Yard invasion results into getting Sketty's! (fluffybooru id: 18030) (by: Wolfram_Sparks)

Invading shitrats deserve to eat shit and die horribly.

I love it when speshul fwens are put in their place.

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Probably not the first time, see the gear, the methodology, the lack of concern about it.

This is a seasoned abuser who knows to be patient and wait, then making the most of the fluffies before discarding them, breaking them mentally after pillowing them.

Hell, i wouldn’t be surprised if in the world where there’s fluffys there are mills turning broken pillowed fluffies into manure factories to fertilize fields that will in spades bring more fluffies.

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What happend with babys?

Made into bolognese for the spaghetti they’re getting fed.