A loose scene (Uniqua)

This is a scene from something I was writing that no longer fit what I was going for. I thought y’all might vibe with it, and also as a teaser (maybe :wink: ) for a bigger thing I’m working on. Thanks!

“Creature.” The word echoes across the wide room, once a small chapel, once adorned with stained glass and rows of pews, now empty but for the lecture and the shattered glass of what had once been.

“You are here to be judged.” Standing at the lectern, an older man looks down across the room. He is perhaps in his sixties, though it is hard to tell through the mess of matted hair that hides his face. He wears what could most closely be described as a Halloween priest costume, definitely not true vestments but at least enough to fit the image.

In the middle of the room, jammed into the stone floor, is a metal peg. A twisted piece of black metal, it points directly upwards, almost at the centre of the chapel. There is a dog leash tied to it, bound tight, as it holds upon it the creature that the old man addresses – a fluffy pony.

Young, maybe only a year old, with bright green fluff and a yellow mane, the fluffy is alternating between tugging on the leash and attempting to cower behind it’s own tail as the man shouts at it.

“Your kind-“ the man continues, stepping toward the fluffy, finger pointed upwards, his voice rising as he speaks. “You are engineered. You are a mockery of god’s own creation!”

“pwease nu nice mistew, fwuffeh nu am du anythin’ wwong.” The fluffy squeaks out, still tugging at the collar upon it’s neck.

“Liar!” the ‘priest’ reveals his other hand, a long, thin riding crop held at the ready. “You dare lie to me in a house of god!”

The fluffy jumps, attempting to rush further away, only to be yanked back by the leash, choking itself as it falls on it’s side.

“pwease nu! pwease nu huwt fwuffy! pwease!” the fluffy can do nothing but beg, locking eyes with the madman.

“Your punishment is as all of your kind should receive – Death.”

Brining the crop down upon the creature, the fluffy screams, the pain of the crop causing it to thrash around on the ground. The madman does not stop, bringing the crop down over and over, the fluffy screaming itself hoarse with terror and pain. It took thirty minutes for the creature to finally die, its body shattered, a bloody pulp upon the hard stone floor.


So basically this… without the guy being in a mental hospital.

Not complaining tho

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