You Picked The Wrong House, Fool Ch. 1 [By BFM101]

Augustus ‘Gus’ Kemper closed his front door with a soft thud as he lay his tired back against the hard wooden frame. It had been a long day at work, one of the stallions had caught sight of another stallion fucking his ‘special friend’ and took it upon himself to defend her honour by finding the attacker and stomping his nutsack.

Fucking idiot wasn’t even mates with the bitch, he was just the last one to fuck her. A short castration and pillowing later and the only fucking numbnuts was going to do now was when the other stallions wanted a turn on their brand new enfie toy.

Gus let out a deep sigh and hung up his coat, tossing his keys into the metallic bowl on a nearby table, the loud clunk rang out through the house and alerted the only other occupant to his return.

“Mistah Gus? Am dat yu?”

“It’s me Florence, just keep working, I’ll be through in a moment.”

There was a noise resembling affirmation followed by an off-key melody. Gus finished taking off his shoes and other assorted outside clothing before grabbing a beer from the fridge and heading through to the workshop. Inside he found Florence softly singing to a box of sleeping foals, the last one cradled in her arms as she gently rocked it back and forth.

“It ok wittew babbeh, sweepy times nu huwt yu, hab bestesh sweepies, an wememba dat Fwowence wub yu.”

Florence softly kissed the last foal, a purple colt Gus knew to be a little on the sensitive side, and placed him down with the others, the colt let out a little whine and started suckling on his hoof quite rapidly until one of the other foals rolled over and drooped a limb over him. The colt instantly calmed down and slowed down his hoof sucking, though didn’t stop completely.

“Any incidents today Florence?”

Florence turned round and shook her head. “Nu mistah Gus, babbehs aww gud. Fink wittew Pan-see am stiww habben heawt-huwties, Fwowence twy wet him be bwave, bu he sensitbe wittew babbeh.”

Gus looked down at the purple colt, he knew the colt didn’t have Sensitive Baby Syndrome, he could talk and play just fine, he was just… funnily enough, a pansy, an absolute wuss and crybaby and had been the entire time Gus had owned him. Florence knew better than to coddle him, but Gus could tell she was seeing Pansy’s time with them coming to an end, the only question was how.

“Let’s leave him to sleep for now, we’ll figure out what to do with him in the morning.”

“Ok mistah Gus. Can Fwowence gu ousside an wook at bwite-sky-wights?”

“Yeah go on, you’ve earned some fresh air.”

Florence let out a little cheer as she lifted her hefty body off the ground and waddled out of the workshop, towards the Fluffy-Door at the bottom of the back-door into the garden. Gus watched her leave before tidying up a little bit.

Gus did not like Fluffies, he found them irritating, idiotic and ignorant. But other people did like Fluffies, enough to pay him and his business partner Vincent a lot of money for them, especially if they had the right colours. Vincent might have been the face of the business, but Gus was the brains and his experiments into Fluffy genealogy was pushing their store forward.

That’s why he had all these foals in his home, each of them had been specifically bred for colours and patterns so Gus could experiment with different parental combinations and see the results before putting the results up for market. Now ask anyone and they’ll tell you that Fluffy genetics was a crapshoot, and to an extent that was true, unless you knew what you were doing, and Gus knew exactly what he was doing. On the science part anyway, on the hospitable part, he needed improvement. Enter Florence.

Florence was a former breeding stock turned nurse-mare, being a white Alicorn with a red stomach and red mane it wasn’t hard to see why she was so popular, however the side-effects meant that her biology was so worked up from constant pregnancies that she now produce milk basically non-stop. A boon to Gus who used her as source of food for the infants whilst also using her status as an Alicorn to lessen the foals fears of ‘munstahs’.

Plus there was that one other thing she could do, but Gus hadn’t had to rely on that for a while.

The best part about Florence though, was her inability to connect with the foals. Oh she loved them, she cared for them and she felt sad when they went away, but a lifetime of seeing her own children taken from her had warped her mind into accepting this as the norm. She never kicked up a fuss when Gus moved the foals on, never picked a bestesh babbeh since some part of her recognised none of them would be staying long enough to make a difference. Hell Gus had bred her a couple of times since taking her in and was sure at least two or three of the foals in the bunch were her own but she showed no predilection or favouritism to them over the others. Tragic perhaps, but she had a comfortable life and was happy in her work with Gus.

