perhaps Cal is right. Maybe I do need to talk my problems out with someone.
Cal and I are walking the infinite corridor, again. I told him a little about my dream.
“Do you remember what this voice you heard sounded like?”
“Yes. It sounded like me.”
“Yeah, I guess I should have expected that. And he was trying to talk you into continuing your idea?”
“It seemed like it. I think the scariest part was that he didn’t sound like he NEEDED me.”
We continue walking, and I think to myself.
Perhaps eliminating evil is a fruitless endeavor.
“Perhaps the world cannot be separated into truths and ideals, and it’s a mixture of the two that creates the world that we see.”
“It’s not by rejecting different ideas, but by accepting different ideas that the world creates a chemical reaction.”
“What’s that, doc?”
“Huh? Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud.”
“Ah. Do you think that maybe, without bad things happening sometimes, or without people trying to do bad things, good things lose meaning?”
“You never cease to amaze me, Cal.”
“Heh, I’m right, aren’t I?”
“You absolutely are, my friend. I don’t have any plans to erase the concept of evil, but I will use these powers of mine to fight evil at any and every turn.”
“That’s the spirit doc!”
I just hope that the other side of me can come to the same conclusion.
“So, where should we go now?”
“I want to check on timeline 1989. But I’m unsure as to whether we’re allowed.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, they have all sorts of heroes there, and they usually work things out. I guess I want to save our interference there for if and when things get dire.”
“Fair. Wanna hang around the Inn between Worlds and hope we see Cal 1989? We could ask him if we could visit. Heck, maybe we could ask him about dark halves and stuff?”
“As long as he doesn’t insist on naming it ‘Noskcaj.’”
“I swear if I had a dollar for everytime someone said they were ‘the ultimate lifeform’, or that their power was ‘unbeatable’, or that they were a god, I’d have enough money to buy Faucheuse out.”
“Bonus cash if they were genetically engineered or built in a lab.”
“I don’t think there’s enough money in existence for that, Doc.”
“On another note, what do you want to do in your future? Going from reality to reality is fun, but do you have like, an end goal?”
“Hmmm… You’ll have to come back to me on that.”
“Ah. I think I want to meet a version of George Washington with a chainsaw for a hand.”
“You know, I think we might have passed a reality with that.”
Cal and I are sitting in the Inn between Worlds, just talking and subconsciously thinking of where to go next.
Cal is eating a plate of chicken wings.
“nom Y’know doc, I just thought of something. nom How come we don’t have a rogues gallery?”
“Cal, would it kill you to not talk with your mouth full?”
“nom Sorry.”
“It’s alright. Just please, not only is it gross, but it’s dangerous. You could choke.”
“Yeah but if I do choke and die, you can just rewind time and stop me from doing that right?”
“I would prefer not to use my powers to stop you from dying as a result of choking on a chicken wing.”
“Fair enough. Rogues gallery, doc! Cal 1989 has a rogues gallery. That guy with the red cape he hangs out with has a rogues gallery. Even that guy has a rogues gallery!”
He points over to a weird looking fellow with blue skin, tall black hair with two white bolts in it, wearing a red suit with “F!” on it. He’s got a mouthful of candy.
“Hmm? Ooo, are you guys talking about rogues galleries?”
He runs over to our table and sits down.
“ALL the big time comic book heroes have rogues galleries. The Bat can’t spend all his time fighting a crazy clown you know! And the scarlet speedster can only beat his yellow counterpart to near death so many times before it gets boring! But having some recurring faces helps the readers to form connections!”
A guy wearing a silver helmet and a very patriotic outfit comes over.
“Don’t listen to a thing this jackass is saying, you do NOT need a coterie of supervillains to be a superhero. Look at me, I’m a perfectly good superhero and I don’t have a rogues gallery. They’re all six feet under.”
“You do if you want to hit it big!”
“Listen Paintbrush, my show was number 1 on HBO Max during its entire running. And that was the FIRST FUCKIN SEASON. People LOVED IT.”
“Pfft, anyone can get number 1 on HBO Max.”
I look over at Cal.
“I’m, uh, I’m going to use the restroom. You have fun with these two.”
“Look I am not having this FUCKING conversation again! I kill the bad guys because if I DON’T, they’ll break out of prison and kill innocent people.”
“I’m just saying, any superhero worth their salt has a rogues gallery. Not to mention an arch enemy! Sometimes a rival too!”
This is Cal, by the way. Jack has been gone for like 15 minutes. These two guys are currently arguing about, I dunno, popularity?
“Your show was a 90’s thing! If it didn’t have all the self referential humor and 4th wall stuff no one would remember it!”
“Don’t forget my theme song.”
“My theme song is a thousand times better!”
Okay I think I’ve had enough of this. I gotta use the bathroom anyway.
“Uh, have fun with this you two.”
Igor has some good bathrooms, real nice. Always kept clean too.
Opening the door, I see Jack standing in front of the sink, staring at the mirror.
“Oh hey, Doc. You were just gonna leave me to deal with those two goofballs?”
He just keeps staring.
“Uh, Doc? You okay?”
He shakes his head.
“Oh, hey Cal. I was just doing some thinking.”
“H-how long have you been doing that? Did you even use the bathroom?”
“Oh I don’t use the bathroom anymore. I haven’t actually had to use the bathroom since I got these powers.”
“Why didn’t you tell me! That seems pretty important!”
“I didn’t think you would care. I dunno.”
“Well, it’s a little odd, not using the bathroom for a month, but I guess it could be worse.”
