A New Beginning. Chapter 5: A Bad Mother (By YangXuan)

A New Beginning

Chapter 5

It had been three bwite times since Wemon had met the Dwandyman and agreed to work on his land for nummies for her hewd. The nummies were the grass nummies growing on his land. They were allowed to pull them out and load them into the sweds the kind hooman had made for them. The grass nummies helped to keep the hewd strong and from having tummy owies.

One swed the nummies would be shared amongst the hewd the other saved for the cowd times. It was the hot hot times, then it would be the little cowd times then the cowd cowd times. The hewd needed to prepare lots of nummies for the cowd cowd times or go fowebah sweepies. Wemon didn’t want to see any of her hewd go fowebah sweepies, she wuved her hewd.

“Smawty wemon! Bwig twuble in hewd!” Tiny the brown pegasus micro fluff came running up in a panic as he burst into Wemon’s small nest by the counciw. Wemon rose to her hoofies as soon as the little pegasus came screaming in.

“Wat am wong Tinie?” Wemon seemed concerned as the micro fluff caught his breath.

"“Munstah Mummah gib owies to babbeh!” Wemon immediately bolted past Tiny right after he finished speaking. He turned and quickly followed after running as fast as his little legs could. But Wemon was already far ahead bounding over to the nursery where the mummah fluffs her.

Wemon burst into the hollow tree that was the fluffy nursery and came face to face with a sight that made her angry. Barging in Wemon saw two mare’s at odds with one another. One was a nursery mare, peawl a beautiful light pink earthie with orange tail and mane, her eyes were a vibrant green. Peawl was standing protectively over a brown pegasus chirpy foal. Opposite her screaming was another mare, pegasus, she was a bloated cherry red mare with well groomed pink mane and tail, her eyes were a sparkling blue with stars, she was sweetie. Sweetie was shouting at Peawl, her other four chirpy babbehs forgotten, except the pegasus filly with matching colours, the filly was happily suckling Sweeties milkies.

“Gib bak dummeh poopie babbeh to bwestest mummah! Ne gib poopie babbeh fowebah sweepies fu steawin miwkies fwom bwestest babbeh!” Roared the obese pegasus named Sweetie as she swung her hooves around. She was to rotund to move around, despite having only done her biggest poopies four bwite times ago. The little filly attached to her miwkie pwaces was still sucking away despite the noise, she was easily three times the size of her siblings. As for the brown he foal was skinny and half the size of his other siblings. The poor foal was crying ‘hu hu mummah nu wuv babbeh.’

“u nu bwestest mummah! U bwad mummah! Bwad fwuffy! Gib huwties to babbeh! Twy gib fowebah sweepies tu babbeh! Babbeh’s am for huggies and wub!” Peawl shouted back as she stomped her hoof angrily, never moving from her position over the poor foal. Sweetie huffed puffing her cheeks out and threw her right hoof at the nurse mare.

“Dummy mawe twake sowwy hoovsies!” Screamed the mummah as she struck Peawl right in the snout. Peawl however was a tough mare and didn’t even flinch as she was hit, barely showing a reaction. It wasn’t the first time Pearl had been struck by a fluffy, Sweeties hoof however it didn’t even tickle as it was rather soft. Peawl knew Sweetie had been a house fluffy before joining the hewd some bwite times ago. Sweetie was large with tummeh babbehs, she was taken in by the hewd after begging for help.

“Dat sowwy hoovsies? Am nu feew anidin, nu eben twickwe.” Peawl looked at the mare with disdain, to Peawl all babies needed huggies and wuv, they were the bestest things ever. She didn’t see poopie or munstah babbehs, only babbehs.

“Dummeh mawe! U get sowwy poopies!” Sweetie stood up knocking the little filly aside who began to cry for her mummah, but Sweetie didn’t seem to care. She spun around, lifted her tail but before she could give the hidious sowwy poppies, Wemon came crashing into the mare’s side knocking her over.

Sweetie went tumbling shit spewing out her ass and coating her cherry red fluff. “Nu! Nu smweww pwetti!” Sweetie cried as she hit one of the tree’s walls with a thud.

“Huu, huu bestest mummah hab wowstest huwties.”

“U nu bestest mummah! U am wowstest mummah!” shouted Wemon as she snorted and stomped the ground with a hoof finally having enough. She stomped menacingly, as much as a fluff could, towards Sweetie who was crying.

