A Comforting Lie [By BFM101]

“Hey, hey Madam, wake up.”

A soft ruffling of her Fluff woke to aging pink mare from her slumber, she blinked several times to clear her hazy vision before slowly recognising the sad smile of Kathy Parker in front of her.

“Oh, hewwo Miss Kath-ee, du yu need Mah-dam fow wowkies gain.”

Kathy nodded, her face still looking downtrodden despite her smile. “Yeah, I won’t lie to you Madam, it’s a rough one.”

“Mah-dam can handuh da wough wuns, it am ok.”

Kathy gave a silent thanks to the mare and carefully lifted her out of her pen, Madam wasn’t elderly, but at a full five years old she was old by Fluffy standards, had she been anything but an earthie she might have succumbed to her body’s own fragility, as it stood she was still a sturdy old bird and could keep up with her younger compatriots around the store.

Sure they had looks of their side, Madam’s pink Fluff was dulled by the years, no longer as puffed-up or as perky as the younger mares, her face had started to droop slightly and there was a subtle tiredness to her eyes that put her at odds with the energetic youths. But Madam wanted for not, for she had found a place within Kathy Parker’s Fluff-Store, and she wouldn’t change it for anything.

Kathy carried Madam through to one of the empty playrooms, a small room but with a rubber floor and toys to entertain Fluffies of all ages, primarily used for adult Fluffies to interact with adopted foals, or for Fluffy pairs to get know each other better, often in a more… intimate manner. Inside the playroom was a stallion, he was young, likely not even a year old yet, but he was cute, he had bright forest-green Fluff with a stunning red mane, had he not been bawling his eyes out he might have even been handsome, but it’s hard for anyone to look good with puffy red eyes and a leaky nose.

Kathy placed Madam on the floor and left the room, they had done this dance enough times that Kathy knew she could trust Madam to get the job done without her. Carefully, Madam approached the green stallion, smiling gently at him as he finally took notice of her arrival.

“Whu… sniff… whu am yu?”

“Am Mah-dam, am hewpah mawe fow Fwuff-mawt. Wai pwetty stawwion hab sad-wawas?”

The stallion sniffed again, fresh tears brimming in his eyes. “Maxweh daddeh say dat Maxweh nu can hab speciaw-wumps nu mowe, dat nyo Maxweh am big Fwuffy, need wumps taken way su Maxweh nu cos ‘twoubew’. By Maxweh am gud Fwuffy, neba cos twoubew fow daddeh, an Maxweh need speciaw-wumps tu be daddeh, nu can hab babbehs wivout speciaw-wumps.”

Madam reached out a placed a comforting hoof on Maxwell’s shoulder. “Oh nu, dat am su sadies. Did Maxweh teww daddeh dis?”

“Yeh, teww daddeh dat Maxweh wan hab babbehs sumtime, hab bestesh pwettiesh babbehs eba and teech dem tu be gud Fwuffies wike daddeh teech Maxweh. Bu daddeh say dat babbehs am tuu much munies an take too much woom, wai daddeh say dat, babbehs am onwy wittew fings, nu woom at aww.”

Madam sat for a moment, pondering Maxwell’s tale. “Du Maxweh an daddeh wive in own homesie, ow in big homesie wiv wots of udda homesies awound.”

“Da big homesie, daddeh caww it ‘Ah-pawt-ment’.”

“Hmm, Mah-dam fink knyo wha happen. Maxweh daddeh nu am being meanie, Maxweh daddeh hab ‘wandwowd’, he take daddeh munies su Maxweh an daddeh hab homesie. It am meanie wandwowd whu wan Maxweh nu tu hab speciaw-wumps.”

“WHA!? Wai wandwowd du dat, Maxweh am gud Fwuffy.”

“Wandwowds am jus dat meanie, bu if Maxweh daddeh nu take Maxweh wumps, den Maxweh an daddhe nu hab homesie nu mowe.”

