Myriad peered her head past the alleyway, making sure the coast was clear before running past the road. The russet colored alicorn was breathing heavily, her heart beating far too fast. She had nearly been caught by the bad men from the scary place again. And if not for the voices, she would have been caught.
They had been with Myriad since the bad place. She had been a soon mamma and was so excited for her babies to arrive, awash in memories of her own mamma singing to her and giving her milkies and hugs. But the men at the bad place had hurt her, stabbed into her with sharp things, and since then she couldn’t feel her babies anymore.
She had cried and mourned for more forevers than she could count. Myriad had nearly given up hope, wanting to go forever sleepies so she could be with her babies, until one day, while she was strapped to a cold metal table, a voice spoke to her.
“Nee’ wun way’…”
It was another fluffy! Desperate to see another of her kind, Myriad tried to move her head to see where her new fluffy friend was.
“Nyu fwend?! Wewe aw yu nyu fwend? Miw’iad nu can see yu…”
Try as she might, Myriad saw no one else in the small white room. Sobbing as she desperately sought out the voice, it spoke again.
“Nee ‘wun way’…wun way’ nao…”
“Buh…buh Miw’iad nu kno hao…”
“Stwap on weggies…num stwap on weggies!”
Another fluffy! But Myriad couldn’t see either of them. She was so confused and scared. But the no see fluffies were clearly friendly and wanted to help her.
Miw’iad num stwaps? Den wun way’?"
“Nu! Num stwaps buh den pway wike yu stiww twapped…”
“An’ wen ba’ hoomin tyw an’ gib yu huwties…”
“…den wun way’!”
Myriad began to chew on the leather straps on her front legs, then leaned over to nibble the ones on her back legs as well. Once free, she was tempted to jump off the table and try to escape…
“NUUUUUUU!!! Faww gib yu huwties!!!”
“Nu wun yet…wun aftah ba’ hoomin twy huwties…doow nu wet yu ow’t yet…”
Looking to the only exit, Myriad realized that if she had jumped down, even if she hadn’t hurt herself, she still would have been trapped, as the door was shut.
“Tank yu fow hewpin’ Miw’iad…buh wewe aw yu nyu fwends?”
Nothing. There was nothing but silence as Myriad nervously waited for her opportunity to escape. She waited for several forevers before the door opened, a human man walking through.
“Nao…hoomin nu kno yu fwee…”
“…su wun way’!”
“*SCREEEEEEE!!! Caw’ful wiff jumpies…nu wike…”
“Twy maek tabwe moob. Den jumpies wen it am wower tu gwound…”
Rocking back and forth against the table, Myriad leapt off as it came close to the ground, running by the confused man. He screamed after her as she ran, already tired and not sure what to do. The hallways all looked the same and she had no idea where to go…
“…gu obah deww…”
“Wuh? Wewe?”
“…wook upsies…metaw tingie…”
Myriad scanned the upper walls until she saw a metal bin built into the wall. It had writing on it but didn’t know what it meant…
“It am for twashies…”
“…nu twashies…am fow fwuffies…”
“Fwuffies am nu twashies! Am fow huggies an’ wuv!”
“…hoomins nu wuv fwuffies…”
“Num hoofsies…nee’…”
“…boo-boo joo’se…twick hoomins…tink yu gu foweba sweepies…dey t’wow yu way’…”
“…den wun way’!”
Panicking and with no recourse, Myriad began to gnaw on her own leg, until blood poured freely, trying not to cry out from the dull agony. Seeing it was shocking and she nearly screamed more from fear than pain.
“Wub hoofsie in boo-boo joo’se an den wub aww obah…”
“…den hoomins tink yu foweba sweepies…nu cawe bout’ yu…”
“…dummeh hoomins…”
Doing as she was instructed, she rubbed the blood all over her, slightly sobbing as she did so…
“Wie neaw waww…wie stiww…nu moves…”
“…hab tung ow’t…see-pwaces cwosed…”
“…Tu scawy…nu wike…”
“…Du nao!”
Myriad laid down as still as she could, her eyes open and her tongue hanging from her mouth. Before the man that was chasing her could find her, another man, a taller man saw her. Sighing to himself, he opened the bin and picked Myriad up, tossing her inside.
Tumbling for what seemed like forever, Myriad finally landed on top of something soft. Looking down and finally opening her eyes, she gasped and began to scream. Fluffies! Piles upon piles of dead and rotting fluffies!
“*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…Su many fwends gu…”
“…foweba sweepies…dis am wat hoomins tink uf fwuffies…”
“Deww…wook deww, pwace wewe yu gu jumpies an’ nu…”
“…gib yu wowstest huwties…”
“…su yu can wun way’…”
Making her way to the edge of the biowaste bin, Myriad leapt down from the edge to the nearby loading dock and then ran for as long as she could, putting as much distance between the bad place and herself as possible.
It had been more bright times than Myriad could count since then, with her voices, her no-see friends looking out for her and keeping her safe. Now in an alleyway, the alicorn was looking out for the bad men that wanted to catch her and take her back to the bad place.
“Nu moves…”
“…meanie dummeh hoomins…”
“…neaw’bye…dey wookin’ fow yu…”
“…take yu bak tu ba’ pwace…”
Myriad held as still as she could, hiding behind an old dumpster as she saw several of the bad men scouring the alley, walking through where she had come from. As they looked for her, their attentions on the opposing alley…
Myriad dashed out of the alley, running across a road and after a forever of running, found a small bridge crossing an old canal. Grabbing what little garbage she could find, she made a makeshift nest. Exhausted from the ordeal, she slowly laid down, yawning as she closed her eyes.
“Gud nite nu-see fwends…”
Inspired by The Second Brain... play with this idea
Thanks once again Chikahiro