“U bwad fwuffy! Bwad fuwffies gu tu poopie pwace! Num bwad poopies! Gu gwet tuffies! Gwet Wecks!” shouted out Wemon, the commotion had already drawn a small crowd of fluffies. The fluffies that had gathered quickly scurried away to get Weck and the tuffies. Wemon glared daggers at Sweetie before turning to look at Peawl and the other nurse mares.

“Nuwse Mawes twake Sweetie’s babbehs! Gib babbies miwkes, huggies and wub!” Ordered Wemon as the nurse mares acted quickly, scooping up Sweeties five foals, minus the brown foal and took them away from the room. Peawl picked the crying brown foal up and took him away.

“Dere Dere babbeh. Mummah wuvs babbeh. Babbehs wuv mummah. Gwo bwig un stwon wit wots of miwkies.” Peawl sung to the little colt as he clutched to the back of her fluff crying. She soon disappeared into another room to give him lots of huggies, wuv and miwkies.

In that time Wecks arrived on scene, accompanied by two of the hewds tuffies. Sweetie was crying about her babbehs but Wemon didn’t care as she had stalked over and struck Sweetie on the snout again.

“Weck u un tuffies twake bwad fwuffy to poopie pwace! Sweetie bwad fwuffy! Giv wowstest huwties to babbeh! Wan gib fowebah sweepies! Sweetie stay in poopie pwace for won bwite time!” Declared Wemon as pointed to Sweetie and then out into the distance.

“Nuuu! hu hu. Am gud fwuffy! Nu du anytin wong! Nu go poopie pwace! Poopie pwace am for dummeh poopie babbehs and dummeh poopie fwuffies!” Sweetie thrashed around like a babbeh as shit sprayed out. Wemon sneered in disgust and gestured to the tuffies. Weck came bounding over, his larger frame looming over Sweetie. He grabbed the mare by the collar of her neck and began dragging her out. Sweetie screamed and chirped like a wild animal as she thrashed about in Wecks grip.

Weck ignored the flailing fluff and dragged her to one of the poopie pits that had been dug out; it had become a pool of bad poopie wawa. Without hesitation he reared back and tossed the mare down into the stench. Sweetie flew into the pool with a loud splash and squelsh.

“Nuuuu! Nu wan poopie pwace! nu smweww pwetti! Nu wike poopies nu taste pwetti!” She screeched like a wild pig and thrashed about in the torrent of shit water. Her red fluff quickly turned a horrid brown from her thrashing. Wecks ignored her and turned to the two tuffies who had accompanied him.

“Fwuffy Sweetie stay ins poopie pit untiw nex bwite time. Mawoon and Powkadot am tu make Sweetie stay!” Wecks looked at the two tuffies, one a zebra striped earth stallion called Polkadot and the other a maroon unicorn mare named Maroon. The two tuffies nodded and took up positions by a dirt ramp that led into the large pit. Anytime Sweetie attempted to escape up the ramp Mawoon or Powkadot would shove her back down into it.

Wemon would then leave with part of the hewd to the Dandyman’s place to work and collect nummies, hoping Sweetie would learn her lesson.

When the next bwite time arrived Wemon headed over to the pits. During the night the two alicorn sisters Wiwwow and Wose had taken over for Mawoon and Powkadot. Approaching the pit Wemon looked down at Sweetie who was curled up in a ball close to the ramp.

“Huuu huuu nu wike poopie pwace. Nu smweww pwetti, nu taste pwetti. Am gwud fwuffy. Gwud mummah. Hab wowstes tummeh huwties. Wan babbies. Need gib miwkies tu babbehs.” The fluffy sobbed to herself as she lay in the disgusting pit.

“Sweetie weweased from da poopie pwace.” Wemon shouted to Sweetie from her position above. The fluffy immediately looked up tears in her eyes. She slowly got up, her legs shaking weak from lack of nummies. Sweetie began walking up the ramp this, time without being pushed back into the poop sludge. She quickly bolted up the ramp crying tears of joy.

“Sweetie gud fwuffy nao? Feed aw babbehs?” Wemon stamped a hoof and eyed the fluffy with suspicion, deep down hoping she had changed from her time in the poop pit.

“Huuuu. Sweetie am gud mummah! Feed aww babbehs! Nu want poopie pwace agwan.” Sweetie huuud and peeped at Wemon falling to the ground from lack of strength.

