Write a smol story 12 (InfraredTurbine)

What’s the story behind this pic ?
You decide!
Feel free to write a whole story about it, or just a small guess of what happened to them, feel free to usem them like the last versions of “Write a smol story”.

Had about an hour free at work today and decided to draw this on my tablet. Hope ya like it!

Sorry for not posting so much lately, I’m probably overworking, depressed, dunno. Perharps I’m just so gay that I could be drawing more but got busy xD

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


Sorry for the quality, didn’t have the time to proper lineart it :1


The quality looks nice! It gives it a softer, gentler feeling.

As for a story …

“Nu wowwy, babbeh,” the stallion murmured, gently holding his younger self close. “Dis pain nu am fowevew.”


“Wha? Why fwuffy hab babbeh? WHEWE STUFFY FWIEND???”


She held him softly, for as long as she could. She had gotten lucky that this one was the same colour as her, she had been able to hide him while his siblings were taken away.

She knew she didn’t have long, in too short a time the mister would return and take him, likely beat her for hiding him. She would ask why they even wanted him, he wasn’t pretty like his sisters, or had both wings and a horn like his brothers, why would they want a baby like him.

In truth she knew the answer, she knew the life that awaited her son, to be trapped in a box and forced to eat bodily waste until he knew nothing else. It was a life without legs, a life without freedom. A life without love.

So she held him, in the hopes that even for a little while, even if he never consciously remembered this moment, he would know love at least in some small way.


“Peep! Peep!” The baby cried. His mother stirred at the sound.

“Bad sweepie pictuwe again?” She asked half asleep. The foal nodded, too young to speak. She licked the salty tears from his cheek. “Come nuzzwe up tu mummah. Nuffin gon scawe babbeh whiwe mummah hewe. Mummah wub yu.” The foal curled up and coo’d softly.

“W-wub yu.”


Unexpected foal death syndrome or ufds is a common affliction of newborn fluffy foals. Much like its human counterpart sids the majority of deaths attributed to this would be more accurately explained by strangulation or suffocation. On screen we have an example of ufds captured by a nanny cam. As you can see this mother is bonding with her young by sleeping together. While this is normally safe and expected behavior, a nocturnal shift in posture has caused this little one to fall backwards. Where before his ribcage supported his mothers snout quite easily her weight now rests on his neck. It should come as no surprise that the much larger and heavier mother is too much for the foal to move. In this video we’re extremely lucky in that the foals legs are free enough to resist and push against his mothers leg. This gives us a much more precise time of death. For obvious reasons your role in caring for victims of ufds is primarily focused on the psyche of the mother. I see some of you in the audience already horrified at having to lie to your patients. I assure you that attempting to force these mothers to “make peace” with causing their childs death and almost assuredly will result in suicidal ideation. This official diagnosis, no matter how false, gives our patients the hope they need to grieve and these often go on to form new families.


“Pwease babbeh. Gib chiwpies?” The mother begged. She held the foal gently. He stood still and stiff. She’d given him hugs but he never hugged her back. She’d tried pushing her teat to his mouth so many times but he just wouldn’t latch. She could smell the pain and hunger on him so why wouldn’t he help her? “Pwease babbeh. Mummah wubs yu.” She laid down hugging him and fell asleep exhausted. The men in the observation room stared down at her.

“Fascinating. She really thinks it’s her own foal?” The other flipped through his chart glancing at the information.

“Completely. The wooden lure has the slow release pheremones. All she notices is the extreme distress and the scent of a new baby.” He scratched his beard.

“Any chance of rejection?” The scientist smiled politely.

“None. The artificial nature ensures her own foals will always have a weaker scent. She’ll try to feed the lure even as her real children starve. The constant duress overrides estrus too. She’ll never sire another litter while she has it.”

“And?” The man stared waiting for a downside. The scientist grimaced slightly.

“The scent bricks are timed release. The lures expire after one month. We’ve outfitted the design with a tracker so it can be retrieved before then.” The man extended a hand and he took it graciously.

“I want ten thousand by june. The state of ohio thanks you.”


poor fIipper baby.


My execution ass on my way to remove the poopie stallion and babbeh off the alleyway


Coco, the chocolate brown fluffy pony, stared out the van window, her heart a tangled knot of apprehension and relief. The city, a cacophony of honking horns and flashing lights, receded into the distance. Soon, it would be just them, the endless green fields, and the promise of a new life – on a peanut farm.

