ZOMBIE 1979 parody poster (artist: Resnoth).

After a full year of joining this community, like the undead I brought to you a year ago, I claw myself out of my grave to bring you this. Enjoy.


That’s a great parody! I recognized ol’ Wormeye immediately, even in fluffy form.

Though strictly speaking it should be Fluffy 2.

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Love it brings in the nostagia :+1:

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Nah nah, it would be Fluffi 2. Or Fluffy Flesh Eaters in Australia.

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I had to search for context for this image. For those who are wondering, it’s a parody of the movie Zombie (Original title: Zombi 2).


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Fluffy vs shark

The joke of it being Zombi 2 is that there never was a Zombi, in the US. Or in Italy, depending on how you look at it. When Night of the Living Dead was released in Italy, the title was simplified to Zombi. When Fulci and co. decided to make a zombie movie, someone had the bright idea to call it Zombi 2, implying that it was a sequel to NotLD. Of course, there was no connection.

Zombi 2 is considered something of a minor horror classic, partly because it was Fulci’s first (but far from last) zombie movie, and because it opened the floodgates for a gazillion zombie movies in Italy, a handful of which are good, most of which are bad, and some of which are legendarily bad (Bruno Mattei, I’m looking at you).

Personally I find Zombi 2 to be one of Fulci’s lesser works, but it does have that classic nightmarish atmosphere.

He’s alive! Welcome back!

I really like your input, which is what makes this next part hurt me a little bit. You’re sorta wrong on the movie Fulci was trying to rip off of. It was actually Dawn of the Dead, sequel to Night of the Living Dead, that was called Zombi in Italy. It was when Dawn was released as Zombi that became widely popular that the creators of the movie named the movie Zombi 2. Originally, the script was called Nightmare Island. And ever since then, the infamous Zombi sequels started. Some zombie movies, all are infamously misleading.

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It’s funny, while I was writing my post, I had the nagging thought that NotLD was too early to be Zombi, but I figured it just took a while for it to be released in Italy. But Dawn makes infinitely more sense, timeline wise, and as soon as I read your post I remembered that of course you are correct.

No need to feel bad, a well-intentioned correction is always appreciated, especially from a fellow fan of Italian horror. Bava is unequalled, of course, but I gained a whole new appreciation for Fulci after seeing some of his non-Zombie movies. The “torture a duckling” movie-can’t quite remember the title-is excellent. Argento is generally pretentious, imo, but Suspiria is one of the all time great horror movies.