Dandyman's Herd (By YangXuan)

The following is a list of the Fluffies featured in my stories that feature the Dandyman, an owner of a particularly large fluffy herd on his property. I also have details that features the Dandyman himself. The list of fluffies is currently all known and actively introduced members of the Dandyman’s herd.

The Dandyman!
Features the Dandyman’s D&D class make up.


He is a dungeons and dragons character I made and used for multiple campaigns. I am using the stat block for when he was used in an Epic Campaign where our characters went over level 20 by multiclassing even further. We ended it when our characters were level 30.


The Dandyman: Nephastophilis Malethus
Race: Glaysa Tiefling
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Primary Class: 20th level Eloquence Bard
Secondary Class: 3rd level Thief Rogue and 7th level Enchantment Wizard
Background: Criminal/spy background - Master Thief
Primary Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation, Performance, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Tools: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, Thieves Tools
Expertise: Deception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth and Thieves Tools
Feats: Magic Initiate - Bard, Skilled, Infernal Constitution, Mobile, Magic Initiate - Warlock
Epic Boon: Boon of Undetectability
Spells: Far to many

The Herd


Herd Smarty


Age: ??? - Possible 1 and a half
Breed: Earthie
Colour: White fluff with yellow mane and tail
Eyes: Green
Summary: Lemon is the smarty mare of the Dandyman’s herd. Lemon is a smart and inquisitive fluffy that has a strong hold over her herd. She takes her position as smarty seriously and won’t hesitate to punish a fluffy who disobeys the rules of the Dandyman.


Bright Moon

Bright Moon
Age: ??? Possible 9
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Vibrant black turned grey. Beige mane and tail.
Eyes: Dull yellow. Right eye sealed shut and blind.
Summary: Bright Moon is the oldest member of the Dandyman’s herd. She was around when Lemon’s grandmother Lilly created and led the herd. She is considered the wisest of the herd having lived for many bright times. She is wise and uses her wisdom for the benefit of the herd. She has held a position on the council for many years. She is kind but incredibly strict, taking on the role of the harsh grandmother to protect the herd.


Age: ??? Possibly 1 and a Half
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Light tan fluff, green mane and tail.
Eyes: Bright red
Summary: Apple is the best friend of Lemon and one of her council members. Apple is a tough mare who acts like a toughie. She has a nose for finding food and can discern poisonous foods ensuring no fluffy eat thems. She is quick to act and won’t hesitate to strike fluffies much larger than her. Despite her smaller frame, Apple is packed with muscle and can easily take down fully grown stallions double her size.


Lavender and Rose

Lavender and Rose
Age: ??? Possibly 2
Breed: Alicorns
Colour: Deep blue fur with white tail and mane.
Eyes: Topaz Eyes
Horn Colour: Lavender has a red horn. Rose has a pink horn.
Summary: Lavender and Rose are a pair of Alicorn sisters, they are part of Lemon’s toughies. The two sisters are quiet and rarely speak, they obey Lemon’s orders thoroughly. They are good workers and won’t hesitate to help another fluffy in need. They have a strong sense of duty and won’t abandon their posts. The two sisters are never apart and work in tandem when dealing with other bad fluffies. They have a soft spot for babies.


Age: ???
Breed: Unicorn
Colour: Monochrome Maroon unicorn fluffy
Eyes: Brown
Horn Colour: Black



Age: ??? Possibly 1 and a half
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Bright pink fluff with red tail and purple mane
Eyes: Blue eyes
Summary: Berry is a bubbly and excitable fluffy. She still has some of the original programming designed by Hasbio and can be overwhelming when she hears the word sketti. She often acts without thinking, which results in getting a sorry hoof or two from her fellow fluffies. She doesn’t hold it against them and follows orders as she should. Deep down she is a very sweet fluffy that loves her herd.


Age: ???
Breed: Bowl - Earthie
Colour: Monochrome Sparkling Green Fluffy
Eyes: Brown
Summary: A worker member of the herd and the only bowl fluffy.