The farm, aptly named “Nutty Acres,” belonged to Wanda Miller and her husband, a kind but slightly eccentric man. She’d heard their curbside pitch while going into town for fertilizer: “Bestest Fluffy Ponies Seeking Loving Daddeh (Toysies Optional).” Wanda Miller told them she didn’t have any toys but she could keep them busy. Coco looked apprehensive.

After an hour the van finally rumbled to a stop, kicking up a swirl of red dust. Pip, Coco’s milk chocolate foal, peeked out from behind her legs, his eyes wide with curiosity. A weathered wooden barn with a faded “Nutty Acres” sign loomed ahead.

A tall, lanky man with a sun-creased face and a straw hat greeted them. This was Farmer Miller. His smile was genuine, but Coco couldn’t miss the twinkle in his eye. “Well, howdy there, little ones! Welcome to Nutty Acres!”

The farm was a far cry from the concrete jungle. Here, the sky stretched wide open, painted with shades of orange and purple by the setting sun. Fields of peanut plants rustled in the gentle breeze. Pip, forgetting his city caution, pranced around, his tiny hooves barely leaving a mark on the soft earth.

Coco, however, couldn’t shake off a sense of unease. As Farmer Miller led them into the barn, the air grew thick with a nutty aroma. Inside, a large trough overflowing with a gooey, brown substance awaited them. “This here’s peanut butter,” Farmer Miller said, his voice booming in the enclosed space. “Made with the finest peanuts Nutty Acres has to offer!”

Pip, intrigued, dipped his muzzle into the trough. Coco watched, her stomach churning. The thought of eating anything other than rotten apple cores or licking clean sketti cans in the dumpster felt… wrong. Yet, Pip emerged from the trough, his face smeared with peanut butter, a look of pure bliss on his face. “Yummeh!” he exclaimed.

Coco hesitated. Farmer Miller, sensing her reluctance, crouched down to her level. “Don’t worry, Coco,” he said gently. “Hay’s on its way, if you’d prefer. But peanuts are good for you. Full of protein and healthy fats – keeps your coat shiny and strong!”

Coco, still hesitant, took a tentative lick. The peanut butter was surprisingly sweet and nutty. It wasn’t hay, by any stretch, but it wasn’t bad either. Slowly, she started to nibble, the texture strangely comforting.

Over the next few days, Coco discovered the joys of farm life. She and Pip spent their days frolicking in the fields, chasing butterflies and rolling in the cool grass. Coco learned to appreciate the calming rhythm of farm life – the crowing of roosters at dawn, the mooing of cows in the distance, the comforting scent of freshly turned earth.

One afternoon, while Coco grazed on a patch of clover (a treat Farmer Miller had found for her), Pip trotted up to her, his face smeared with peanut butter again. “Mummah,” he said, “wan heaw bestest peany singie nieuw daddeh taught me?”

Coco smiled. “Suwe, honey. Mummah wub singing babbeh.”

Pip puffed up his tiny chest and sang, in a voice both enthusiastic and slightly sticky, “Peany, peany good fowe eat! Soft shiny fwuff no can be beat! Awways mowe, nebba hungwy, one mowe trough for cowt an mummy”

Coco watched him, a warmth spreading through her chest. Maybe, just maybe, this new life, with its peanut butter song and endless fields, wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Farmer Miller’s cheer turned to dread as the next day’s morning sun revealed Coco and Pip lying motionless in their stall. Wanda, his wife, rushed to his side, tears welling in her eyes. The half-empty trough of peanut butter sat beside them, a sickening reminder of the devil’s bargain deal Miller made with a shady supplier at the county fair. Genetically modified peanuts with sugarcane characteristics seemed perfect for revitalizing a lagging business, if only they hadn’t had the tendency to also grow ribbons of strychnine throughout. “Ah well, I’m going down to Walmart later anyhow,” Wanda said, “I’ll find us some new Fuzzies or whatever the heck they’re called.”


