"Wun Wub, Wun Heawt" Part 1 by NobodyAtAll

I’m from the Netherlands, myself. Well, I’m from England, but I’ve lived in the Netherlands longer than I lived in England. I’m half and half: English father, Dutch mother.

And yeah, weed is, more or less, legal here, but we still have dealers.


The answer is that John was a friend.

Was a friend. I joked about John dying by falling in a plothole, but he actually does die later on.

It’s not much of a spoiler. He was a background character with no lines, it doesn’t really matter.


Yeah, it’s like I said. Weed is effectively legal here. You’re allowed up to five grams of weed or hash (weed is the green stuff, hash is the brown stuff, made from weed) for personal use, and you’re expected to buy it from a licensed coffeeshop. Which is basically like a café that also sells weed. Street dealers are still a thing here, but that’s still illegal.

Weed’s legal status here is gedogen, which means tolerated. They look the other way if it’s a small amount. The cops would rather spend that time busting dealers who sell hard drugs.

On a related note: last year, when the lockdown started and it was announced that the coffeeshops had to close by… I think it was 6PM, huge fucking lines formed outside every coffeeshop in the country, that many people wanted to get weed before they closed. I was at my favorite coffeeshop at the time, I saw that shit first-hand.

They all reopened a day or two later, but only for selling weed. The smoking rooms only reopened recently.