Wemon huffed and turned to the nurse mares behind her. The mares had Sweeties foals with them.

“Bwin babbehs obah.” Wemon ordered and the nurse mares did as told, bringing the six foals over to Sweetie. They first put down the four foals that were neither the brown or ‘bestest babbeh’.

“Cooo. Cum to mummah babbehs. Mummah wuv babbehs. Babbehs wuv mummah. Dwin da miwkies babbehs.” Sweetie cood to her babbehs who sniffed the air and peeped appearing repulsed by her smell. Sweetie scooped one up but it peeped and chirped but she didn’t seem to care. Wemon narrowed her eyes before moving her head at the mares indicating her to deliver the other to. The cherry red filly was than sat before Sweetie whose eyes lit up with joy.

“Bestest babbeh!” Sweetie scooped the little filly up and began to cuddle her. Wemon didn’t like that at all but she continued to test the mare. The brown foal was then pushed towards Sweetie who didn’t notice him at first. The colt latched onto her miwkie places and began to suckle but there was no milk. The colt began to peep and chirp, crying for food.

“Babbeh hungwy. Sowwy babbeh nu miwkies tiww nummies for mummah.” Sweetie then looked down to comfort her babbeh but paused, eyes widening as she noticed the brown colt.

“Miwkie twief! Dummeh poopie babbeh nu hab miwkes onwy fo bestest babbeh! Mummah gib fowevab sweepies!” Sweetie raised a hoof and prepared to slam it down only for a white blur to slam into her.

“Nuu owies!” Sweetie cried out as she went stumbling again her ‘bestest babbeh’ falling from her grip only to be caught by a nurse mare who comforted the peeping filly.

“U dummie mawe! bwad fwuffy! Stiww twy giv babbeh fowebah sweepies!” Wemon huffed and stomped the ground, she had thought the mummah would still try this so she had tested her. Wemon was ready to take action the moment Sweetie started wanting to give fowebah sweepies to the brown colt.

“Smawty say gu weav hewd! Nu wewcome here nu mor! Bwad fwuffy nu wib wit Wemon’s hewd nu mor!” If looks could kill, Wemon’s glare would surely have made Sweetie explode into a gory mess. Sweetie huuued and cried but Wemon didn’t care.

"Nuuu nu wan weab! Wet Sweetie stway pwease!” Sweetie cried but Wemon only ignored her, Sweetie would have to go.

Wemon turned to one of the nurse mares and barked, “Gu gwt Wecks and awicown tuffies! Nao! Nuwse mawes twake babbehs away!” The mare yelped and quickly bolted off, she was the youngest of the nurse mares, a light red alicorn named Chewwy. The other nurse mares quickly ran in and took the six foals away from what was about to happen, taking them back to the nursery to feed.

Wemon then turned to Sweetie and walked right up, delivering another sowwy hoovsies to the mares snout, making her cry and spray poopies.

“U stiww du scawdie poopies. Ow u stiww hab poopies Wemon hab nu cwu.” Wemon shook her head as she raised a hoof and brought it down again on the bad mares head. Sweeties winged flapped rapidly as the mare tried to get up and run away but she was to weak.

“Dummie mawe! U bwad mummah! Nu see babbehs ebah agwan!” Wemon shouted and struck Sweetie’s right eye making her cry out again.

“Nu pwease dun gib gud mummah wowstest huwties am gud mummah. Poopie babbeh bwad babbeh! Am poopie babbehs fauwt.” Sweetie chirped and peeped as Wemon saw red, how dare this fluffy blame a poor babbeh. Wemon bent down and bit down with her teeth tearing a large section of fluff from Sweeties neck making the pegasus mare scream, wings continuing to flap as if she was trying to fly away.

“Nu twake pweety fwuff. Fwuff su pwetti! Am gwud fwuffy! Peep. Nu du anytin wong huuu huu huu.” Sweetie continued to scream seeming to think she was still in the right.

"“Wemon say wingies usewess! Nu deserb wingies! Nu hab wingies nu mor!” Wemon than with sheer force bit down on one of Sweeties wings and with a loud tear tore the feathers from it.

“SCREEE! WINGIES WOWSTEST HUWTIES! DADDEH! WUN DADDEH PEEP!” Sweetie flailed her hooves and attempted to hit Wemon but the smarty simply stepped out of the way of the pitiful attack. Wemon than did the same to the other wing biting down and tearing the feathers out.