It was a rarity for a fluffy dam to give birth to a single foal, but because of malnutrition, this one did. The foal exited her birth canal peeping frantically, which the exhausted mummah took as a sign of health. In truth, the foal entered the world in agony, its tiny body wracked by osteogenesis imperfecta. It was born with a splintered rib cage, and falling to the filthy alley’s concrete ground obliterated all four of its legs.
The mummah, ignorant and exhausted, maneuvered her foal to one of her nearly empty teats and beckoned it to suckle. The foal screamed as it was moved, its mummah’s well-intentioned positioning slipping a few of its spinal discs, but it instinctively attempted to drink. The mare smiled and promptly fainted, while her sole baby fractured its jaw on her nipple.
Mummah awoke hours later, freezing now that it was dark and raining. She looked down at her baby, expecting a cheerful and energetic foal. Instead she found an immobile sack of flesh filled with shredded muscle tissue and powdered bone. She picked up the floppy foal and gave it a gentle shake, but it had been dead for hours.


He was perfect, and she loved him with all her heart.

She’d barely escaped the herd with her life the day her “luck” had run out; as the only mare that wasnt a soon-mummah the attentions of the frustrated stallions had fallen on her, and she’d been temporarily promoted from poopies to enfies. Left for dead beside the poopie place, she had crawled until she could walk again, and walked until she could run.

It had been so hard to find enough nummies to keep up her strength as her body swelled, but she was determined to live for this baby’s sake. She knew who and what he was before he even began kicking at her from inside: a poopie fluffy just like her. She knew that with a herd he would suffer, and without one they might both die. But she had promised herself that if she ever became a mummah she would love the poopie babies her coloring most likely doomed her to birth.

Luck was with her now. She had found a place where humans came to get nummies, far enough outside the city to provide plenty of cover and not much chance of wandering city ferals stumbling upon it. The big box behind it had a hole in the back up against the wall that she could squeeze through even as big as she was before she had swollen immobile, and she had seen the munstah machine play with it some mornings so she knew not to sleep in it. She had stockpiled many dried, sweet nummies and even skettis from it in her hiding place under an old vroom machine overgrown with vines beside the place, so she’d had plenty to eat while immobile. And then the Biggest Poopies came and everything had gone perfectly.

And here he was. Licked clean three times already just to make sure he felt pretty. Fed the bestest milkies until his little tummy was round. Sung to and cuddled and assured of her love many times over. He would never think his mummah didn’t love him, or be given sorry hoofies, or eat poopies. She was going to give him the love and care she had never had. She was going to make up for the cruelty of the world and this foal would be a living testament to the justice that only a truly loving mother could manifest.

He kicked a little in his sleep, one folded ear flicking restlessly, and she murmured soothingly. It was a little noisy. The urgent, desperate chirping behind her was gradually weakening, but still audible. She reached out carefully with one hind hoof, and when she felt a small, cool and damp body touch it, she pushed it farther away. Eventually the five vividly colored foals she had given birth to before the brown one would stop peeping for attention and she would finally get her well-earned sleep. But for now, it was enough for her to bask in the glow of satisfaction, and in her love for her one, perfect, bestest babbeh.


Don’t feel bad for a lesser output, just you doing your WASS serie again made my day a little better.


It was a warm spring day. The abominable brown rat had by some magical miracle managed to survive the winter and even keep one of its abominable foals. It was snoozing quietly in the dog park (its location was the reason it had survived, eating the leftovers of the food its owners fed their animals). There was no sign of trouble.

But spring presents Fluffy with one of her toughest challenges yet. Exterminators are scouring the park for the corpses of rats that have thawed from the snow, and to her dismay, they are not averse to killing the living ones.


She finally give a sigh of relief as the noisy street and honking cars have faded. Already outside the city limit and into the deep woods, finding an old wooden trunk she slowly squeese inside, resting and gently lick her small foal who was sleeping comfortably on her fluff.

“No moh noisy metaw munstah, no moh bad hoomin” she whispered “nao fluffy can be mummah fo wast babbeh” she said with a tear in her eye as her last foal cooed and hug her fluff.

Soon both falls asleep and the next day is a new challenge for a mare like her: surviving in the wild.


Once there was an ugly fluffy he was so ugly that he died. The End


So she is just a bitch mare but she loves poopies and no other Fluffys, sick

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Yeah, pretty much what I think of using past trauma as an excuse to hurt others.