A punished baby - Chapter 2 (Commissioned for Reddith83r) (InfraredTurbine)

Sup everyone!
Hope you all be doing great!

Here’s chapter 2 for A punished baby, originally written by @Reddit-Word_H83r.
You can read it here and I recommend it!

You can also read the comic version of chapter 01 here.

Hope you like it, and there’s much more to come as soon as I can finished them.
Finally on vacation, been kinda sick and yesterday I discovered I’ve just got covid e.e’
I’m really sick, but surviving. Everything hurts and you feel sleepy/dizzy the whole day, and after that you end up just sleeping the whole day. Not the first time I got it, but the first time I wasn’t vaccinated, slept for almost 4 days straight E.E’
anyway, already taking the prescribed medication, in order to get better. Take care brus, be safe!


For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


Take your time! It’s more important to get better and healthy! No rush at all :slight_smile:


Fantasic as always.
Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Poor little bastard’s far too empathetic for this cruel, disgusting world.

And by God it is disgusting, solid work.


Great work. Take good care of yourself, I hope you get well soon.


Oh dear get well soon pal, rest ok :pray:


Yuk, get well soon.


Ah, I loved that story. Get better soon.

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Amazing as usual! :slight_smile:


This is my favorite ongoing story on the site so far :3


Fucking hell, what an ordeal


Another fantastic piece of what I consider the best sadbox series of our time! Take care, and I hope you get better soon.

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thank you man, I always look up to you as the best wumps abuser of this whole place <3
About covid, I’m already better, just coughing casually, which is irritating, but I’m alive

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Eternal torment for a perpetually damned creature. A wonderful thing to experience.

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His best hope is maybe to find a herd, and hope to god the smarty of that herd doesnt crush his skull as soon as he sees him, and that the mummahs will be willing to give milkies, and that the bestest babys in that herd dont see him a abusetoy… his chances aint great.

Hope this get continued at some point hes giving it a good attempt at living so far.

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Since the author has left I take there wont be a part 3?

I mean, yeah, the comic won’t be finished. Such a boomer. But the story was writen though. One can read the next 2 parts. It ends on chapter 4 in a kinda anticlimatic way, but all well. A dead shitrat is a dead shitrat regardless

yep, there won’t be a part 3, only written, sorry for that.

I actually didn’t leave, I appear here from shadows once in a lifetime nowadays xD busy as fuck nowadays tbh, 2 jobs, etc

This is excellent. Excited to see the next part!

Oh my god, I cannot wait for the next chapter. I love how WIddow Fabbo’s mind is being torn apart little by little by smells, imagery of fellow foals ended up as carcass and taking forever sleepies. Jesus the way he says babies are not meant for forever sleepies, I love it when foals or fluffies do that.