"SCREE! Peep huu huuu nu peep huwt chirp Sweetie peep am chirp gud huuu peep fwuffy! Sweetie continue to scream but began to regress as she chirped and peeped like a chirpy babbeh.

“Nu gud fwuffy onwy bwad fwuffy!” Wemon then bit again into one of the wings and started pulling with all her might.

“SCREEEEE! Wowstest peep huwties! Wun hooman daddeh. Sweetie sowwy fo wun away daddeh, wan babbehs!” Sweetie screeched as Wemon tore the wing out bone and all from the mare’s back. Blood sprayed across Wemon’s face but she didn’t seem to care. She ripped a single wing out and spat it on the ground deciding to leave the other in, a reminder of Sweeties punishment and what she once had. By the time Wemon had dished out the punishment Wecks, Wiwwow and Wose had arrived.

“Smawty Wemon caww for Wecks and awicown sistahs.” The giant Fluffalo approached with the two alicorn sisters and soon saw the mess that was Sweetie.

“Dis fwuffy bwad fwuffy! Twy gib paw babbeh fowebah sweepies! Wecks, Wiwwow and Wose twake dummie fwuffy away! Bwanishd fwam hewds fowebah!” Declared Wemonw with a stomp of her right frontal hoof. Wecks nodded and reached down grabbing Sweetie in his maw, ignoring the bad taste of her fluff. With the sisters as escorts he dragged Sweetie away.

Wemon huffed and headed back to her nest hoping everything would go back to normal.

During the dawk times Wemon had sweet, sweet sweepy time stowies. She dreamed of her herd growing big and strong, lots of happy fluffies. She dreamed of the Dandyman and working on his farm for good nummies. She dreamt long sweepy time stowies of scritchies and pets.

As the next bwite time came Wemon awoke with a loud yawn. The smarty stretched her tiny hoofsies and emerged from her little nest. She blinked and began to take in the sight of her herd emerging to start the day. A bright happy smile emerged on the earthies face watching her herd begin the day. The talky foals who could run and play were brought out by their mothers into a large gathering. The foals ran about laughing and cheering as they placed chasies.

Wemon was brought from her musings as she heard loud screaming once more, again coming from the nursery.

“Wut am dis nao?” Wemon asked herself with a frown as she began making her way back over to the nursery for the second time in two bwite times. Running into the nursery she heard the following screaming.

“Bwad Mummah nu gib babbehs fowebah sweepies!”

“Sweetie nu woud in hewd! Weave nao ur gu fowebah sweepies!”

“Sweetie bwad fwuffy!”

“Sweetie get sowwy poopies and sowwy hoofsies!”

“Huuu huu nu huwt sweetie am gwud fwuffy!”

“Screee nu gib swee pwaces sowwy poopies! Wowstest buwnies!”

Walking in with her tiny hooves Wemon blinked in confusion. She spotted lying on the ground spilling boo-boo juice with torn fluff and feathers the mare Sweetie. The six nurse mares were pummeling into the bad fluffy hitting her with their hoofs. Unlike Sweetie whose hoofs were soft the mare’s had developed calluses and hard hoofs. Each blow hurt and made Sweetie cry out in pain. The blows had already started leaving large welts. The mares bit hard ripping out fluff, even biting hard enough to remove skin. Two of the nurse mares had given Sweetie sorry poopies, sweeties eyes were red raw and leaking with liquid shit. A unicorn had even stabbed Sweetie in the side.

“Wat am goen un ere?” questioned Wemon as she saw the scene unfold. The six nurse mares came to a stop and took steps back before pointing at Sweetie.

“Dummah bwanish fwuffy cum bwack! Twy gib fowebah sweepies to sweeties old sweeping babbehs!” Peaww spoke up as having been the one to originally deal with Sweetie. The earthie huffed and glared at Sweetie. What the pegasus mare had done was unforgivable the worst of fluffy sins.

“Sweetie am weawwy dummah! Wa bwanish nebah cum bwack. Wemon say su! Bwut dummah mawe nu wisten! Gwet eben wowse huwties nao!” Wemon barked out as she stomped up to the pegasus mare glaring fiercely. Sweetie retreated back as she peeped and chirped like a baby.

