You Picked The Wrong House, Fool Ch. 3 [By BFM101]

Moments Earlier

Unaware of the intruder in their home, Gus and Florence stood quietly in the bathroom as Gus ran a small, warm bath for Florence. The Alicorn mare shifted sheepishly on her hoofs, ignoring the stink of poopies that Pansy had left on her belly.

“Am Mistah Gus angwy?” She asked quietly.

“You’re damn right I’m angry Florence.”

“Huu, by Mistah Gus, it nu babbeh’s fauwt. He had scawdies, dat aww.”

“I know WHY he shit on you Florence, that’s a pain in the ass but it’s not why I’m mad. I’m mad at YOU.”

“Wha? Wai Mistah Gus hab maddies at Fwowence?”

“Because you’re enabling him. Because every time he starts crying and wailing like a little bitch you’re telling him it’s ok, that it’s not embarrassing, that it’s not degrading for him to acting like a filly.”

Florence sniffed and wiped a tear from her face. “Bu… Fwowence cwy a wot tuu, wai am it bad fow stawwion tu cwy?”

“Because it is, ok?” Gas snapped at Florence, the mare yelped a little and a spurt of pee leaked out of her. Gus closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming himself down before he continued.

“ Because people don’t want a ‘sensitive’ boy, they want a strapping stallion who’s big and strong and can fuck like a champ. Any boy that cries is basically a woman, or worse, a fag. Doesn’t matter what colours they are, you try to sell a fag Fluffy to these people and you’d have a better time selling snow to an Eskimo.”

Florence sniffled again, tears running down her face. “Bu Fwowence nu wan be mean tu babbehs, Fwowence wub babbehs.”

“Sometimes you have to be mean to something in order to love it properly. You can thank my mother for that little piece of wisdom.”


Gus realised what he’d said and quickly shook out of his stupor.

“Never mind, I think that’s enough water for you, up you get.”

Gus could feel Florence trembling as he lifted her into the bathtub, she had been washed a number of times and knew she was safe with Mister Gus, but that didn’t stop her instinctual fear from wondering ‘what if this time was different?’.

But she kept those fears quiet and allowed Mister Gus to lowers her into the warm water, maybe a tad too hot to be completely comfortable, but soothing enough that she quickly settle herself and let Mister Gus wash away the poopie stains.

Gus was silent for several minutes as he washed Florence, mostly because he was focused on the task at hand, but partly because he was trying to find the best words to use for what he wanted to say next.

“Florence? You remember what I said about finding a good home for Pansy?”

Florence nodded.

“Well… I will try, but there is a chance that nobody is going to want him. Or if they do, they’ll be cruel and abusive. If I can’t find anywhere for him, would you want to take care of him?”

Florence blinked, her mind slowly realising what Mister Gus was asking her. “Take cawe wike be Pan-see mummah? Ow take cawe wike du ‘speciaw-twick’ on babbeh?”

“The special-trick.”

“Am dat ok? Fwowence onwy du speciaw-twick on da wowstesh babbehs. Pan-see am gud-babbeh, jus sensitibe.”

“I know, but I figured that with you, at least he won’t suffer too much.”

Florence was quiet for several moments, Gus could see her head and her heart at war with each other as she tries to work out what the best course of action would be.

“Fwowence nu knyo, nu wan make choosies wight nyo.”

“That’s alright Florence, it’s a big ask. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

Gus finished wiping the shit-stains from Florence’s chest before picking her out of the bath and rubbing her down with a soft towel.

“Hehe, towuh gib tickews.”

“Yeah, yeah, get it all out.” Gus rolled his eyes but he couldn’t help but smile at Florence’s infectious joy, as soft as she was it was sometimes nice to see her happy.

Placing her back onto the ground, Gus opened the bathroom door to return to the workshop, and that’s when they heard it.


The absolute vitriol in that strange voice chilled the pair of them, Gus and Florence rushed though to the workshop, opening the door into an absolute hellscape.