So while Gus did not like Fluffies, but he was willing to put up with Florence for her work ethic.

Once he was satisfied that the foals were all safe and happy, Gus followed Florence outside, finding the mare sitting in the porch-light, looking up wistfully at the stars. Gus had no idea why she was so fascinated by the night sky, but it kept her happy and it was a free treat.

“Alright Florence, time for bed.”

“Ok mistah Gus.” The mare took one final look at the sky before turning back inside and joining Gus.

“Mistah Gus fink dat Pan-see need gu?”

Gus nodded as he locked the back door. “Yeah. He’s too sensitive, he’s no use to anyone like that.”

“Fwowence undastan, bu stiww feew bad fow babbeh. Nu his fauwt he hab biggesh heawt.”

“I know Florence, but you know as well as I do that there’s only one type of person that would take in a foal like Pansy, and it’s entirely the wrong type of person for him. But… since it’s you, I’ll put out a couple messages to some no-kill shelters in the area, maybe one of them can taken him, no promises and this won’t happen with any other foal, but I’ll see what I can do.”

Florence smiled and gently rubbed her face on Gus’ leg. “Fank yu mistah Gus, Fwowence hope babbeh hab gud homesie.”

“Yeah, whatever, so long as you understand this is a one-time offer because you’ve been so good… Now let’s get you to bed so I can get to bed, I’m fucking exhausted.”

Gus led Florence into the house and into her bedroom, neither of them close enough to hear the light shuffling of dirt at the far end of the garden, and the porch light going out just as a fat blue hoof pushed its way underneath the fence.

When morning came, Gus was happily reminded he had the day off work and rewarded himself with a long lie in bed, he had hoped to get away with doing as little as possible today. Of course when looking after Fluffy ponies, that wasn’t always possible.

In the workshop, Florence was happily playing with the foals, most of them were still sleeping in their box, a few of the newly awake babbehs peering over the edge to watch their friends play, all of them looking on with awe at the pretty colours and amazing toys scattered around the room.

Florence had two chirpy foals on her teats suckling away and another in her arms, she was fine to let the older foals play about within her eyeline but the chirpies had to stay with her at all times. Pansy was not one of the chirpies, but the anxious little guy refused to leave her side, too timid and too scared to go any further and leave the safety of his surrogate mother.

“Gu on Pan-see, gu pway wiv fwiends.” Florence gently encouraged the purple colt.

“Bu, wha if dey nu wike Pan-see, wha if dey biggesh meanies?”

“Dey nu meanie, dey Fwowence babbehs, jus wike yu awe. Fwowence nu wet meanie babbehs in homesie, dese am gud babbehs, wan pway wiv Pan-see tuu.”

Pansy took a small step forward, but little else, seeing that not much of anything was happening, Florence called over a secret weapon.

“Wosie, come oba hewe pwease.”

A pinkish-red filly with a pink mane trotted over to Florence and beamed a wide smile at her.

“Hewwo Fwowence.”

“Hewwo Wosie, dis am Pan-see, he wan pway bu had biggesh scawdies, yu wan be fwiends wiv him, show he nu hab weason tu be scawdies.”

“Wosie du dat, hewwo Pan-see, yu wan be nyu fwiends?”

Pansy, while too young to feel any lustful urges, still felt a pull towards the beautiful Rosie, he couldn’t explain why but he wanted to be her friend.

He nodded at her. “Yeh, wan be fwiend wiv Wosie.”

“YAY, nyu fwiend.” Rosie gave Pansy a big hug and led him over to the blocks where they would build the biggest tower EVER together.

Outside Florence heard Mister Gus in the bathroom, that was the signal that breakfast would be soon. Laying the chirpies down on a soft blanket, Florence did a quick check to make sure all the foals were safe and happy, the ones in the box were satisfied with their secured holding, in one corner the twins; orange with yellow mane Primrose and yellow with orange mane Snapdragon, happily played ball with each other, the small group watching the morning’s Fluff-TV were entranced and finally Rosie and Pansy were hard at work building blockies together.

Florence sat behind Pansy and gave him a comforting lick to the back of his head. “See babbeh, nu need hab scawdies, yu onwy hab fwiends hewe, am aww gud babbehs.”

Pansy sheepishly smile back at her. “Fank yu mum… fank yu Fwowence, Pan-see hab wowstesh heawt huwties finkin dat udda babbehs am meanies, nyo knyo…”


There was a sudden flash of red as a bright ball crashed into the block tower, the sudden blast of noise and colour frightened everyone, but none more so than Pansy who blasted out a cone of scardie poopies… all over Florence.