“Huuu huu Sweeti am gwud fwuffy am nu dummeh fwuffy! Daddeh aways say su! Sweetie nu wisten to dummah mawe smawty! Wemon am dummah mawe!” Sweetie barked back as she seemed to slowly get the courage to speak back to Wemon. The nurse mares gasped at what she said to Wemon.

“Dummah mawe nu tawk to smawty Wemon wike dat!”

“Wemon gud smawty!”

“Wemon get hewd ummies! Gud homsies!”

“Wemon bwest fwuffy wike her mummah and mummah’s mummah!”

The nurse mares began to shout back all incredibly angry by what Sweetie had said. Wemon raised a hoof and the six mares grew silent but continue to glare at Sweetie who had shrunk back again but continued to stand her ground.

“Sweetie am bwestest fwuffy! Sweetie shu be smawry of hewd! Sweetie gib Wemon fowebah sweepies den dummah nuwse mawes and dummah babbehs!” Sweetie roared out as she gained some brovardo. Sweetie charged as fast as her legs could carry her towards Wemon intending to give sowwy hoofsies.

Wemon rolled her eyes and took a side step. Sweetie crashed and stumbled into the grounded making scaredy poopies again. Wemon gagged in disgust as Sweetie slid across her own poops and into a wall with a loud thud. How could one fluffy continue to make so much poopies?

“Huuu huuu why twee gib huwties to sweetie! Sweetie jus wan gib fowebah sweepies to bwad smawty Wemon.” Sweetie grabbed her head crying pathetically as she sat in a pile of her own shit.

Having enough Wemon looked at one of the nurse mares who ran out to get the tuffies and Wecks. The smarty mare stalked towards Sweetie who was too consumed by her pain and crying that she didn’t notice. Raising a hoof Wemon brought it down with a loud thud smacking Sweetie in the face.

“Chirp smeww pwace hab peep wowstest huwties huuu huuu. Nuuu boo-boo juice!” Sweetie screamed and cried as blood dripped from her nose. Wemon didn’t relent and delivered another blow right into the fluffies jaw, hard enough that a pair of teeth dislodged and flew out.

“Huuu huuu tweefies” Sweetie continued to cry as Wemon stomped again knocking even more teeth out. Wemon didn’t speak, her eyes were cold and lifeless as she attacked viciously. By the time Wecks arrived all of Sweetie’s teeth had been knocked off. Accompanying Wecks wasn’t any of the tuffies by Wemon’s friend and fellow counciw member Appwe

“Huuuu huuu nummy pw–pw–pwwasse hasss wsowses huwses. Fwwussi fus hussies and wubs” The mare cried barely able to speak properly.

“Dummeh bwanish mawe wetuwn? Appwe amawsies.” The tan earthie spoke with sheer amazement that Sweetie had returned. Appwe hadn’t witnessed what happened last bwite time but entire herd knew.

“Wecks howd dummeh down. Appwe pwy nummy pwace opun!” Wemon ordered her voice stone cold no emotion, she had enough of Sweetie. Wecks stomped over and pushed down with a hoof forcing Sweetie to the ground. Appwe followed and used her hoofs to force Sweeties mouth open.

“Wemon say u nu spweak any mwor! U bwad fwuffy says bwad meanie wowds! Nu sway anything gud den nu say aniting!” Wemon bent down and bit hard into Sweetie’s tongue, she then started pulling and with force ripped the appendage out. Sweetie screamed the entire time flailing her limbs to escape, trying to close her mouth but Appwe and Wecks wouldn’t let her. Blood sprayed across Wemon’s face just like last bwite time but the smarty didn’t care or react.

“Huuu huuu huuu.”

“Gwet buwnies!” roared Wemon as Appwe ran out with a gleeful look. It wasn’t loogk before Appwe returned with a large stick that was burning with fire held firmly in her mouth. The herd kept a small fire within a nestie made of mud. It was used to deliver really bad punishments to bad fluffies. Taking the stick from Appwe the tan mare pried Sweetie’s mouth open again.

Wemon approached with the burning stick and stuck it against the bleeding tongue. Sweetie screamed but Wecks shoved a hoof down to keep her still. The smell of burning flesh filled the nursery as Wemon burned Sweetie’s tongue to stop the boo-boo juice. Once done the appendage was horribly scarred and burned.

