Xenofluff headcannons (by Rescue_9)

I absolutely adored the Xenofluff design by @FederalChemical1728 and decided to brainstorm some funky little HCs. I imagine Xenofluffs are the result of a rare CRISPR-like virus changing funky fetus genes. Definitely a lot of possibilities for sadbox or good ol abuse.

Also idk much about anatomy but god damn birthing one of these monstrosities is a death sentence


Wait, are they like this since birth?

I’d guess mares would dispatch them quickly as munstahs.

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I feel like their spikes would probably prevent that.

" Scree! Munstah babbeh! Gib ou foveba sweepies!"

Fallowed by a mare implailing their hoves and now dying from infection/blood loss as well as the death of the foal.

They probably only survive being born to “gud mummahs” you know the ones that “wub aww babbehs eben munstah babbehs”


Eh, I guess it would depend on the artist’s rendition.

Unless fluffy hooves are literally made of tissue paper or the xeno foals have razor-sharp, hardened spikes right from the get-go, they shouldn’t have issues squishing them or simply abandoning them to starve.

I feel only especially accepting mares wouldn’t freak out. This ain’t horns and wings together, it’s a fookin first movie model of Sonic the hedgehog right there.


Ive seen some art of fluffies trying to play with hedgehogs and getting murked from the spikes xD.

But thats a good point the spikes are probably all soft and squishy when their newborns. Maybe when their born the spikes are tucked under the fluff and dont pop out till their talkies?



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I have never wanted a Xenofluff so badly in my life, they look so FUCKING CUTE

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So it’s basically the genestealer of fluffies just without the hive mind

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Screw them boxes!
I see this fucker as a guard-fluffy for a farm!
GETOVMAHLAND! :cowboy_hat_face: <-Yeehaw!


ALSJSJKXJBSKJDJDJ Xeno being patient zero & giving everyone monster-baby-making STDs is the Most Based Shit ive ever heard holy shit

Xeno’s base model was a fluffalo, so maybe the virus that causes these little terrors developed when Xeno’s garage-science-lab genes mixed with more professionally engineered fluffy genes?

Xeno spreads his wild oats and and they fuckin decimate entire herds. it reminds me of some kind of folklore monster that replaced a child and ate the parents out of house and home? am i thinking of changelings? am i gonna look it up? knowing me, probably not!

They’d survive better in cannibal-fluffy families, which value strength and violence & are less afraid of monsters bc they have more effective tools to defend themselves than omnivorous fluffs

Oh God this would make for a great horrorbox story, all the ferals in a small rural town are getting picked off one by one, and no one really seems to mind until the ferals are gone & family pets start disappearing. and instead of pranksters or coyotes or some other large natural predator, it’s some fuckin dachshund-sized chupacabra-lookin ass horse-pig & no one knows where the FUCK it came from and all the hillbilly residents have their own insane conspiracy theories

God i love this im still screaming


YOOOO I didint even consider a monster horror story with these guys. That would absolutely slap if I had the dedication to write it.

A show fluffy mare ends up contracting the Xeno germs and births a lovecraftian horror of a fluffy which goes on to terrorize and ransack the town. Having the Xeno be like…unnaturally smart would also add to the fear factor. These bitches be opening doors

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we just reinvented The Dunwitch Horror with fluffy ponies alsjdjbxjdjbdjx

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You say that like it’s a bad thing. Anything lovecraftian is better with fluffies bc it’s fun and less racist

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wait what if, like baby porcupines, the spines were soft at birth, but then harden with contact with air?