“You’re a Bad Mummah” Chapter 1 by MostlyNeutralbox

(Hi all. It’s me again! This is my neutral/abuse story that was the most voted on. As with the other story feedback is very much appreciated. Hope you like it.
This chapter is more exposition and setup, so there’s not a lot of abuse. That will change soon.)

“You’re a Bad Mummah!” Chapter 1

Erik’s life began to fall apart at that one simple request.

“Daddeh! Wan babbehs!” A grey pony with white spots and a white mane tapped at Erik’s thigh excitedly.

Erik had been sitting on the couch with his Pegasus Fluffy named Sleet. He’d put on FluffTV so she could watch while he browsed the internet on his phone. “What?” He looked at the TV to see none other than ‘Babies!’ Was playing. Well. Fuck. He considered changing the channel, but he knew it was too late. He’d tried to keep her away.

He was about to try to give the ‘not right now’ excuse but as soon as he opened his mouth he paused. Why shouldn’t he try? Sleet had an interesting pattern. It was just the grey main coat that made her less desirable. “Sure, Sleet. But you have to let daddy get everything ready first. Babies need lots of things to get ready.” He wasn’t sure if he was heard beyond ‘sure’ as Sleet gave a happy pony squeal and hopped around. Erik had to catch Sleet around the middle. “Woah there! Don’t fall off!” He said. He couldn’t help but smile a bit. Sleet was so innocent with her happiness. He started to research what he’d need for foals, and let Sleet ‘help prepare’. The extent of it was choosing colors or a toy. Sleet felt so happy that she would become a mummah. She started asking about special friends.

Ah, damn. Right…the most important part. “I’ll find you a special friend, okay? A really handsome stallion.” He decided an ad would be good. The gist of it was he was searching for a uniquely patterned or colored stallion to breed with Sleet. They would be compensated, and have one foal of their choice. He had plenty of photos of Sleet, so he added a picture of her being adorable, as well as a close up of her coat so someone could see the small white dots in her fur. Back to ordering mummah and foal supplies.


Soon mummah supplies had been arriving all this week and last week. Erik was surprised that Sleet wasn’t asking how long until she got to be a soon mummah but figured it might be the supplies coming in, and the changes to the safe room. He felt he spoiled Sleet a little. He got the best toys, a FluffTV in her room, books, educational games…Sleet was like a child and pet in one. He didn’t plan to have either, so he might as well spoil his fluffy. He had been checking the ad every day. There were some replies. A lot were unfortunately trolls calling him names or suggesting horrible ways to kill Sleet. A few had stallions, but the colors weren’t quite what he was looking for. Finally, he saw it.

The stallion was white and shining with a red and yellow striped mane. His name was Pyro, a unicorn. He was a sweetheart according to his owner. Very nice to those he bred with, and there was a record of good colors. Even an alicorn! Decently priced too, especially with Sleet’s unique pattern. Erik replied right away, eager for this chance. The emailing back and forth didn’t take long at all and they set up a date for next week. So soon! Erik felt a little giddy about this. Sleet was the most excited, of course, but Erik hadn’t had a foal since he raised Sleet. Even then, it was after she was weaned. He’d been doing a lot of newborn foal research. They said the fluffy usually knew what to do, but there was a guide in case she panicked or was a first time mother. He was starting to worry too…

A week later, and it was time. Sleet was practically hopping about. Erik had shown her a picture of Pyro. “Su pwetty! Am specshul fwiend?” Were Sleet’s thoughts on the matter. When he came over, the unicorn pranced more like a show horse than a fluffy waddle. It was quite impressive.
“Hewwo. Am Pywo. Nyu speshul fwiend?” He asked with a head tilt.
Sleet was waddling in place, her tail wagging. “Yus!”

Erik went over by Pyro’s owner so the fluffies could have some privacy. He didn’t exactly want to watch. He handed over the money, and talked fluffies with he guy. Mostly their fluffy’s parentage, and trying to work out what parentage they’d have. One of Pyro’s parents was an alicorn, so there was a greater chance. Their colors alone meant they’d likely have all sorts of great colors. Erik had a few hugbox friends who’d take any ‘undesirable’ colors. Erik found he didn’t care much what color they were.

Soon enough he heard the telltale “Enf enf enf” that meant they’d beyond courting, and were now mating. Erik promised to keep the guy updated on Sleet’s pregnancy. With it being her first time, there was a chance she’d develop ‘bitch mother’ syndrome, especially since Erik was a first time father to a mother. They were interrupted by the end by a loud “GUD FEEWS!” from the pony. Pyro fell off Sleet, who looked thrilled.
“Daddeh, Seet am soon-mummah nao! Gunna haf babbehs!” She was lightly bouncing.
“You sure are.” He patted her head. He never realized how…awkward fluffy mating could be. For everyone besides the pony. He turned to Pyro’s owner, Mark. “Thanks, man. I’ll keep you updated.” With that, he left holding Pyro.

If only they’d known what would happen.


I’m excited to see what happens!


Just binged all your stories so far. Love them, and can’t wait to see what happens next.


:With a deep Morgan Freeman voice: Little that Erik has known, the true problem was with the Stallion… Pyro was not in truth an official breeding stud… So his genetics was very questionable… Mark knew what will come… As most Mares bearing his stallions foals, will become Smarties, or Become very unstable to cause violent reactions from the Mare.


I made yer sentence right an’ propa yer welcome Pyro was not 'n truth an official breed’n stud… so his genetics was very questionable… mark knew wot will kome… as most mares bear’n his stallions foals, will become smarties, or become very unstable ta kause violent reactions from ‘da mare.


Oh I can’t wait to see what happens.
I suspect that she will reject a Popie and Alicorn and will act like an absolute smarty. I am very excited


And demand more “nyu betta” babies if she decides she doesn’t wanna take care of hers anymore.


Good stuff! Can’t wait to see more. Link to 2.


I think the FluffTV “Babies!” show is secretly made by abusers with the aim of inspiring fluffies to pressure their owners into letting them have foals, allowing the owners to see the dark side of their fluffies and grow to despise them.