A Shining pearl ( Gal-with-pastels)

@NekuChan I really wanted to make you an aqua fluffy after seeing some of you’re aqua fluffy Art, And so i did. Here is a little of her backstory.

pearla was part of a feral sea fluffy herd which was run by a Smarty and his second in command a toughy . Her mother was caught by a fisherman just as Pearla was maturing into an Adolescent. the smarty and his second in command decided to give the prettiest Mare in they’re heard “ Special hugs.” whether she liked it or not. After Surprisingly not Exploding from the Doubled amount of foals she was carrying, The herd abandoned pearla as she Required More food due to her pregnancy


Here’s hoping she doesn’t get nose jabbed by hungry dolphins until she pays out.

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Let us pray

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Jesus I hope that Smarty got turned into fuckin calamari.

Pearl is cute, it’s a hard life ahead of her but here’s hoping she can pull through.


She is so cute with such a tragic backstory, unfortunatly I don’t see much of a bright side for a pregnant seafluff without food and unable to move at open sea…

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Thought she washes ashore and is taken in by someone, that maybe ends up owning her

She’s gonna be fished just like her mom, isn’t she? And someone will squeeze her until her babies come out, whether or not it’s time.

You know what time it is don’t you ?