Zofiezilla by(that1hugboxer)

“Mom What are you doing?”

Your mother turns to you confused.

“I’m just giving Zofie some sketties.”

You point to the calendar.

“All the fluffies get sketties once a week on the same day. That’s the rule with very few exceptions , none of which apply to Zofie at this moment.”

Your mom looks at the calendar then back at you.

“But sweetie the calendar says it’s Zofie’s birthday.”

You look at the poorly scribbled “Zofie” with a blue check mark on today’s date.

“Zofie did you lie to grandma?”

Zofie without a moment’s hesitation doubles down on the lie.

“It am Zofie biwfday, Daddeh jus nu membah.”

Your voice becomes stern.

“ I gave you a chance to come clean and you lie to my face instead.

You will not be getting sketties this week or next week.”

Zofie puffs out her cheeks.

“Zofie nu wan’ kibbwe!!! zofie wan sketties!!! stoopi’ daddeh gib nao!!!”

You grab Zofie and carry her over to the sorry box.

She begins to shriek and throw a tantrum .

You place her in the sorry box and set the timer for 25 minutes.

You are Duncan.

Zofie was a gift from several of your friends. An alicorn with the purest white fluff, a rose gold mane and instead of heart shaped hoof pads they were fleur de Lis . She was extremely expensive and by and large the most expensive thing you had, both in terms of monetary and sentimental value.

Zofie despite your best efforts refused to behave. She was arrogant, defiant and generally selfish.
Most fluffies had at least some sort of crocodile tears to fane an apology but with Zofie real tears and fake tears were almost indistinguishable from one another.

It honestly felt like some sort of joke being played on you by your friends.

Most fluffies have the reasoning skills of a toddler but Zofie…. While not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, seemingly had much higher intelligence than your average fluffy, comparable to that of a human child around 6 to 8 years old . She understood how to manipulate people by faking stupidity. But you knew better. You had witnessed firsthand how sly she could be.

While the timer ticked down and Zofie continued gaslighting you from inside the sorry box , you tried to think of something you could do to curb her behavior. And then it hit you.

The timer hits zero and you remove Zofie from the sorry box.

Zofie immediately tries giving a fake apology complete with water works.

“Zofie am su sowwy daddeh! (Hu Hu)
Zofie be gud fwuffy noa. (Hu Hu)”

You put Zofie in the car and take her for a ride through the fluffy dumping ground on the outskirts of town.

“Zofie I am good to you. If you were anyone else’s fluffy you’d be Dead or Maimed by now.
Look around at all the fluffies who don’t have homes or Daddehs who care about them.”

Zofie tries to fane stupidity.

“Zofie nu undastan.”

“You’re not fooling anyone Zofie, you understand completely.”

Zofie starts to look panicked.

Your voice becomes stern.

“You think just because you are slightly smarter than most fluffies that you can get away with anything ,
You’re wrong.”

Zofie nervously tries to play dumb again.

“Zofie nu unda-“

You cut her off .

“ here’s what’s going to happen Zofie.

you will be sent to work on mummah’s farm harvesting vegetables until your attitude improves . And if you try to fake it I will keep sending you back to work on the farm until the lesson sticks.”

Zofie’s eyes say it all, she now understands that there’s no way out of this.

You make it to the farm and drop Zofie off at the work program.

As you return home your heart is at ease knowing Zofie is safe yet being sufficiently Disciplined ,It won’t be like what happened with Muffy.


Zofie, you fluffed up.

I can promise you, Stevie will ask where she went next time he visits. Then he’ll see a moth or something and follow it straight into a wall. (He’s sweet as candy, but not bright.)

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Zofie and Stevie

I could totally imagine Zofie having a secret crush on Stevie.


That would be HILARIOUS. Stevie, being the sweetheart he is, would insist on visiting the farm and bringing a sketti treat, just to make sure Zofie is OK, as a friend. Zofie could either get flustered and mock-insulted (“Nu need tweat! Am siwwy!”) or turn all gooey and crushing. No foals, alas, since Stevie was fixed before his eyes opened, but I can see them having some puppy love.

(Joey got Stevie from a vet student friend while she lived in Ohio for her MS. All the colts were fixed at a week old, but given hormone supplements so they would mature fairly normally. The fillies were fixed later, for free, by vet student under teacher observation. Joey and her friend both lived in Columbus, and attended Ohio State. Her undergrad was Long Island U, where her mom worked for years as an accounting professor. As a result, Joey’s undergrad was a free ride. After Cleveland, Ohio State developed a world-class fluffy research programme under their Biology department, including ecobiology. Joey nearly stayed for her PhD, but one of her favourite profs moved to Texas Tech to develop a similar programme in a different ecosystem.)

I’m having so much fun with this background. Gotta get back to my original writing, though! I’m almost ready to query agents. Just need to finish editing.

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I have no idea what this segment is from, but I need more.

If I were a superhero, I’d be either Autismo or Gimptacular. (I’m disabled, so… Not that you can always tell by looking. I’m pretty mobile despite myself.}

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Yay, ty!

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Holy shit, it’s me minus about 120 pounds and some massive tits.

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That honestly explains a lot, neutering an animal that young would cause hella developmental problems both physically and mentally

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Yup. One of my cats (my Aldous, now of blessed memory) had to get a penectomy due to urinary crystals. Early neutering was part of the issue. I miss him. He was SUCH a goofy little boy. Imagine Stevie as a dorky li’l black cat.

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