Gus stood and took in the damages, the death, the degradation, the humiliation. It was on a level he never believed he’d ever witness in his own home, bodies both dead and almost dead were scattered across the floor, the stink of blood and shit stung his nostrils.

And in the middle of it all, filthy, fat and with his blood stained erection still on full display, the obvious Smarty waddled up to him and snorted.

“Dis am Smawty wand nyo, dummeh hoomin gu way.”

Gus stared the fuck fucker down and sneered at him.

“You picked the wrong fucking house.”

The fat Smarty scoffed at him. “Nu cawe, Smawty take dis homesie fow hewd, dummeh babbehs nu wisten tu Smawty, onwy gud fow…”


Ignoring the lard-ass’ blow-hards, Florence sprinted into the room, the corpses of Pansy and Primrose were still stained into the carpet, while the broken bodies of Rosie and Snapdragon lay crying out in agony. Neither of them were calling for huggies though, on some level both knew they were beyond huggies.”

Florence reached Rosie first, the little filly’s back legs still bent and broken from her assault earlier.

“Ba… babbeh? Wai weggies wook wike dat? Wai babbeh nu yoose weggies?”

“Huu. Wosie nu can feew bak weggies, am weggies dewe, nee weggies tu wun way fwom wowstesh munstah.”

Infuriated by the interruption, the Smarty turned round and yelled at Florence.


Smarty was cut off by Gus grabbing his muzzle. With a hand tight across his face the Smarty couldn’t breathe, which only made him try to breathe faster out of panic.

Gus chuckled and whispered into his ear. “Oh you are not going to enjoy what comes next, I can promise you that.”

The Smarty squealed in panic as eventually he passed out from oxygen deprivation.

When the Smarty finally awoke he was in a room he hadn’t seen yet. A dark, damp room with only a the light above, painfully blinding him, as a light source.

It was then the Smarty realised he was face-up on a wooden table, and it was then he noticed all four of him limbs were stretched outwards, tied down to all four corners with rope, one rope on one corner for one leg.

“Good, you’re finally awake.”

The Smarty craned his neck, just making out the figure of Gus stepping towards him.


Gus chuckled and stopped right beside the table, on Smarty’s left side. From here Smarty could see that Gus had the very angry looking Florence in his hands.

“Y’know what? I think I’m just gonna leave you there Scumfuck.”

“Wha am… whu am scumfuk?”

“Why, you are of course. That’s your new name.”

“Bu… dat am dummeh namesie, Smawty am cawwed Smawty, nu wan be Scumfuk.”

“Yeah well tough shit, not like you’re gonna worry about what your fucking name is for too much longer now is it?”

The newly named Scumfuck felt a cold shiver of fear shoot down his spine, but he shook it off and blew a raspberry at Gus.

“Wai shouwd Smawty be scawdie of dummeh hoomin?”

“Well because you broke into my home, murdered, maimed, molested and massacred my Fluffies, raped infant foals and have threatened both me and my little Florence here with physical and sexual assault. Tell me Florence, if you were Scumfuck here, do you think you would be scared?”

“Fukin shouwd be.” The enraged mare spat out, her eyes drilling into Scumfuck’s head.

“Yes, I agree. I mean, based on the financial and emotional cost, I believe this would be the part of the story where the big bad bastard gets justifiably torn to pieces. … Only this isn’t that type of story.”

“Wha am hoomon tawkies bout?”

“I’m monologuing son, don’t interrupt me. You see Scumfuck…”

“Nu am cawwed Scumfuk!”

“…Those foals you killed, they didn’t cost me anything, I didn’t buy them, their upkeep is paid for on my company tab and I wasn’t going to sell them. Nothing gained, nothing lost except my time and I’ve written up enough notes that that’s not even too bad a loss either. As for the invasion, well I’m the one who left the door unlocked, too distracted by Florence here and her weird love of stars to remember to check it. Realistically, all I rightfully have to be angry at you for is shitting on my floor, and if I killed you for doing that I’d have to kill Florence as well.”