Nurse Mares


Age: 2 years
Breed: Bowl - Earthie
Colour: Light Pink Fluffy, orange tail and mane
Eyes: Vibrant Green
Summary: Pearl is a vibrant nurse mare who tends to the baby fluffies and their mothers. She takes her job very seriously and won’t hesitate to defend the babies against bad mothers. She is also incredibly protective of mother fluffies, making sure no bad fluffies come near them. She won’t hesitate to attack fluffies larger than herself or even predators to defend the nursery. She is sadly unable to have babies of her own after an incident with a Dingo some moons ago.

Pearl is the surrogate mother to a poor brown foal whose mother tried to kill him. Since being taken in by the Dandyman she has become the mother to three ‘poopie’ foals Olive, Coconut and Mango.


Age: ??? Possibly 3 and a half
Breed: Unicorn
Colour: Light lilac fluff, sparkling purple mane and tail.
Eyes: Vibrant Green
Horn Colour: Filled down - vibrant pink
Summary: An ex breeding mare to an illegal breeding mill. She was injected with growth hormones making her grow larger than typical fluffy mares. The growth hormones forced her mammary glands to constantly produce milk and grow beyond the normal size. She has been over bred and is no longer capable of having her own foals.

Lilac is a tender mare who loves all babies, she gleefully looked after bad colours, alicorns, derpies and even sensitive babies. She sees all fluffies as equal and doesn’t ignore them based on colour. She doesn’t spoil foals and will discipline as needed, making sure to teach babies to be good fluffies. She has been adopted by the Dandyman. She is the current mother to 12 chirpies and 2 glitter foals.

Other Mares


Age: 2 and a half
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Deep brown chocolate fur with green mane, most likely matching tail colour.
Eyes: Bright sunny yellow
Summary: Cocoa is a pregnant mare who was abused by her herd, her front legs and tail ripped off. She was primarily used as an enfie mare by the herds smarty and toughies. She had long given up on living as most of her children had been killed before they had a chance at life. She was taken to a shelter and later adopted by the Dandyman. Her legs have since been regrown.


Age: 4 months
Breed: Unicorn
Colour: Bright magenta fluff , lusciously long lilac mane and tail
Eyes: Sparkling Sapphire Blue
Horn Colour: Violet
Summary: Aphrodite is a very lady like unicorn, she was bred to be a pagent fluffy before being sold to the Dandyman. She is very prim and proper, but also very vain. She calls herself a pretty fluffy and likes beautiful things. Despite being pampered and vain, she is conscious of other fluffies and while she may speak harshly and act in a deva like manner, she cares for her own kind. She is willingly to live with other fluffies, but will demand they be clean and proper.

She doesn’t like Apollo very much as she was in the pen next to her and would often keep her up at night due to his boundless energy.




Age: ???
Breed: Fluffalo
Colour: Monochrome White Wooly Fluffalo
Eyes: Black
Summary: Rex is a large Fluffalo that was abandoned in the Australian outback by his owner some moons ago. He is an easy going Fluffy that loves to work. He is apart of the main counciul and acts as Lemon’s enforcer and head toughie. Rex is willing to put other fluffies in their place, despite hating to cause pain to other fluffies. He is willing to do what must be done for the betterment of the herd. He is a deeply gentle soul who prefers to toil away in the fields.



Age: ??? Possibly 4
Breed: Unicorn
Colour: Deep Olive fluff, red mane and tail. (Tail removed)
Eyes: Black
Horn Colour: Broken black horn
Summary: Rock is an older fluffy and toughie of the herd. He is covered in numerous scars from battle. He has no tail as it was removed while fighting off a Dingo many moons ago to save the Nurse Mare Pearl.