Wemon looked at Wecks and spoke through the stick, “Gib swtompies to wegges!” Wecks nodded and raised a mighty hoof before bringing it down on Sweetie’s front right leg. Sweetie screamed and chirped as her legs flailed around. The leg that got stomped was bent at the wrong angle, bone sticking out as blood spilled. Wecks continued as he stomped the next.

“huuuuu!” "Nuuu twake weggies! Nweed weggies to wun un pway!" Sweetie could only cry out, unable to speak with her tongue missing. With each stomp Sweetie had flashes of her life, running and playing as a little babbeh with her daddeh.

"Sweetie nebah shuu hab weab daddeh! nebah wan tummeh babbehs agwan! Sweetie be gwud fwuffy! Daddeh sabe sweetie! The mare screamed in her head as she wanted her hooman daddeh to come save her. She was regretting leaving home to have dummeh babbehs. Never should have wanted babbehs. Life was good with daddeh all the skettis, toysies and bwockies Sweetie could have had.

The last stomp came and all four of Sweetie’s legs were bent at the wrong angle with bones sticking out.

“Nao twake weggies!” Barked Wemon through the stick she held. Wecks obeyed and used his horns to dig into the exposed flesh where the bones poked through.

“SCREEEEEEE!” Sweetie screamed like a pig as she thrashed attempting to roll but Appwe slammed down with her hoofs into Sweetie’s back. A loud snap reverberated through the nursery. Tears spilled down Sweetie’s face and the pain in her back was unimaginable. Wecks made short work of the legs tearing them off with his horns while Wemon burned the stumps with the stick. Once down the stick was handed back to Appwe who skipped off happily to return it to the burning nest.

"Huuu huu wan weggies wan sketti, wan daddeh. Huuu wan die, wan die" Sweetie had entered the wan die loop, Wemon could see it clearly in her eyes. Wemon sneered at Sweetie showing emotion for the first time since the punishment began.

"U wan die? U nu die wet dummah mawe! Wingie munstahs gwet u nao! Wecks twake to wingie munstahs!

Wecks nodded and again grabbed the stupid mare by her collar and started dragging her, without her legs she was much lighter. Wecks left the herd as a pair of tuffies followed to make sure he was safe.

Wemon showed no joy in removing the fluffy but Sweetie was a really bad fluffy and had to go. Wemon had rules in hewd that must be followed and Sweetie didn’t follow those rules so she got given fowebah sweepies. Wemon hated giving fowebah sweepies but smawty must do what necessary for hewd to live.

Wecks walked for many good forever from the herd before he came to a steep ditch. With a toss he threw Sweetie down into the pit. Sweetie hit the ditch and rolled down. She rolled over rocks that tore her flesh and branches that pricked and stabbed her. She hit the bottom with a thud and continued to cry.

“WINGIE MUNSTAHS NUMMIES!” Shouted Wecks before he ran off with the tuffies not wanting to be eaten by the wingie munstahs.

Sweetie lay in the ditch crying to herself as she continued to repeat ‘wan die’ in her mind. She was having sweepie time pictures of her daddeh, when she was picked up as a tiny chirpy baby. Her daddeh said she was the prettiest fluffy ever and she was the best fluffy. He brushed her, patted her, fed her the best miwkies and gave her the bestest fluffy blanket and stuffy friend. When she was older with tweefies she got sketti every day. It was the best sketti made by her daddeh. With her see places open she saw she lived in a big housie. She had a big safe room bigger than the fluff mart. It was a big house with lots of pretty things. She even had a big teebee.

"Huuu huuu wan die. Wan daddeh. Why daddeh nu sab Sweetie. Nu pwetti nu more. Wan die.

In her loop, that’s when she heard a dreadful sound, a harsh rattle.

“wock, wock, wock-a-wock, wock!” The sound was loud and she heard the beating of wings. Her eyes widened as a shadow descended upon her. Looking she saw white and black, long beak and beady brownish-red see places.

"Huuu gu away wingie munstah! Nu num fwuffy! Weave But of course Sweetie’s thoughts went unanswered as the bird could not hear her.

The magpie eyed the delicious morsel before it, the creature could not move as it flailed and cried. The bird raised its beak and cried.

“Pjur, weer, weer, wock!” The magpie cried loudly.

“Wock wock!” Dozens of cries responded and shadows descended as a large tribe of magpies swooped down from the gumtrees.