“Yeah I feel like if it was something to be worried about I would have died already. I feel perfectly fine. I haven’t had to get a haircut either. Usually after a month I have to get a trim at least.”
“Weird. Do you think we’ll ever understand your powers completely?”
“Well, we have all the time in the world to try, right? Speaking of which, there’s a trick I’ve been meaning to try out, but I haven’t had the right moment to try it.”
“You’ll have to tell me about it later. One last question: why were you staring at the mirror for so long? You were like a statue!”
“I was just thinking things over, is all. I must have been doing some deep thinking.”
“Hmmm. Well, I actually have to use the bathroom. Your turn to listen to those two weird guys argue.”
This is Jack. I have returned to the table to find that the two who were arguing are now laughing heartily.
“Oh, oh holy shit, this dude is funny! This is my new best friend everyone.”
A bald eagle lands on his shoulder.
“Second best friend.”
A man with a red optical visor in a black suit, covered head to toe in weapons looks at the man and his eagle.
“What the hell, dude?”
It seems our usual table has been commandeered by two gaudy looking superheroes, their pet eagle, and their friend… Good for them, honestly. That booth is comfortable.
Cal comes running out of the bathroom.
“Alright, doc, where to?”
“Let us find out.”
“Hey doc, do you ever think about returning to our home timeline? Even if we don’t go there to stick around, we could probably fix a few problems.”
“Hmm. That could be interesting. Perhaps we could return at a later point in time.”
“Plus we could get you a suit of nano-armor. You wouldn’t be able to control the nanobots, unless of course you want the brain implant.”
“Heh, no thank you. Armor wouldn’t serve much of a purpose for me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve been lethally wounded a thousand times. Every time, things just reset to before I was hurt. Hell, sometimes attacks just go through me. I think that only happens if there’s no way to escape though.”
“What? So wait, you’ve nearly died a thousand times?”
“Doc, we really gotta work on your communication. Next time something weird is going on, please for the love of Christ, let me know.”
“Hey, I told you about the dreams, right?”
“Eh, yeah. Yeah, that’s true.”
“Walking down the infinite corridor, I spot a reality. Well… Not really a reality. It’s a place outside of ‘normal reality’, sort of like the headquarters of the One Man Army. Even places outside conventional reality can be accessed by the corridor. Granted, I wouldn’t want to go to many of those places like that. They’re either really empty, really bizarre, or have physical laws that are unfriendly to people from most realities. It hasn’t killed me before, trust me I’ve tried, but there isn’t any reason for me to go to places like that.
I’m getting incredibly off topic, I apologize.
This place that I see exists in a timeline that’s mostly empty. One of those realities that’s mostly empty. Again, think One Man Army, or that one blue haired scientist asshole.
Like those, this reality has an incredibly advanced looking facility in it. A large variety of rooms reside within.
One of them has a version of myself. He’s currently testing futuristic implements of torture and destruction on fluffies, a look of utter glee on his face.
”Disgusting. A foul creature, a cruel mockery of us.”
What? That was a weird intrusive thought, again, I apologize.
Another room, there’s a demon and an odd woman clad in a strange black suit are eating live fluffies. As well as… other live creatures.
”Cruelty for the sake of cruelty. Further evidence of an imperfect existence”
Another room. A throne room.
On that throne, that one demented version of Cal is sitting. A heart shaped mask is affixed to his face, but behind it, he sees something.
“Hey blondie! I’ve been seeing your adventures too! An entire universe, gone, just like that? Damn! That could be real useful for me! If you don’t wanna do the stuff we do, I can take the wheel from you and we can accomplish both our dreams!”
He lifts up a severed arm, a black bracelet on it, with putrid black veins leading away from it.
”We could erase him. We could ensure that this version of Cal never existed anywhere. Never WILL exist anywhere. Him and his sick, vile crew.”
“Why don’cha listen to the voice in your head, blondie! Come in here, we can get real acquainted! Maybe instead of erasing me or whatever, we can team up! You and my Jack can become good friends, or you can kill him. Long as you take his place! I know you and I want the same thing.”
”Fool. Erase him from here. He can’t enter our gateway, but our power can reach through it and end him in a second. Do it. For the good of existence.”
I don’t believe I can. It’s not my place. Not yet, at the very least. I feel that it’s Cal’s job to end him. Whether that means 1989, or Black Star, I am unsure.
”You say ‘not yet’. What do you mean?”
If he gets to be too big of a problem for even them to handle, then perhaps I will step in.
”You’re just as foolish as him. Ending him now would prevent suffering. And you delay his inevitable downfall because you feel that he isn’t your responsibility?”
You might raise valid points, but in the end I still don’t believe it’s my place to choose his fate. It would be a disservice to Cal.
”A disservice? Throw away your flawed logic for one second and realize that if we simply erase him from existence, at all points in time, the suffering he has wrought upon the multiverse would be undone.”
I close the gate.
”No matter. There will be other opportunities for us to fix your blunder, AND for us to fix the suffering he has caused. Time is no object for us. I will take my leave now. I think my identity is no longer a secret to you.”
It’s not a secret to me. Is it a secret to you, reader? And no, it is not a ‘dark side’ of me.
“Jack? Hey, what are you doin man? You’re standing like you were in the bathroom.”
“I was just thinking again. And this time my thoughts have led me to a conclusion.”
“Yeah? What about?”
“Earlier you asked me what I wanted to do in my future. I believe I have found the answer.”
“And what might that be?”
“I want to assist Cal 1989 in his future battle against Cal 9891.”