Age: ???
Breed: Pegasus
Colour: Deep brown colouration, yellow mane and tail.
Eyes: Green


Age: 1 and a Half
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Zebra patterned earthie fluffy, white and black.
Eyes: Black
Summary: Polkadot was a house fluffy, belonging to an American girl with a strange sense of humour. While on vacation in Australia from America with her family, they got eaten by crocodiles, apparently the family got too close to the water wanting to pat the reptiles, despite warnings. Pokadot had somehow made it out alive and was taken in by Lemon.



Age: 6 Months
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Deep Blue Monochrome Fluff
Eyes: Brown
Summary: A young fluffy who loves to explore, he is still a relatively young fluffy, curious and naive about the world, or he once was. After being tortured by Maetto something changed in the young fluffy and he now hears voices in his head calling for blood. He has gained a vicious streak that he struggles to contain. The voice calls to him it is angry all the time and wants to hurt others. Water however doesn’t like hurting other fluffies and tries his best to keep the voice inside.


Age: 5 Months
Breed: Earthie
Colour: True bark coloured fluffy with matching black pattern. Autumn orange mane and tail
Eyes: Grey
Summary: A young earth fluffy much smaller than most fluffies. He was a runt and as such his growth was stunted. He is curious but incredibly shy. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. He loves to find nummies and play with other fluffies. He has a secret crush on Lemon but is too scared to approach her. Since being attacked by a Gonna and saved by the Dandyman, he has formed a deep bond with the tiefling.


Age: 2 Years
Breed: Micro Pegasus Fluffy
Colour: Brown fluffy with olive green wings, dark grey tail and mane.
Eyes: Green
Summary: Tiny is a micro fluffy pegasus that joined the herd some moons ago. He is not like typical micro fluffies, he does not enjoy living underground but instead above ground. He has adapted to the outback gaining powerful survival instincts that typically aren’t seen in fluffies. He enjoys being around regular fluffies more than his own kind. Despite his size he is a hard worker.


Age: 6 years
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Beige coloured fluffy with dark yellow mane and tail.
Eyes: Brown
Summary: Benny is a much older fluffy, his full name is Benjamin but he goes by Benny the nickname his old owner called him. He was a house fluffy, until a large flood came, wiping out his home and drowning his senior owners. Instead of drowning however he was pulled from the water by Lime, Lemon’s mother. He joined the herd as a worker to repay his debt to Lime. He looks after the herd and imparts his wisdom to them.

Other Stallions


Age: 4 months
Breed: Pegasus
Colour: Monochrome burnt orange
Eyes: Amber
Summary: Apollo is still a relatively young fluffy. He is exciteable full of boundless energy. He is so full of energy he often doesn’t sleep at night and will exhaust himself during the day. He loves to run about and explore new things. He enjoys being around other fluffies and use to always ask Aphrodite to play with him during the dark times. He has become fast friends with Twig and Water.


Age: 6 and a half
Breed: Pegasus
Colour: Cream coloured stallion with beige mane and tail
Eyes: Gentle Grey
Summary: Max is a somewhat older fluffy as he use to belong to a young girl. However when she went off to university her parents didn’t want to look after Max so put him in a shelter either for rehoming or termination. He was lonely in the shelter as many of his friends were taken away either to new homes or termination. He was so happy to be adopted by the Dandyman.



Age: 3 weeks
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Monochrome dark green
Eyes: Brown
Summary: Born one of five ‘poopie’ coloured foals. She and her siblings were taken from their mother. she had to watch two of her siblings go forever sleepies by a bad hoomin. She has since been adopted by the Dandyman, given the name Olive and got a new mother in Pearl.


Age: 3 weeks
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Monochrome Brown
Eyes: Yellow
Summary: Born one of five ‘poopie’ coloured foals. He and his siblings were taken from their mother. He had to watch two of his siblings go forever sleepies by a bad hoomin. He has since been adopted by the Dandyman, given the name Cocunut and got a new mother in Pearl.