“NUUUUHHUUUUUUU!!!” The poor purple guy wept out of shame and embarrassment. “Nu mean make bad poopie on mummah, nu wike scawy pway, wan mummah.”

Snapdragon saw the sight and felt his heart sink. “Am sowwy Pan-see, Snapdwagon hit baww tuu hawdies, nu mean gib scawdies.”

Florence turned to Snapdragon and his sister. “It ok, jus be cawefuw neks time. Gu wook after wittew babbehs su Fwowence can wook afta Pan-see.”

The twins nodded and jogged over to the box to make sure no-one else had an accident. Florence turned back to Pansy, still weeping while Rosie gave him huggies to calm him down.

“It ok nu fwiends, nu yuw fauwt. Baww gib ebewywun scawdies, nu stiww gud Fwuffy.”

Ignoring the mess on her belly, Florence gently licked Pansy’s cheek. “Nu cwy babbeh, aww Fwuffies hab bad poopies wen nu mean tu, babbeh jus need…”


Florence turned to the door and saw Gus standing in the frame, he didn’t like upset, but he looked far from happy as well. After a beat of silence he waved her over to him.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Florence nodded and reluctantly left her adoptive foals to get the poopies washed off of her. Now wanting to let her drip over the rest of the house, Gus scooped her up by her butt and carried her in the bathroom.

Elsewhere in the house, at the unlocked Fluffy-Door into the garden, the fat blue stallion who had spent all night digging under the fence had finally made it across the grass and through the door into the house. His bulbous legs strained under his bulk as he traipsed muck and mud across the clean floor, his shit-stained ass dribbling still warm fecal matter behind him and his fat fucking face dribbling whatever gluttonous meal he had last out of his jawline.

“Hmmph, dis am Smawty wand nyo.” The fat bastard said to no-one in particular. This would be the perfect place for his herd, it would be the perfect place to start his herd, and if he couldn’t do that, then there was always the sweet scent of foals that led him to this place.

Hulking his hefty weight through the home, the Smarty made sure to wipe his dirty hoofs on everything he saw in order to better claim his new territory. As he trudged down the hallway, he heard the sound of crying, of babbling and of playing.

He heard the sound of foals.

Heading for the still open door of the workshop, the fat Smarty saw more babbehs than he had ever seen in his lifetime, chirpies, talkies, even babbehs that were almost read to be big Fluffies. And among them, a pretty little red filly that stirred something in his loins as she leered at her.

The Smarty licked his dribbling lips and rolled his hips in her direction. “Heh heh, Smawty find bestesh enfie babbehs.”

With his mind set and his dick hard, the blue Smarty pushed his way through the open door and into the workshop.

Chapter 2 (Controversial)


My hope is that Pansy, seeing his new friends being hurt, cowboys the fuck up and starts biting off smarty pecker. Would make for some great dramatic irony if he actually had toughie genes in him and he just needed the right catalyst.


Hope pansy and the smarty die


Hopefully he starts with pansy.


He sounds like he’s about to threaten a store employee for something that’s not their fault.

Smarty: “Yu habe Smawty’s twuck towed, yu gunna fukin pay!”
Employee: “Your truck was parked across two handicapped spaces on top of a handicapped man!”


Smarty thinks he found an all-he-can-eff buffet. Im looking forward to see what Gus is capable of, it seems like he needs some stress relief.


Dude, you just try to conquer the wrong house,and from what you plan to do…your gonna be in hell in no time.

Basically this smarty is on solo? Just starting out to make a “herd” of his own?

Gus sure pretty chill when relax and off at work.


I’d like to believe this Smarty was part of a good Smarty’s herd and was kicked out for trying to hump the foals.

He’s just a delusional Pedo, nothing special.

The majority of Gus’ anger at work is cute Fluffies not being cute enough to sell. His home-work is research only so there’s a level of ease he can allow them. Of course he’s not above discipline when called for


Gus is not really inclined towards the more delicate emotions, is he.


Curious what’s this shit’s mane color :thinking:


It’s red, I just couldn’t find a good way to mention that just yet


This is giving me ‘Homewreckers’ vibes. xD

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Homewreckers was an inspiration for this story, I debated using a whole herd like the original but I wanted this to be fairly quick so just left it with one monster.