Windswept in slowly but picked up speed as Marissa pulled her grey hoodie closer together and she tried to speed walk it back to her car. She was getting off work at the Cheeze Lair, a sick mockery of a kid’s pizza joint. Her father had been yelling at her to get a job as of late so she settled at Cheeze Lair since they didn’t mind the felonies on her record. She looked at herself in the rear view mirror, still noticeably pale. Her wiry frame and ghost pigment were from the fact she was getting off a bunch of drugs since she was at the end of her rope and begged for her parent’s help.
When she started the car her phone rang so she answered it since it was her friend Jason who had been clean for a bit and was the only person she talked to these days.
“Marissa! Did you still wanna get together tonight for the horror movie biz?! It’s supposed to be super scary this one I picked out!”
“Yeah, Lemme just get home and change out of this stupid uniform and I’ll text you ok”. She hung up the phone and started to look in her side mirror when she noticed a sound coming from below her door,
“The fuck…”
Hewp mummah! Hewp mummah an mummah’s babbehs!!!" A fat green fluffy mare yelled up at Marissa.
She got out of her car and stood over the fat thing in her red vest with silly pins and all their glory.
“Babbehs ams ober hewe ! huwwy! babbehs ams habs huwties!!”
Marissa just trudged along as she felt the sting of the chilled wind rustling about. She was so fried mentally, she was just kind of going along for who knows what reason. A child could have come up and asked her to come to the bushes to see a corpse and she just have well have went along with that as well. The fat green mare was always looking back every two seconds to see if Marissa was still following her while she babbled on about her foals.
“Dey ams hewe, huwwy hewp babbehs!” the mare said as she pointed with her snout to the bush behind a bus stop bench.
She looked around to a lady sitting at the bus stop bench and then to the bush. “Hey what’s up with this thing?” she asked the older black women wearing a yellow blouse. “I don’t fuckin know somethin about babbehs or some shit, I’m just waiting for the bus.” the lady said not looking up from her phone. “Good to know.” Marissa said to herself as she went behind the bench to look at the bush more closely .
When pulled the branches apart she was greeted by the sight of a dead light green earth foal on it’s side and another light green one with a slice on it’s back hoof. It was clear the thing was not doing so well as it was breathing heavy on it’s side as well. “Babbehs am habs huwties! hewp babbehs pwees!” the fat mare pleaded with Marissa. She felt weird taking so long looking at the pathetic sight so she turned to the mare to relay the bad news when the mare went to hug the one still breathing. “See babbehs nee mo huggies an nummies! babbeh ams huwties!!”.
“That thing is dead and that one is on it’s way out, so umm I guess cut your losses and take off…I guess…”. The moment was excruciating and she wished for it to end so she started to walk back to her car. The mare followed her pleading still as it didn’t understand Marissa. “Bu bu bu mummah habs mo babbehs dat nee nummies! hewp mummah!!”. She stopped to look down at the ugly mare and found that she was telling the truth. There on her back fluff were two more tiny green foals that were huddled up so close that they blended with their mother’s fluff. “Well what do ya know, there are two more huh. You want food but I only got food at my house. Do you want to come with me, You and your two baby’s?” she asked it as she kept walking slowly to her shitty car. Marissa only wanted to get home and out of her stupid uniform, maybe have a drink of liquor she had stashed under her bed.
“Mumah ams comin! waid fo gud mummah an bestest babbehs!” the fat green mare called as she tried to keep pace with Marissa’s slow gait.
Once she got the dirt green mare and it’s two now crying foals on its back settled on the floor of the passenger side, she was finally ready to home. As soon as the vehicle hit it’s first turn the foals cried so annoyingly loud she was forced to turn up the music of some random channel blaring mariachi music to cover the sounds. She was almost home and already was regretting bringing this thing along with her. She was bored as all hell and she figured that it may be something worthwhile to entertain herself at the very least. When she entered the front door first and leaving the mare outside just in case the vibe felt off at the house when she greeted her parents. To her surprise, there was a letter on the front mirror next to the front door stating that they had gone over to visit her little sister. Her adorable honor student “lil sister” lived about 8 hours away from here and so she knew her parents would be gone for at least two to three days as they always took that amount of time when visiting Christina. She rolled her eyes and opened the door and whistled for the mare to come inside. The thing waddled inside and Marissa only walked over to kitchen to grab one of her dad’s beers as she threw her vest on the counter top. She chugged the first Modelo and started to cut a lime for the second one. When the second one was downed, she started to feel a little better. Once she started to play some music, she started to dance with herself as she usually did when she was alone. Doing twirls and laughing as she cracked open a third brewskie. She tripped on her own foot and went down to the brown linoleum floor to eat shit. The beer in her hand flew over and smashed onto the mare’s stubby snout.
“Eeeee!! Huwties! Nu huwt gud mummah and gib bestest babbehs scawdies!” the mare cried out in more of a whine as she stamped her dull hooves in pain.
“Oh shit my bad dude! Here, lemme get you some food for you and whatever” she said as she giggled about it.
She went over to grab the cold cuts of ham to make herself a sandwich and give the bread crusts to the mare and her “babbehs”. The fat green mare was starring at her the entire time as she made the sandwich with blood dripping off her nose where the glass had hit her. “There ya go, I don’t know what you eat but eat that for now” she told the green thing as she housed that sandwich like it owed her money.
She moved around the house for a bit looking for other forms of alcohol her father may have stashed away from her until she came into kitchen to find the green mare feeding her foal while making the other one wait for the first one to finish. This struck her as strange since she looked to have two teats but still she pushed the other one away every time it tried to go for the nipple.
“Nuu babbeh, yu go aftew fiwst bestest babbeh den yu habs miwkies okay!” the mare told the hungry little green earth foal as she pawed at it to stay still.
The tiny green foal was immensely hungry as it kept going until the mother really gave it a wallop that stunned it for a moment. “Damn, what the fuck am I looking at?” Marissa asked herself as her smile left her. The room was filled with feeling of disgust and revulsion. The feeling ate away ate her as if the moment’s were speeding up and welling up inside her. She threw her phone at the mare and went over to step on her but stopped herself quickly.
“Huuuu! Why gib gud mummah huwties? Mummah habs bestest babbehs an is gud mummah huuuu!!”
Marissa only felt herself breathing heavy as she felt a mechanism within her click away.