You can guess the back story. (Not_A_Wise_Man)


No i cant guess it embarrassing i know

Im struggling but ill give it a try

Shes a milkbag who saw a open door and took her chance at shuffling out of to freedom, babbehs trying follow her (probably not out of love more out of “hey my miwkies is getting away”) only for the attendant to just spectate as she scrapes against the floor trying to get into a nearby alleyway before passing out in exhaustion, only to end up right back where she started with some extra bumps and scrapes as a result.

Hows my aim? :shrug:


She has a worn down bow in her mane…
She has “loving babbehs”.
Lives in an alleyway.
Doesn’t have front legs.

Fluffy wanted babbehs, Daddy said no but she got pregnant anyways. She was punished then thrown out to fend for herself and her babbehs.


So swing and a miss :shrug:

Not gonna lie i thought the bow was a babbeh climbing on her head

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To tell you the truth, my original intention was just the last panel with more details and with the mare wearing a necklace of dead foals wrapped around her neck.


at the end of all it is a dream

Nah. I made it hard to interpret on purpose but I might have went overboard:
In the first image she wakes up to her foals and tries to reassure them.
Second image she tries to stand up but falls.
Third image her foals give her “huggies” to make her feel better
Fourth image she starts pushing herself forward but doesn’t have front legs.
Fifth image shows her trail through the puddle
Sixth image is her having no legs begging for “nummies”.

She’s a domestic mare which wanted “babbehs” but her family didn’t wanted to deal with that. She got herself pregnant, then she was punished and abandoned to deal with them. I didn’t pillowed her since with only hind legs she can struggle and suffer rather than simply dying. I made her a little too cute and not miserable enough though.

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a good story, I would have liked to see how the shitrat lost its legs

I shall grant this request, soon. I’ve been sent 300km to another location for work.