Your Usual Herd #6 (By 1-IDK-1)

Morning comes around, Starfruit and her foals are walking to the makeshift litterbox. Dolly had finished relieving herself and was running around just a little too close to the road.

“Mummah wook, Dowwy am bestes’ wunnin’ babbeh!”

“Hehe wuv bestes’ babbeh”

“Wha bou’ Wucky? Am bestes’ too!”

Lucky puffs his cheeks after finishing his statement, Starfruit turns around to her behind to look at Lucky, giving the meanest stare a fluffy could give. She starts using her hind legs to sweep dust into Lucky’s eyes.

“‘Ou don’ tink mummah don’ wemembah dah ‘ou gib wowstes’ sowwy hoofies tu bestes’ babbeh? 'ou am mowe den 'wong!”


“Mummah wook! Gon gib wowstes’ huwties tu metaw munstah!”


Dolly couldn’t hear her mother’s pleas, she started running towards a white minivan. Dolly jumped infront of one of the wheels, puffed her cheeks and waved her hoofs in the air. It was too late when Dolly began regretting her decision, she was powerless. The van crushed her legs as she tried sprinting away, Dolly began vomiting out all the milk she drank, her eyes widened when then her organs exploded everywhere.

“B-Bestest babbeh? Fowebew sweepies?”


Lucky’s screams alerted all members of the herd, the fluffies gathered on the sidewalk. Dolly lay slightly flattened on the road, Starfruit was wailing loudly. Smarty went closer to Dolly, she cheeps weakly in pain. He immediately starts running for his mother out of fear.

“Smawty am dummeh, yu nu taek cawe ob babbeh weww an’ den babbeh gu fowebew sweepies.”

Sky says as she watches Smarty run into the crowd, Starfruit does nothing but freeze up in fear. Lucky, Clover, and Cotton start crying for their mother to do something about their sister.

Alburn hears Sky’s remark, he walks over and shoves Sky with his hoof. Sky, being distracted looking at the foal cheeping slow, was caught off guard from Alburn’s shove and fell to the ground. Poppy tried to protect Sky, but since Poppy was even older than Alburn he lost easily.

“Wat yu say bou’ bestes’ Smawty?”

“Smawty nu teww babbehs metaw munstahs gib fowebew sweepies.”

“Smawty twied buh wittew bestes’ nu heaw becus onwy wittew babbeh!”

“Minty wus widdew babbeh tuu suu ‘ou saysies babbeh am dummeh wid wowstes’ see pwaces!”

“Minty wus dummeh an wowstes’ at huggie-tag!”

“Nu dah nu twu Minty nu 'now dah dewe wus howe in deh fwoowsies!”

Alburn presses a hoof on Sky’s horn, her white horn starts chipping away. Sky’s frantically trying to punch Alburn off while Poppy tries pushing him off. The herd, excluding Starfruit, had forgotten about the death of a foal and was completely focused on the fight in front of them.

Poppy finally manages to push Alburn off, but the friction of the push was enough to half Sky’s horn. It starts bleeding as Alburn steps back into the comfort of Lily, Smarty, Starfruit, and their foals.

“Wh-wha? Wai boo-boo juice comin fwom pointie?”

“Das cus Awbuwn takesies haf ob 'ou pointie!”



Poppy brings Sky back to the nest, it is at this point where most of the herd had left to laze about and also teach their foals around. Poppy reluctantly licks away the blood from Sky’s horn, Sky on the other hand is curled up and crying into the fluff of her mate while her foals sleep comfortably between them. The foals, complete look-alikes of their parents, Taffy, a pink filly and Stormy, a blue colt.

Alburn grins, snuggly fit in between Lily and an extremely worn out enfie doll he had found while on the hunt for food for the herd. Alburn’s horn sparks a red exclamation point from the sheer bliss he was feeling.

“Ooh wook Awbuwn ‘ou hab deh bestes’ spawkews fwom 'ou pointe fwen!”

“Yaos cause am bestes’ pointie tuffy ebew!”

The alicorn’s side of the box was completely fast asleep.

Suddenly, Salem woke up, she looked around and went for the plastic bag of berries, making sure not to step on any of Candy’s foals. The bottom of the pile was mostly mushed up from Salem’s running but it was good for Lemon to start weaning off Candy’s milk, Salem carefully bit into the delicate peel of the berry and lifted it out of the plastic. She started snacking on the berries when suddenly a black van slowed down in front of the alicorn box.

This was a week after Dolly had died, her carcass was removed from the street the night before, probably lapped up by strays, rats, or raccoons.

“Metaw munstah! Chiwi wakies nao! Dewe am metaw munstah wook wike Sawem’s widdew fwuff!”

