Most folks opted to let the smarty’s manners pay off, but I noticed a few people saw some Smarty Syndrome in the back, so he’s in for some suffering.
Let the fun begin !
Fun fact: having both spearmint And Chili does not cancel out each other… They just intensify the pain in a Strange way
Enjoy your pain, little fool
they work off two different receptors.
Capsaicin and menthol are the active chemicals in each, no? I’ve made some lamb dishes that have mint and a sizeable amount of chili peppers before; it’s pretty nice if you can find the right balance.
I love his clap
I hope the foal is the only one ounisged by this and suffers the lava eruption every time he poops… tho theres a chance that he might die from the spice… or if he tries to drink milk I’ll burn the teat. In other wirds let the dummy pay for the crime and the herd who follow instructions get rewarded
Also what happened to their parents?
ohhh poor sisy and uncle, they’re trying their best.
Dumb little smartie shit
Oh, you know… “Bestest” there got his idea of how a smarty friend behaves from someone, and it wasn’t his uncle.
We all know what usually happens to fluffies who demand things from strangers.
Usually i am all for having the many suffer for the transgressions of the few when it comes to entitled shitrats but in this case seeing that idiot self combust from capsaicin poisoning is enough justice for me.
I would love to see him die from the capsaicin… idk if thsts possible but basically just it like a volcano on the other end and cant quench the fire on his tongue via milk or water
I have had some luck with lamb garnished with parsley & bhut chili ( removing the ghost before consumption by the fluff-stomached )
This is why you don’t give shit rats an inch because they’ll take a mile.
That’s a weird description for ‘strawberry’
That is a fun fact
If it’s possible for a human being to die from extreme amounts of capsaicin, like consuming 20 or more super hot chilies in a single sitting then it seems reasonable to me that a fluffy pony could die from exposure to way less.
we love to see a shithead suffer
im imagining him running around the yard screaming and shitting everywhere & the whole herd turns on him for breaking the agreement lol
i kinda doubt one hot pepper is enough to reform a bad smarty, but IF he survives, The Nice Mister is like “Did you learn your lesson? No? Time to die.”
iirc from college on capsaicin, Acorpion chillis are about 1,000,000 - 1,463,700 SHU on the Scoville Scale. A bit below a Carolina Reaper but waaaay more spicy than a Jalapeño. Based on this chart its in the upper end of the spice so this could actually kill him even if he drinks milk to try and neutralise it…a mare wont have enough to do that.
Chart for ref: