You're no monster to me! (Artist: SqueakyFriend)

A commission for @Oculusfluffy of Crush and Circuit from the story Circuit Meets Crush!

I could have gone with something like the two playing, but the scene of Circuit hiding away and Crush still wanting to be friends was just very cute.


I had this commission in mind at around about the start of the year, as @coalheart had made his appearance on Fluffycommunity around about late 2022. I don’t know when he’ll pop by again, but this piece is a tribute to one of the OG huboxers, and who definitely is one of my biggest inspirations.

Its also done as a tribute to Black-Dragon-Blood, someone who I hope will come by this site some day in the future.


Something about that caster wheel leg on Crush has me picturing loose fluff getting caught in the wheel at the top.

Either jamming it or worse pulling some out.

~whinces remembering the sting when he lost some of the hair on his lower leg to his office chair wheel~


Glad to see that your L key works again friend!


office keyboard works fine.

Home laptop does not. Which is why you’ll notice the 1’s half the time.

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Well good work stealing company time to post on FC!


Monster? I AM A DEVIL!

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This is adorable

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