A List of All the Dumb Fluffy-Related Shit I, Jim Profit, Have Written

Hey, everyone! I’ve written a few things about fluffies, I guess. Recently I’ve been seeing stories getting attention, comments, feedback, and those hearts. Those wonderful dopamine-laced hearts that validate me and make me feel like I’ve done something right. Oh god, I crave attention and I need…uh, so. Anyway. Instead of making people dig through stuff and bounce back and forth between chapters of things, I figured maybe it’d be good to just put a big ol’ list up. So if you want to read my stuff, here you go. If you don’t want to, that’s cool too. Maybe go look at some art instead? I don’t know what to tell you.

The Rosemary Saga

The first fluffy thing I ever wrote, over 55,000 goddamned words about fluffies. I basically wrote a novel about fluffy ponies. What happens when a guy who’s clueless about fluffy ponies takes in a stray foal? The answers lie within. I mean, there’s a wide variety of things that could happen in a situation like this, but very specific things happen in this story. So just some of the answers lie within, I guess. There’s a lot of hugbox, so if you hate hugbox and you read this and you hate it then buddy, that shit’s on you.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Seven and a Half
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen - FINALE

Louisa’s Story

A really shitty smarty soon-mummah mare with zero desire for rehabilitation finds herself a new daddy. She’s determined to wrap him around her hoof and do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. But weird things start happening. If you’re all “Jesus, Jim, can you write something that ISN’T hugbox?” then this is the story for you.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Fluffy, Interrupting

A depressed man whose life is falling apart meets a stray fluffy whose life has also fallen apart.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

The Fluff TV Collection

Programs and commercials from Fluff TV. I really need to write more of these.

Nu Mowe Huu-Huus Shampoo
The Mummah Song Collection
Wheel! Of! Nummies!

Standalone Stories

One-off stories with no connections to any of my other stories or series.

Shit Happens
Poor Little Tyler - Crying Fluffy Theme Entry
They Specifically Said Not To


hisses yeeeeeaaaaasssssssss! and bookmarks


Fuckin’ same dude. Us middle aged writer wannabes have to stick together.


Bro, your writing is wonderful.


I don’t read a lot of text, but I love well-founded karma or abuse, damn I need to draw some “Louisa” sometime, it’s just perfect.


Dude, Rosemary’s story is so good. Part 4 literally gave me a heart attack from how CUTE and ADORABLE it was. Yes yes, keep up the good works.


Have you taken a look at my catalog? I have no idea how many words I’ve written.


While we’re at it I might as well put out a catalog of my other work, but the Sam Adams Guide has already surpassed 50k. And I haven’t checked how many words Avocado is, roughly.



Go to grammar nazi horny jail. BONK


excellent. thank u very much. well not so much on the hugbox bits but theres clearly some good stuff in there anyway

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Thank you, I really appreciate the compliment. And please, feel free to draw anything from my writing that you want. I’d be honored.


When I sat down and started writing out Rosemary’s story, I didn’t PLAN for it to have so much hugbox. Then I got lost in the hugbox, and…yeah. I’m glad you enjoyed it! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hell yeah, I admire that a hell of a lot. I’d kill to even have a regular spark of creativity. I can’t even imagine having a veritable bonfire of creativity anymore. That was me in my early 20’s. I miss it.


I didn’t think I had any creativity in me either, when I first started writing.

I mean, I’ve got a lot of stuff based on stuff from other works. I’ve got a lot of references to other works. I’ve got characters outright based on characters from other works.

But I try to make my characters distinct from their inspirations, so they’re not direct ripoffs.

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You were the first writer I followed here because of Rosemary!


Hey @jimprofit
I’m really sorry that these catalog pages are somewhat necessary for the moment.
I’m currently trying to hire a web developer to make adjustments to the site, and this is one of the problems I am hoping they can help us to alleviate.


Hey @jimprofit you might want to check out a new option I’ve recently added.
Under the “Gear” in the post composer, there’s a new option called “Insert Table of Contents”
I haven’t played around with it yet, but it might be useful to you.


Oooh, a table of contents

This could be useful!


Hey, not a damn thing to apologize for. We’ve got a working site, don’t we? Hell yeah we do. That’s all I care about, really.

Honestly I think the catalog pages are a great idea, I’ve just been too damned lazy to put one together before now. Lets people bookmark a single page and then watch it for updates. IBut I’ll have to check out the table of contents thing, too.

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