Maxwell sat in silence for several moments before bursting into tears again and falling to the floor.

“HUUUUUUU, Maxweh nu wike dis, nu wan wose homesie, bu nu wan wose wumps tuu. Nu knyo wha duuuuhhuuuuhhuuuuuu!”

Madam softly stroked Maxwell’s back as the young stallion wailed at the awful choice he had to face. “It am ok, Mah-dem fink hab so-woo-shun fow Maxweh.”

“Yu… sniff, yu du?”

Madam nodded. “Maxweh daddeh nu hab enuff munies fow babbehs, dat cos babbehs need wots of nummies an miwkies tu gwow big an stwong. Bu if babbehs am awweady big an stwong, nu need wots of munies.”

“Wha am Mah-dam finkies?”

“If Maxweh gib Mah-dem enfies nyo, den Fwuffy hab Maxweh’s babbehs. Maxweh wose wumps bu stiww be daddeh, Fwuffy wook afta babbehs wen dey wittew, den wen dey big babbehs, Maxweh wook afta dem.”

Maxwell’s face lit up, but he was still cautious about the whole idea, specifically the part where he still lost his nuts. “Wiww, wiww dat wowk?”

Madam nodded. “Fwuffy hab wots of babbehs fow stawwion wosing speciaw-wumps, Fwuffy git tu be mummah fow pwecious chiwpies, an stawwion git tu be daddeh AN keep homesie.”

“Bu wha if… wha if Maxweh wan be daddeh gain?”

“Mah-dam undastan, babbehs am bestesh fing eba, an chiwpie babbehs eben betta. Bu Maxweh nu can hab homesie AN wots of babbehs, Maxweh hab wun wittah an nu mowe. It nu am faiw, BU, big babbehs hab own wittew babbehs sumtime, den Maxweh git tu be gwanddaddeh.”

The idea of growing his own family lifted Maxwell’s spirits, and the sight of Madam presenting herself lifted other parts of him as well. Despite her age, Madam was still a good looking mare, and her healthy living within the Fluff-mart had kept her in good shape.

With all his worries and reasoning slowly dissolving into a pink haze, Maxwell – almost on automatic – lifted himself onto Madam’s back and pushed himself into her. The enveloping warmth set off a chain reaction of excitement within his own body, and within seconds his youthful vigour took over.

“Enf, enf, enf, enf, enf, enf.”

Madam silently chuckled to herself, she was the young stud’s first mare, she could tell by how clumsy and excitable he was, his front hoofs kept slipping off her back but not once did his hips stop bucking. She didn’t mind, she actually enjoyed the younger stallions, the enthusiasm of youth was addictive, and she so did enjoy the feeling.


Maxwell’s thrusts were getting faster, she had expected this, the first-timers never lasted long on that initial run, but she had played her part, and she had shown the young gun a good time.


The feeling of virile stallion juice splashing inside her sent a shiver through Madam’s body and she let out a contented sigh as she slid to the floor. Maxwell rolled off of her, panting and gasping but with a mile wide grin on his face.

“Du Mah-dam fink hab Maxweh’s babbehs nyo?”

Madam smiled and licked his nose. “Fwuffy fink su.”

The two of them lay together for a while before Kathy finally returned. “Hey, I see you two have gotten along just fine. You feeling better now Maxwell?”

Maxwell stood up and nodded. “Yeh Miss Kath-ee, Maxweh stiww hab heawt-huwties bout wosing wumps, bu nyo git tu be daddeh fanks tu Mah-dam. If Maxweh need wose wumps nyo tu keep homesie, den Maxweh nu fighties aneemowe.”

“I’m glad to hear that Maxwell, I know this is going to be a scary operation for you, but I promise it’ll be as quick and painless as we can make it.”

Kathy picked Maxwell up and passed him to one of her assistants to take through to the operating room, she waited until he was through the doors and out of sight before turning to Madam.

