"Wun Wub, Wun Heawt" Part 1 by NobodyAtAll

It’s a lazy afternoon, and you’re spending it the best way you know how: on the couch, playing video games, listening to some Bob Marley and getting high as a kite. Hey, it’s legal here.

You can afford to spend your days like this thanks to a generous inheritance from your dear departed parents, and your expenses aren’t that much, so you figure you’re set for life.

You decide to take a break from Retro City Rampage (a most radical and tubular game) to see what’s on TV. You flick through the channels and suddenly see something that catches your eye on the news.

Some guy, you weren’t sure it was a guy at first, apparently took in a bunch of fluffies, some of which were missing various body parts, and apparently he’s an inventor, and made some kind of little cars that help them get around. It’s a very interesting article, but you’re stoned and your conscious mind isn’t really paying attention.

As you’re laying on the couch, half-watching the news, half-listening to One Love, an idea races into your brain at the speed of weed.

You should get a fluffy!


You should get one right now!

You’ve always wanted one since they first appeared, but you never got around to it.

You’ve got an empty room you’re not using. You were gonna make it into a workshop, but then you got high and forgot all about the idea.

You don’t have a car, but there’s a new store that opened nearby and anything you can’t carry home can probably be delivered, right?

You get up, walk out of your apartment, and make your way down to the store. You’ll probably be sober by the time you get there.

You’re working at the counter of Flufftopia, one of the first of a brand new chain of fluffy stores. The goal of Flufftopia is simple; to provide the best damn products on the market, at the best price possible. No poorly-trained fluffies or cheap kibble made of fluffies here, recent studies have shown the adverse effects of eating fluffies. Just high-quality fluffies, and high-quality products, at a reasonable price.

The doors open and the stench of weed billows in.

In walks the source of the smell. A guy with long messy hair, quickly tied back into a ponytail, shorts with more pockets than you’ve ever seen, a T-shirt with “HOPE RIDES ALONE” on it, and… ugh, Crocs? Really, dude? And his eyes are red as fuck.

The guy walks up to the counter. This is going to be interesting.

You probably shouldn’t have burned one on the way over here, but oh well, spilled milk and all that.

You sidle forwards towards the counter. Yes, you can actually sidle forwards. It’s quite impressive how you do it.

You think for a moment, taking in the smell of fluffies, and then you remember why you’re here.

“My radical dude, it would be totally bodacious if you could–” you say, before breaking into laughter.

“Hahaha why am I talking like that? Man, this is some good shit. I should call John and get some more. Anyway, I’m here to get myself a fluffy. This is my first time, so I’m gonna need, y’know, the whole package, toys and beds and a litterbox and shit, ha, and don’t worry, money is not a problem. So can you hook me up?”

The guy, the tag on his shirt says his name is Mark, tells you that they have an excellent starter kit for fluffies: toys, a bed, a litterbox, everything you need to set up a saferoom, and that they even offer a service to set everything up for you. You are way too high to do everything yourself, especially if it involves any tools, so you decide to get the saferoom ready first, you can keep an eye on the workers, and then you can come back and pick out a fluffy.

A week later you return, and Mark is working again, so you greet him. Miraculously, you’ve remembered what you were doing. You had to have the dudes working on the new saferoom remind you a couple of times, great guys, professionals, but you remembered that you still had to actually get the fluffy.

The saferoom is ready, you’ve got an ample amount of supplies, now there’s one thing left to do: pick out your fluffy. And of course, you’ll be assisted by your good friend Mary-Jane, having successfully acquired more of that good shit from your dealer and burned one on the way over.

You’re now standing in front of the pens, the fluffies being separated by gender, type, and age. You figured you’d start with a foal. The foals here have been weaned, and trained, and you want to watch the little dude grow up. You’re looking through the foal pens, trying to find one you like, and then you see it.

A green fluffy, with a yellow and red mane. An earthie colt, looks like he was only recently weaned, and the little guy has the chillest look you’ve ever seen on someone sober.

Rasta fluffy! Score!

You decide right then and there that you’re taking the little guy home.