Scumfuck lay there gawping for several minutes, trying to make sense of what Gus was saying.

“Su… hoomin nu gun huwt Smawty?”

“No Scumfuck, I’m not going to hurt you. In fact I figured I’d let Florence here give you a little something… EXTRA special.”

Gus lifted Florence up and onto the table, the Alicorn mare slowly strolled in front of Scumfuck, eyeing what was between his spread-eagle legs.

“Munstah mawe stay way fwom Smawty nu-nu stick, nu wan munstah gu neaw nu-nu stick.”

Florence ignored him and stepped closer, her head inching ever closer to his flimsy member. Scumfuck trembled as he felt Florence’s breath on his ballsack, so close now was she. Then he saw her open her mouth and…


Scumfuck felt his body tingle as Florence played with his no-no stick in her mouth, he had heard of mouthie enfies before but had never found a mare willing enough to try it out on. It felt different, but SOOOO good.

Gus laughed at the sight. “Yeah, I bet you’re enjoying that aren’t you? Isn’t she something, Florence is a real special mare.”

Scumfuck said nothing, only letting out a small ‘enf’ as he dick started to harden inside of Florence’s mouth.

Gus continued. “I found her a few years back, some burnt out ruin of what was once a breeding mill. Most of the Fluffies around her were long dead, including all of her siblings and her mother Ruby, but Florence was still moving, she was covered in blood and filth but she was moving.”

Again Scumfuck wasn’t listening, his hips bucking as he felt his lumps starting to tingle.

“After I brought her home and washed her off I realised the blood on her Fluff wasn’t hers. Then I heard her story about what had happened after the fire, and what she had to do to survive had triggered something in her DNA, something that only affects a few Fluffies out of thousands, but had clearly made an effect on her during those lonely days in a burnt out ruin, with nothing to eat except…”

“Awmosh dewe, keep guin munstah mawe.”

Gus smirked and leant over so he could force Scumfuck to listen to him, Florence didn’t let up on his no-no stick.

“Scumfuck? Do you know what a cannibal is?”



Scumfuck’s blood run cold, with a head shivering with terror, he looked between his legs and saw Florence staring back at him, a small stain of blood on the side of her mouth. She sneered at Scumfuck before turning her head and spitting something onto the table.

Scumfuck screamed when he saw the tattered remains of his genitals.


Gus laughed an picked Florence off the table. “Ha, yeah. But given your track record with kids that’s probably for the best.”


“And I won’t, I’M not going to hurt you. Florence on the other hand…”


Gus’ smile dropped and he stared daggers at Scumfuck. “Now you fucking listen here you little cunt. There’s only one monster in this room and he’s tied to a fucking table. You better get used to it too, because I’m not letting this go quickly, Florence is going to eat you alive but she’s going to do it piece by piece, day by day, and I will make sure you live as long as possible through all of it until nothing is left of you but a shit stain in the litterbox. I said you picked the wrong house, now I’m gonna prove it to you.”

Gus gave a final smirk to Scumfuck before taking Florence and leaving the room, making sure to turn the light off on the way out to let Scumfuck stew in his new life until Florence wanted a little snack tomorrow.

Chapter 4 [END]


Death to scumbag smarties. Make it real slow and painful~



And this is in regards to both the author and the story.


Good. I finally got through some of my reading backlog yesterday and read the 2nd part so I hoped a 3rd part would be along soon. You did not disappoint. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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Ohhhh niceeeee scumfuck gonna know lil by lil how fuck up he was.

Man i know its how it is but bad smarty is dumb as shit still thinks he can face off Gus with that worthless body he had :joy:

It surprised me bout Florence background story its “oh shit”

Nicely done :+1: will wait for the next.

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Oh no, poor smarty! I must sve thim!

Pulls up a char and sits down, eating out of a bowl of popcorn

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Scumfuck death will take a long deserving time.

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I think Florence earned some meatballs to go in her skettis.