I really prefer physical media over digital, just a personal preference. I found out there is an entire group of people that hand bind their favorite fanfics and that seemed like an ideal way to preserve some of these stories.
To test out (and get my shitty work out of the way) I bound Brookshire Farms into a real book!
I made a few small mistakes, and I don’t have anything for the title on the cover right now (next payday ill order some iron on vinyl) but im pretty happy with it!
I have a few other stories printed and sewn up, I’ll post those when they’re finished!
That is beyond awesome! Ive always wanted to bibd a book, but I’ve been too daunted to try it. That’s beautiful work you did, and extra special since it’s your own writing. Standing ovation!
I really recommend it! It was a ton of fun and really not that hard! The worst part is all the specific tools and materials but a good chunk of them can be built yourself.
Actually I lied. Printing is the worst part. I think I’ve spent more on printer ink than on food this month.
I was thinking about posting my formatted versions of shit when I was done. Maybe once I had a better idea as to what the hell I’m doing a basic guide on making your own.
I feel a little weird about offering that for stories I didn’t write tho, maybe if the author is cool with it I will.
One of the rules of the group I learned from is that you have to offer a copy to the author, so my further works will be sent out to the authors (when I can contact them)
I don’t think that they have to be good to be worth preserving. I actually think the first half of Brookshire is kinda shit. I think it’s worth preserving because it exists.
I like the idea, I can imagine having some of the most graphic stories from this site in a beautifully designed book and having it in my house, so that some gossipy person who grabs it without consent will have it and the first thing they read is something like “so the red pegasus proceeded to rape a bunch of little foals on Christmas Eve” hahahahahahaha.
But seriously, there are several sagas here that would be well worth preserving in a physical book.
Holy crap! This is really important, actually, and unfortunately you’ve changed the game for me forever. Maybe our works on Fluffy Community can be just as valuable as “real” books.