A Light In The Darkness Ch. 2 [By BFM101]

“And this is where you’ll be sleeping.” Theodore smiled as he finished his tour of the house, Robin gasped when she saw her little Fluffy bed laying at the foot of her new daddy’s bed.

“Wobin sweep in same woom as daddeh?”

“Yep, I figured having you close by would make for an easier sleep for both of us, there’s a litterbox in the corner and I’ll have a nightlight on to help you sleep better, but if you ever need anything I’ll be right here.”

“Wobin wub nyu bedsies, wub nyu daddeh.”

Theodore beamed and brought Robin in for a hug, feeling the little filly gave all her love and more as she gripped his chest. Ted held her there for a moment before pulling her off and looking down at her.

“Now Robin, what I have to say next is very important so I want you to listen carefully, ok?”

“Ok daddeh, Wobin wistenin.”

Theodore nodded in understanding and took Robin over to the window.

“Do you see all those fields and trees in the distance.”

“Yeh, am biggesh gwassie pwace Wobin eba see.”

“Well… that’s my land, all of it for miles.”

“Daddeh hab wand, wike Smawty wand?”

“Kind of, I got this land from my uncle, he was a farmer until he got too old and had to retire to somewhere warmer. Since he didn’t have any children of his own and since I needed somewhere quiet he let me have this place. Regardless the important bit I want you to remember is this, if you ever want to go outside you have to tell me first, you cannot go outside without me with you. And even more important, if you ever do go outside you cannot, repeat NOT, go past the fence, even if I’m with you. This might be my land but there are wild animals, dangerous plants and potentially even bad Fluffies out there that I won’t be able to protect you from if you go too far away.”

Suddenly Theodore felt his hand rapidly getting warmer and wetter, he looked down to see Robin shivering with fear as she pissed herself. She looked back up at him with tears of shame in her eyes.

“Am sowwy daddeh, Wobin nu mean…”

“It’s ok Robin, I probably shouldn’t have been so vivid. I just wanted you to understand how dangerous it is out there, but I don’t want you to be scared of ever going outside, just make sure I’m with you ok.”

“Ok daddeh.”

“There’s a good girl, now come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Being careful so as not to let loose piss leak out of his hands, Theodore carried Robin through to the bathroom, placing her on a towel on the countertop then running some warm water into the sink. Robin shivered once more.

“Wawa bad fow fwuffies daddeh.”

“What? Oh yeah I heard about that. Don’t worry, this is good water, and nothing bad will ever happen to you when you’re with me. Do you trust me?”

Robin hesitated, still frightened by, what was to her, a roaring tap. But she took a breath and looked up at Theodore.

“Wobin twust daddeh.”

Happy that he had her trust, Theodore put the plug into the sink and poured a little bubble bath in. Once he got a good lather going, he gently picked Robin up, held her belly up in his hand, and placed in to the sink. Robin shook and clenched the entire time waiting for the water to swallow her whole until…

Nothing. The water lapped at her sides but the soothing warmth and comforting lavender smell made her feel at ease rather than terrified. Theodore cupped some of the water with his free hand and poured it onto her belly, washing away the pee stains.

“Is gud wawa?”

“That’s what I said, remember nothing bad will happen when I’m with you.”

“Heheh, Wobin wub gud wawa.”

The duo spent the next few minutes playing splashies and popping bubbles until Theodore was satisfied that Robin was clean, he chuckled at how upset she was at having to get out of the bath but a promise for more warm baths in the future cheered her up.

As he was drying her off, Theodore noticed that Robin had a quizzical look on her face.

“Something on your mind.”

“Wobin jus hab finkie-pwace pwobwem, um… wan ask daddeh sumfin Wobin nu knyo.”

“A question?”

“Dat it, qwestshun, Wobin hab wun.”

“Well ask away, anything you want to know just feel free to ask.”

“Ok, weww… wen daddeh say his uncaw gib him dis homesie cos daddeh need ‘qwi-et’, wha daddeh mean by dat?”

Theodore paused, trying to work out the best way to answer that question. He picked Robin off the countertop and carried her through to the bedroom, placing her on the bed and sitting beside her.

“Robin, have you ever heard of the human thing called ‘war’?”

Robin shook her head.”

“War is a big fight humans have, like when two Fluffy herds fight each other. It’s not a good thing and can often leave a lot of humans scared, hurt and broken, both inside and outside.”

“Wike heawt-huwties?”

“Possibly, but usually more head-hurties. Well daddy was in a war not too long ago, it’s where he got these hurtie marks on his face, but daddy also got head-hurties which makes him not like being around too many people or loud noises, they make daddy think he’s still at war and daddy doesn’t want to be there but his head makes him think he is. Being here, with no people and no loud noises helps daddy’s head stay calm, he might still have bad sleepy-pictures, but that’s why he got you, to help him fight them away.”

“Wobin nu wike woud noisies tuu, gib bad scardies. Wobin nu wan daddeh hab heawt-huwties ow finkie-pwace-huwties, Wobin gib daddeh bestesh huggies, hugies make huwties gu way.”

“I’m sure they will Robin, thank you.”

“Su if daddeh nu wike hoomin waw, wai daddeh gu dewe.”

“It’s complicated, a human smarty said daddy had to go fight and daddy had already said he would and couldn’t say no.”

“Wobin nu wike meanie Smawties, Fwuffy ow hoomin.”

“Same, luckily we shouldn’t have to deal with any of them here but still be careful.”

“Daddeh pwotect Wobin fwom meanie Smawties, Wobin pwotect daddeh fwom meanie huwties.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Theodore gave Robin a quick scratch before looking at the clock, it was a little later in the day than he realised, not too late for a quick meal but he wasn’t feeling particularly hungry.”

“Hey Robin, it’s almost bed-time but do you want a quick dinner before you go to sleep?”

Robin answered with a yawn. “Nu fank yu daddeh, Wobin am gitten sweepy nyo.”

“Ok then, let’s get you into bed.”

Theodore started to move Robin over to where her bed was beside his, until he felt Robin softly tapping on his palm.

“Daddeh, since dis am Wobin fiwst dawk-time in nyu homesie, can Wobin sweep in daddeh’s bedies, jus fow dis dawk-times, Wobin jus wan make suwe daddeh am safe.”

Theodore smiled at Robin’s big heart and her obvious plea for a more comfortable sleep.

“Ok, but only for tonight.”

“YAY, fank yu daddeh.”

Theodore quickly kicked off his shoes and trousers, figuring sleeping in a t-shirt and boxers would be ok for one night, before pulling back the covers and climbing into bed, placing Robin right in front of him. The little blue filly curled up by his chest and lay her head against his heartbeat.

“Wub yu daddeh.”

“Love you too Robin, have a good night.”

The two of them lay their heads down and slowly drifted off to sleep together, in what would become the first of many nights sharing the bed together.

Chapter 3


This hit right in the feels. Good job. :heart:


Awww :heart_eyes: hope both be well abd Robin be listening to that rule


Robin has already stolen my heart. What a sweet little girl! I hope she and Ted live a long and happy life together.


Dog seeing you make hugbox makes me feel uneasy, but fuck great first night!


If you keep this going i will read it everytime


Im not crying, you’re crying!

Love the interaction between these too so far. The growing connection and hopefully healing from trauma.