A fresh batch of pillow foals (carniviousduck)

Last weekend a feral herd arrived on my property, being this late in winter i was suprised that they had so many foals. As i opened the door the begging began; “babbehs cowd, need nummies, be nye daddeh?”. I looked through the herd, saw the grim fate that these foals had burdened their parents with, so i did what a responsible adult would do… i gathered all the foals, bathed, fed, spayed, neutered, and last but not least PILLOWED. Once i finnished, i showed the grateful parents that their burden was no more. That they didnt have to feed there babbies, keep them warm or worry about them running away. What i saw was tears of joy, and as i closed the door, i swear i could hear happy crying that their foals were in a better place.

So who would like to adopt a pillow foal ?


I would very much like to adopt the light blue “standing” one in the back, i love his glazed over expression either hes already completly gave up or hes catatonic :hwut:


These are all awesome but I have too many as is.
Otherwise I’d grab Mr. Derp gray in the center.


They look great haha, I especially love the one in the lower right corner. Although I’d have to side with Karn here, much as I’d like him, I have too many that I haven’t done stuff with yet.

I have so many too, but that isn’t going to stop me. :grin:
I’ll take the pillowed cowfluff.

I love cow fluffs.

Omg, omg, can I have a camo fluff? Either one would be swell! So cuuuute.

Edit: maybe the unicorn camo on the right, pretty please?

see this would be an excellent time to pull out a foal-launcher and “reunite” the happy foals with their parents… with extreme prejudice


Omg, I love the miserable grey one in the bottom right corner. May I take him home and name him Eyore?


I’m game to adopt. I’ll take the brown Alicorn next to the blue Pegasus on the top right.

As it stands

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Brilliant. Nefarious. Evil. Glorious.
I love the framing.
“I see you’re so happy that I am helping you”


Hope the camo fluffs were siblings and they’re now seperated. :smiley:

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i want the other camo fluff

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⟟ beg for the grey derpy looking one. ⟟ shall take great care of it

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Im trying to figure out which would of been the bestest babbehs, im thinking bottom left with the rainbow tail and possibly pinky boi in the middle he looks paticulery broken :hehehe:


You have saved them Rejoice!

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Poor cow. :frowning:
~is glad to see someone adopted them though~ :slight_smile:

~As all the ones he is interested gets adopted they stealthily pretend the ball with the star pattern is a foal and steals it.~

Do you want the star ball? It can be yours if you want to adopt… it?


ER ball~ im adopting this foal… ~runs away with starball!~

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