Chili rolls a bit to his side and gets up, by now several people in plastic suits holding boxes get out of the van. Among the people, there’s one man who doesn’t wear a plastic suit but instead a formal suit.

“Alright scoop them up, some of 'em could be valuable so be careful.”

The man straightens his outermost layer of clothing and walks over to the alicorns, he crouches down to eye level with Salem and Chili. The two alicorns had formed a protective line in front of Candy and their foals.

“Hey there fluffies, do you two have any names?”

“…N-nyu daddeh?”

“…Well… Just call me Mr. Lev, 'kay?”

“Otay mistah Wev! Am Sawem an’ dis am bwodah Chiwi!”

“Oh wow, ain’t that a rarity, both of you already have names! Well, do you two want warm ‘homsies’ or what?”

“Weawwy?! Nyu mistah tu taek cawe ob hewd an’ wawm homsies!”

“Bestes’ bwight tyme ebah!”

“Alrighty then, guess that’s a yes. Get in the box.

“Wai- can nice mistah Wev taek spechul fwen an’ babbehs tuu?”

“Yaos! An’ Bwownie fwen, an’ mummah Tide an’ daddeh Owanj?”

“… Eugh– I mean- That sure is a lot of fluffies! I’ll have to get another box for your friends.”

Salem and Chili nodded and started waking up the others. Brownie woke up first and was overjoyed to tears that he was going to get adopted, it was drilled into his brain that he’d never find a home by the many fluffies he had met. Candy was a bit reluctant at first but after seeing the plastic people’s care in taking her parents and siblings, she decided that it would be a good idea to go as well.

Smarty and his family on the other hand were struggling, trying to get away from two women in the suits, unlike most of the people there, their plastic protection was stained with ‘sorry poopies’.

“Delilah, you circle 'round and I’ll try to catch them!”


“Wait. Ellie… Don’t you think it would be easier to just give them a ‘bestest’ box?”

Smarty ears perk up hearing this, he turns towards the woman named Delilah, a thin woman with short light pink hair and green eyes. The woman named Ellie, a short blonde who definitely looked like any average country girl, shrugged. Delilah smirked, walking back to the black van while Ellie made sure that the fluffies didn’t escape, Smarty and the others were the only ones left in the alley. Salem, Candy, and Chili were already in a wide plastic box with their foals, beside them were their parents and other members of the herd. Some fluffies would get adopted by the people in the plastic suits but others would brought to the shelter.

Delilah comes back with a clear plastic box floored with cloth, stickered on it with glittery gold letters was ‘Cannibal Fluffy Food’ of course with ¾ths of them being from the street they couldn’t read most of the letters excluding ‘Fluffy’.

“Nao dat am a bestes’ boxie fow bestes’ Smawty an’ famiwy!”

“Cwovew wuv daddeh suu smawt maek dummeh hoomins gib bestes’ boxie!”

“Wucky wub daddeh more!”

Clover and Lucky began fighting each other as the two women start putting the fluffies into the boxes, Delilah snickers as she places Smarty and his foals first into the box. Ellie on the other hand had to struggle with getting the enfie toy out of Alburn’s mouth, it came to the point of shaking Alburn to get the toy out, which worked. Ellie then places the doll into a trashcan. Alburn starts pawing at Ellie’s leg,

“Gib bak odah spechul fwen nao! Dummeh hoomin.”

Ellie roughly picks up the fluffy and tosses him into the bin, he almost hits Lily but instead slams into the corner of the box. Alburn complained about ‘wowstes’ bak huwties" as the two women close the lid of the box and bring it into the van, with some of the people joking about the two being late.

Unlike the other four boxes holding the herd, Salem and Chili were too tall for any regular fluffy boxes. This led to the lid of their box being taken off, Salem took the time to look out the window as the van speedily passed by all the buildings.

“Sawem gon miss dah see-tee.”

“Chiwi am tuu, sissy–”

A man in one of the yellow plastic suits seating in front of the alicorns, interrupts their conversation, mocking the alicorns.

“Don’t worry you two. You’ll churn out so many foals together, your brains melt and forget how to even walk!”

“…” Salem pauses for a moment, trying to process what the man just said, before continuing.

“Nu! Sawem Wiww awways wemembah dis see-tee!”

“Heh, sure.”

Salem ignores him and continues watching out the window. “Will really miss this place! But have to look for new home this bright time!” Salem entertained herself with her thoughts. Chili wasn’t a fan of the car and its air-conditioning so he stayed down and cuddled with Candy, waiting for time to pass.



Hello!! Sorry!! I completely forgot to upload the last piece of this story. If I’m still into writing, I might write a prequel/backstory for Salem and the other alicorns, and then another thing on what happens to these idiots later on in the future.

Should I keep writing?
  • yes
  • no
0 voters

the council has decided, will make a new post soon (probably another poll and art this time instead)

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