“Does he really think you’re pregnant?”

Madam nodded. “Mah-dem say am soon-mummah, Maxweh fink am twue. He am pwetty stawwion, bu wittew dummeh.”

“Ah to be young, dumb and full of… well y’know.”

The manager and the mare shared a small laugh before Kathy picked Madam off the ground, ready to carry her back to her pen.

“Madam? I’ve been meaning to ask. Are you sure you’re ok with our arrangement? I mean you are still lying to these stallions, that can’t be easy for you.”

“It am ee-see-ah nyo dan wen Mah-dem stawt hewping Kath-ee, bu Mah-dem neba hab big pwobwem wiv wying tu stawwions. Mah-dem knyo how much Fwuffies wan hab babbehs, knyo how meanie hoomins can be if Fwuffies nu git hab babbehs….”

Madam glanced down at her front, just under her belly Fluff she could make out the faint scars where cruelty had taken away her ability to carry her own young.

“…bu if Mah-dem can gib dese stawwion wittew bit of hope, den Mah-dem fink dat am gud fing.”

“I’m glad to hear it, if for whatever reason you want to stop then just let me know and we will. You’ve been a massive help to us all Madam, you’re earnt a break when you want one. And don’t worry, we’ve kept up our end of the bargain today as well.”

As Kathy placed Madam back into her pen, Madam saw her reward waiting for her. A single babbeh, a bright yellow colt but with an undeveloped front leg, likely rejected by his mother. Rejects were Madam’s reward for helping with the unwilling stallions, whether for colour or type or injury, the unwanted foals ended up in Madam’s care, and she loved every one of them like her own.

The colt was fussy, likely hungry after going without milk for some time. Madam carefully sat beside him and lifted her into her arms, cradling the tiny fella in the crook of one arm, while Kathy helped her balance a bottle of warm milk with the other. The colt was initially confused by the unfamiliar rubber smell, but then the scent of milkies took over and he greedily suckled from the rubber teat.

Madam giggled at the sight. “Heheh, dwink up babbeh, yu gun be big an stwong. Mummah wub babbeh, babbehs wub mummah…”

Kathy left Madam to her new foal and got ready to deal with her next customer. She knew that they couldn’t keep this lie going forever, either Madam would eventually grow tired, or maybe even pass on before they could replace her, maybe they find a stallion who catches on to their charade and spills the beans, maybe an owner doesn’t do enough to distract their stallion and questions why their babbehs are taking so long to arrive. Whatever the reason, eventually their little operation would have to come to an end.

But until that time, if a comforting lie was what it took to keep Fluffies safe and happy in loving homes, then Kathy could live with that for a little while longer.


Oooooh this is actually a pretty good premise. I like this alot! Maybe one day we could see how her first one went?


I would just tell the stallions they’re welcome to losing a new body part if they don’t wanna shut up about it.


Its sad most fluffies always triggered to spread their bloodline by instinct alone.

But this little idea by madam and Kathy is a nice idea even its a lie. Still give them positive outlook.


Slandering landlords? Increase their rent by 300% and twist their nutsacks.


You’re thinking with your dick dude. I guess in this case it would be lumps

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Not to mention that with how bad Fluffies long term memory is and how bad they are at measuring time, it’s highly likely that the stallions will forget about the ‘arrangement’ around about the time they finally adjust to their lack of equipment.


Yup just like another work BFM did HERE


Madam is such a sweet one! I’d love to see more of her in the future :slight_smile:


Sad and sweet all at once I love it, Madam definitely seems like a good fluffy.

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Made me so sad to see Landchad slander. Had to go evict a single mother of five to make myself feel better. Stay strong, kings.

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If she’s a single mother with five kids, clearly she doesn’t appreciate the nice guys in her life anyway. You did the right thing, putting that Stacy in her place. If she had just read my mind and understood what I wanted, I wouldn’t have to do this, Veronica


Someone else is a fan of warhammer sadposting