“Hey little guy, do you want me to be your new daddy?”

“Nice mistah be nyu daddeh? Babbeh wub nyu daddeh! Chirp!

You can tell he’s thrilled by the prospect, but he’s not going completely insane like most fluffies do when they get a new daddy. Yeah, he’s gonna be perfect. You pet him as he’s placed in a small carrier, not so small that he thinks it’s a “sorry box” and you take him to the counter to get everything registered and pay up, petting him gently as you do.

The fluffies they sell here are all chipped, so entering your details into the system is a snap.

Mark asks you if you’ve got a name for the little dude. You knew what you were going to call him the moment you saw him. You couldn’t choose any other name.


And that’s my second story. A bit of experimenting with different POVs, and second person narrative instead of first person.

Part 2


The fluffy will be totally baked by day one.


I know that smoking weed at a young age can fuck up the brain, but in my headcanon fluffy brain development is both accelerated and stunted. Since they learn to talk really quickly (and otherwise develop quickly), but also never exactly become smart (at least by human standards), outside of a few extraordinary cases (like Lightning the cannibal fluffy). So weed doesn’t really do any long term harm to a fluffy’s brain development, because compared to all the shit Hasbio did to ensure they never become smart enough to truly be a threat to humanity, the damage weed could potentially do to their brains is virtually nonexistent, unless they’re still chirpies.


Not like you could really tell if there was any permanent brain damage or anything analogous with fluffies.


They basically start off brain-damaged, is the point. Weed wouldn’t make it any worse.


First thing of yours that I’ve read. Looks interesting.

Gonna check out more of your catalog over the next week. Great works so far.

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“Alright, just finished making sure this animal that can’t hold tools is too dumb to use tools.”

“Cool, but did anything think about fixing their breeding rate and food consumption?”

“Dave did. Then he had a stroke jerking off over the Christmas holiday. First person to bring it up gets his job but not the commission.”


Fun fact: John, the dealer mentioned in this Part, died before Part 2. It was tragic: he wasn’t looking where he was going, and he fell into an open plothole.




That’s not the only time the Inventor is mentioned. Let’s just say he gets a pleasant surprise later down the line, and the cars he invented have something to do with it. I might mention them again in a future story, if that’s okay. I’ve been sticking to minor cameos from other headcanons, because I don’t want to completely hijack other people’s characters.

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hey im perfectly happy with it. I like to think its an alternate universe version of my character thats basically the same but he lives in your universe if that makes sense lol

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Well, my headcanon is a multiverse, so that works.

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My only question is, if the MJ is legal where he is, why would he need a dealer? He could just go to a high-end weed store and buy some like it’s a carton of milk.


Weed is legal where I am, and while I don’t partake myself, I have a bunch of friends who do.

They still get most of their stuff from dealers because the shit they sell in stores is SUPER weak compared to what you can get from an independent grower.

Not sure if it’s the same case here, but that’s one possibility.


Maybe I’m just used to the attitude and stores in big cities like Vegas and New York where you can buy the best stuff from the high-end stores that litter the cities. My weed-aficionado friend said that the best stuff at the high-end stores really is the best buy, especially because of regulation (no dangerous additives like cocaine or formaldehyde). But, I’m not the weed-aficionado, so I might be misinformed based on my own experiences…


In my country, the problem is overregulation.

It’s legal, but all the different taxes and health legislation mean that what you can get in stores is usually weak and overpriced.

Must be the different in the states.

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Do you mind if I ask where you’re from?

And yeah, it is definitely different in the US. I look forward to the day it’s legal in all 50 states and there’s no stupid prohibition on it anymore!


i dunno anything about weed, but i feel like it could be that “dealers” are able to make a more potent product, at the cost of them making less than a large scale manufacturer. similar to buying produce locally. it might be better, and better for you, but its more expensive most times


I’m from the wilds of good ol’ Canada, myself!

Although my kin are from all over the place, half my family lives in the states, other half live abroad in the Netherlands and a few isolated pockets of us live on farms all over the north!

Hence the name…


I had a feeling it was Canada!