Age: 3 weeks
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Monocrome Putrid Yellow
Eyes: Brown
Summary: Mango is a derped baby fluffy. His mother claimed he was a milky thief and threw him into a wall derping him. Mango is a sweet baby and has been adopted by the Dandyman, given a name and even got a new mother called Pearl.


Age: 3 weeks
Breed: Glitter Earthie
Colour: Monochrome glistening cerulean blue with a sparkling star pattern.
Eyes: Deep Ruby Red
Summary: A spoiled colt who demanded anything and everything. He thought he was gods gifts to fluffies due to his sparkly glitter fluff. However after watching his new daddeh torture another fluffy, the trauma has caused him to try and be a good fluffy.


Age: 3 weeks
Breed: Glitter Earthie
Colour: Monochrome glistening cerulean blue with a sparkling star pattern.
Eyes: Dazzling Bright Pink
Summary: A spoiled fluffy who called her new daddy the Dandyman mean words. She thought she could do no wrong and was better than other fluffies die to her pretty fluff. However since having been forced to watch her new daddy torture a bad fluffy, she only wants to be a good fluffy.

Bad Fluffies

Sweetie - Deceased

Age: ???
Breed: Pegasus
Colour: Cherry red fluff, pink mane and tail
Eyes: Star shaped Sparkling blue
Summary: Sweetie was once a domestic fluffy who ran away from how after her stupid daddy wouldn’t let her have babbies. She later joined Lemons herd while heavily pregnant. She gave birth to five babies, one filly that looked just like her and was instantly her bestest baby. She tried kill her brown foal, but was stopped by Pearl and Lemon.

She was tossed to the shit pits as punishment, but clearly didn’t learn her lesson as she tried to kill her brown baby again. Lemon banished Sweetie from the herd without her children but Sweetie returned and tried to give all her babbehs forever sleepies. She was however stopped by the nurse mares and horribly attacked. Lemon had Sweetie’s wings removed and legs broken before being tossed in a ditch.

Sweetie was eaten alive by Magpies.
Death A Bad mother


Age: 1 year
Breed: Pegasus
Colour: Tri-coloured red, orange and yellow in the shape of flames with matching mane and tail.
Eyes: Vibrant Yellow
Summary: Blaze was a stallion who was adopted by a breeder along with his brother when they were foals. Blaze was spoiled rotten and demanded a special friend to have beautiful babies. When he didn’t want to wait for his owner to find the perfect mare, he ran away from home to find a special friend.

He broke into the fluff mart and tried to impregnate the mares, only to be caught before he could and tossed to a shelter. Blaze’s owner gave him up for adoption, angry that Blaze had cost him thousands of dollars to purchase a similar tri-coloured pegasus mare. Luckily the mare took to Blaze’s brother and produced six beautiful tri-coloured fluffies.

Blaze has been adopted by the Dandyman and his rehabilitation awaits.

Purple Smarty

Purple Smarty
Age: ???
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Monochrome Purple
Eyes: Blue
Summary: A horrible earthie fluffy who would impregnate mares just so they would have his babbies. Once born he would give bad special huggies to the babies, killing his special friend when they tried to stop him. He was captured and sent to a shelter where he was adopted by the Dandyman.

He has undergone his first session of torture at the Dandyman’s hands. His body regenerated and healed only to be tortured again.


Blue Smarty
Age: ???
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Monochrome blue
Eyes: Yellow
Summary: A typical smarty who was part of a herd. His herd was captured by animal control. He awaits his session with the Dandyman.

Lime Green Smarty

Green Smarty
Age: ???
Breed: Earthie
Colour: Monochrome lime green
Eyes: Green
Summary: This particular smarty is a cannibal and enjoys devouring foals and newborn fluffies. He had a special friend who was a blue pegasus but beat her severly when she tried to stop him eating her babbies. She later died from her wounds while he was captured and taken to a shelter. He was adopted by the Dandyman and is awaiting his punishment.


Yay, thanks so much for these! This was an awesome read! It’ll make drawing them so much easier!