The magpies of white and black descended flying around the form of Sweetie. The fluffy cried and screamed but could not speak as the magpies descended. The first magpie waddled over and landed on the fluffies stomach staring down at her with beady eyes.

The bird eyed the fluffy, it had seen these strange creatures before they were easy prey, eaten quickly. They seemed to have no sense of survival. Shawnie, as the two walkers that fed him tasty bread called him eyed the creature with disdain. Shawnie did not like this creature but it was tasty. He pecked, the little thing screamed and hollered as one of its eyes were removed. Shawnie ribbed the right eye out and flew off to a nearby branch to eat. Once Shawnie had struck the other magpies flew in and began to ravage the creature.

Sweetie screamed and was unable to attack the wingie munstahs without her weggies. She cried and screamed, not even able to release scaredy or sorry poopies, her tummeh rumbled with hurties. She began to screech as with her last see place a black and white wingie munstah began to eat into her tummeh.

"Nu num tummeh! Tummeh for babbehs and nummies! Nu num fwuffy, fwuffy for huggies and wub and skettis! Sweetie was having the worst time as the magpie dug into her stomach ripping out her intestines.

"Nu tummeh skettis stay in Sweetie! Wan die!

“Wook wook wock-a-wock weer!” The magpies cry was like torture to Sweetie as they pecked at her tearing away flesh. Another magpie dug in deep to the howl in her stomach and began ripping out her internal organs. Sweetie screamed in agony before another landed and began ripping into her throat.

“Gwug” Sweetie could only gurgle as the wingie munstah tore into her throat, she couldn’t even scream anymore.

*“Wan die, wan die. Wet die. Wowstest huwties ebah! Sweetie gud fwuffy nu du wong! Poopie babbeh bwad babbeh am poopies babbeh fauwt! Smawty fauwt! Wemon die babbeh die! Dummah peaww die!” Sweetie ranted and raved in her head never accepting that she was at fault, that she had caused her own downfall. Sweetie in her own eyes was the perfect fluffy all other fluffies were the dummeh and bwad fluffies not her. She wasn’t repentent even as she was being eaten alive.

Her vision went black as Shawnie returned after eating her first eye. The magpie pecked out the other as snot flew from Sweetie’s nose. Shawnie cawed and flew back to her perch to eat and watch the carnage.

The screaming was now just gurling without her voice box. The fluffy tried to trash it but only failed. The Magpies dozens of them swarmed and consumed, enjoying the fresh feel. As quickly as they came they dispersed leaving behind nothing but bones. The fluff was taken and placed in nests for baby magpies. That was the end of Sweetie torn to pieces alive by Magpies. Shawnie would finish off by taking a large shit all over the fluffies remains before flying off to find his two humans to see if they had bread for him.

End of Chapter 5. Decided to go into a little more about the aweful fluffy mother from the previous chapter that was mentioned. Write a little fluffy on fluffy violence for all your abuseboxers hope you enjoyed Sweetie’s punishment.

This chapter was to show that Lemon is a strong leader who is willing to dish out severe punishments to fluffies who break the rules and do aweful things. Lemon doesn’t like hurting other fluffies but has to in order to protect the herd and make sure the herd knows what is right and what’s wrong.

I have only touched primarily on a few members of the herd but eventually I will expand onto the others I’ve mentioned like Apple and Bright Moon. But primarily at the moment Rex is the main toughy and is basically Lemon’s head enforcer. Don’t mess with the Fluffalo else you get the horns.

When writing from Lemon’s pov I try to incorporate a little of the fluffy speech into the writing, not all off it but some, give it more a feel from her perspective.

After talking to a reader who gave some good advice I decided to add more to Sweetie’s story and involved the nurse mare attack, her final punishment and death by magpies.

Hope you enjoyed, I enjoyed writing the little story. Next chapter will most likely be back to the Russel Glen Homestead with the Dandyman.

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Honestly the Fluff-Speak POV was awesome and I loved it! You did great! Keep going!

Also: Lemon is very thought but fair. And the fact that the Fluffies bury their poopie piles is awesome; must make for some pretty awesome compost! I’d love to see the Sandyman teach them how to grow beans in those buried pits!

I have added to the story a new part near the bottom. It expands on what happened to Sweetie

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Yeah, I read it! WOW the detail is amazing; you did great! Thanks!